Pretty gorgeous

"I'm feeling way better",  Carey informed Fiona as she dried herself.

"Where are the outfits...?" Fiona asked her.

" I only have two black dresses and a read one. Have a look at this and tell me which is the best of them all", Carey removed the dresses from her closet.

"I definitely like this...You should try it", Fiona pointed at the black dress she admired.

" Wow....!!!! you really look good in it", Fiona praised Carey as she turned around the mirror to look at herself.

"I love this too, it's really comfy and stylish ", Carey decided to wear that particular dress.

"You're already up....", Cindy gaped as she glanced at Carey.

"I did... long ago. I'm now doing hair and makeup", Carey informed her.

"You could have woken me up", Cindy frowned after seeing Fiona.

"Don't worry Fiona is helping me out ", Carey politely told her.

"You can go back to sleep, sleeping beauty", Fiona mocked her.

" I won't ", Cindy sat on the bed showing faces at Fiona.

"You even came with all these", Cindy was shocked.

"Yeah, Carey really needed me", Fiona grinned at her.

"Which shade of eye shadows do you prefer...?" Fiona cautioned Carey as she opened up her makeup kit.

" I would love that faint red shade", Carey pointed at the shade she was referring to.

"That will be really awesome cause it matches your outfit. I love it ", Fiona started applying concealer on Carey's face.

"Cindy... how does she look...?" Fiona asked Cindy. As she had completed applying makeup on Carey.

"Spectacular she looks amazing", Cindy was impressed by the way Carey looks.

" I'm sure Ryan will be drooling at you especially cause of your booty", Cindy teased Carey.

"Huh.... hell no. I'm sure he will have another girl there with him", Carey denied that Ryan liked her at all.

"Never be sure until you prove it", Fiona searched for a comb to blow-dry Carey.

"The style really looks good on you. The curls are really amazing. You'll rock this party", Cindy told Carey as Fiona finished making her hair.

"Thanks a lot for helping me in this Fiona. I really owe you a lot", Carey  appreciated her.

"What are friends for...", Fiona grinned at her.

"I better go", Carey said as she took her clutch bag. It's red in color, her dress has a long slit on the left side of the leg. It showed her thigh really well. Carey looks like a princess. No, she is actually a princess ready for prince charming to come and take her away. Her face glittered like diamonds. She actually shined brighter than a diamond. Her beauty is beyond the normal imagination its so perfect.

"Good luck baby girl", Cindy hugged her.

"Your amazing... doll", Fiona told her as she left for the party.

"Damn ouu... my, I've never seen a place like this before. I'm even embarrassed. I hope won't mess things around. This place is really for the wealthy. I'm not used to such luxurious parties. Relax.... relax... you can do this", Carey spoke to herself as she was heading to the dinner party.

"What's your name madam...?"A guy at the entrance questioned Carey.

" You may now enter, your name is among the guests", the guy directed her to enter.

"Thanks..", Carey lightly smiled at him as she headed inside.

"Hey....may I", a lady who seemed to be like an usher in the party talked to Carey.

"Fine", Carey accepted the lady's request. She took her to an empty table. Everything at that place was designed perfectly. It was amazing the arrangements of the plates and dishes were just incredible.

"Hey pretty lady may I ", a young gorgeous guy requested Carey if he could join her.

"Yeah", Carey nodded in agreement.

"I'm Louis", He smiled at her while pecking her hand.

"Am Carey...", Carey lightly smiled at him.

"Pleasure meeting you. You're so amazing and pretty. I spotted you from afar", Louis commented Carey.

"Thanks, you look more gorgeous ", Carey flirted the guy.

"Huh... really.. you're just flattering me. Arent you.... princess", Louis winked at her.

"No... am serious", Carey chuckled.

"Are you an employee... or Ryan's friend cause have never seen you before", Louis raised a brow at Carey.

"Nope, I'm not an employee nor Ryan's friend. We actually met yesterday and he invited me over", Carey informed him.

"That's so unlike him", Louis raised a brow.

