Why am I so popular

"Here we are...", Carey informed him as they entered the campus.

" It looks pretty. This campus is huge", Louis said as Carey directed him to the parking place.

"Thanks for the ride", Carey thanked him.

"You welcomed princes", He grinned at her.

"Bye can't wait to see you again", Louis grinned at her.

"Same here, you will be seeing more of me since will work with your brother", Carey pointed out that.

"Glad to hear that. Goodbye princess", Louis pecked her.

"Cindy....sleepy head waky waky.....", Carey yelled surprising Cindy.

"Wow! baby girl your back", Cindy was excited to see her.

"Yeah, love am back", Carey grinned at her.

"Are those Ryan's clothes your wearing", Cindy lifted a brow interrogating her keenly.

"Nope... it's not his", Carey nodded in disagreement.

"Who is it then...", Cindy raised a brow.

"I will tell you all about it in the evening. I need to rush", Carey assured her.

"You never miss lectures. I forgot", Cindy chuckled.

"Absolutely will never", Carey agreed.

"You ain't taking breakfast....", Cindy raised a brow.

"No, I already took it in his place", Carey smiled at her.

"Goodbye ...see you later", Carey took her notebook and left.

"That girl is weird. Will just go late for that lecture...", Cindy spoke to herself as she woke up.

" Who is that....aaaggghh..", Cindy patted her head as she opened the door.

"Mmmhh...Sasha!!! what do you want....?" Cindy was annoyed.

"Where is she....?" Sasha checked out confirming, if Carey was in the room.

"When she comes back. Tell her was here", Sasha pointed out as she headed to the door.

"Just go...", Cindy yelled.

"The fuck...!!! no one yells at me. Do you hear little girl", Sasha stared at Cindy with devilish eyes scaring her.

"Fine....", Cindy fumbled.

"Good, so don't awaken my bitter demons",Sasha stared at Cindy with her eyes wide opened.

"Mmm....", Cindy mumbled.

"Hey Carey....", Blake waved at Carey as she was heading at the back seats.

"Oouu thanks Blake", Carey smiled at him.

"How was your weekend", He whispered.

"It was fantastic", Carey said.

"Oou nice mine was fabulous...", He grinned at her.

"Glad it was fab...", Carey fake smiled cause she wanted to be more attentive.

"Can we talk after the lecture ends", Carey whispered.

"Can we hang out...now", Blake gave Carey a begging look.

"Yeah, we can. My next lecture is in an hour", Carey told him as they made their way out of the lecture hall.

" Woow...thanks", Blake was excited.

"Where are we heading to....", Carey anticipated for his response.

"The garden...", Blake informed her.

"Never been there i love gardens", Carey smiled at him.

"Thank you...", Carey appreciated Blake who moved the chair for her to sit on.

" Huuh... I just want to spend more time with you", Blake smirked at Carey.

"Mmm...woow!!! am speechless as friends we can really get along", Carey grinned at him.

"Besides studying what else do you do?"Blake questioned Carey.

"Aaammm I do gigs on weekends", Carey answered him paying attention to how he stared at her.

" You are giving me a weird look", Carey expressed herself.

"I just find you so pretty...", He licked his lips.

"Not now...", She gave him a frowned look.

"What do you do....", Carey raised a brow at him.

"Am a commercial model", Blake smiled at her waiting for her expression.

"You must