"It was a trade fair. Yesterday I was representing this brand on the fair. I think he was impressed cause I sold lots of perfumes in a short period of time", Carey informed him.

"That's nice tell me more about yourself. What do you do...?" Louis asked Carey.

"Ummm a first-year student pursuing surgical medicine currently, I work as a booth babe as a side hustle when I'm not on campus. There's nothing much about me", Carey concluded.

" I'm impressed you're doing surgical medicine....!!!! that's great as for me I'm in third year pursuing business administration. My brother insisted that I do that so that can help him in his brand", Louis informed her.

"That's good too. Who is your brother", She raised a brow at him.

"It's Ryan Diamond", Louis answered her.

"What.... you are Ryan's brother that's hard to believe", Carey couldn't hide that she was surprised Louis was the younger brother of Ryan diamond.

"You ain't the first person to be shocked about it", Louis chuckled.

"Let's serve ourselves...Shall we", Louis signaled Carey to allow him to hold her hand in a tight grip.

"Yeah", she smiled standing.

"Your incredibly pretty", Loius stared at Carey as they walked.

"Thanks stop staring at me that way. You make me shy", Carey chuckled.

"Fine will give you this look", Louis gave her a frowned look.

"That's better", She chuckled.

"Yeah.... princess", He smirked at her.

"Hey, Louis... I see you have a gorgeous girlfriend", Ryan glanced at them.

"Yeah, bro at least wont to be bored at the party cause of her", Louis informed Ryan as he stared at Carey.

"Your Carey so your my little brother's girlfriend. I remember you.... we met at the trade Fair", Ryan stretched out his hand to shake Carey's.

"Yeah... it's me you invited me", She mumbled.

"I'm glad you came. We have a lot to talk about", He said as he glimpsed at the way Louis was staring at Carey.

"Yes sir", She said.

"No just call me Ryan", Ryan notified her.

"For how long have you been seeing  each other...", Ryan raised a brow at Carey.

"Huh.... we have...", Carey didn't finish talking.

"Just today", Louis told Ryan smirking.

"Oou... that's good I thought you are a couple", Ryan smirked at Carey.

"No, we ain't", She smiled at him.

"You may now go and grab something", Ryan said to them as he left their sight.

"Do you like him huh..!!?" Louis raised a brow at Carey.

"Seriously hell no... I'm not. Why ask that...!" she hastily declined it.

"It's cause he never gave you the look he gives his other staffs", Louis said.

"Nope, I think it's just your imaginations", Carey said as they went back to their table.

"I am a guy and I know what I am saying", Louis pointed out.

"I see him more of my boss. We can never be a couple", Carey chuckled.

"I hope so cause I like you", Louis winked at her.

"Whaaat...", Carey mumbled in shock.

"Yeah .... give me your number first", He requested her.

"At least we can get in touch....", Louis smirked as he dialed her number.

"That's mine wanted to be sure..", He smirked at her.

"Your silly prince ", She chuckled.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the fifth anniversary of Diamonds perfumes. Hope you have all grabbed something as we are about to start...", A young vibrant lady spoke.

"We will first watch the journey of Mr. Ryan towards making Diamond's a success...", The lady signaled them to applause Ryan as they started watching the clip.

"Can you applause Mr. Ryan for his hard work..", The lady requested the audience.

"I will first call the managing director to talk more on behalf of Mr. Ryan the founding director of Diamond perfumes..", The lady said as a young man went to address them.

"Is everyone working at diamond a youngster...", Carey whispered.

"Yeah, the founder is young as well....", Louis chuckled.

"Yeah...", Carey giggled.

"I have to go now before the rooms are closed...", Carey whispered as she was amused at the time.

"Princess relax don't leave me alone here. We will go to my place", Louis offered her.

"What...!!! no..i I better go", She insisted.

"Nop I refuse. I won't bite you or something why are you afraid of me", Louis was hurt by Carey.

"No, it's not that. I just don't know you that's it", She wasn't sure if it was a good idea to go to his place.

"Trust me. You will be fine", Louis placed his hand on her thigh assuring her that he is a trustworthy person.

"Fine I accept", Carey accepted in defeat.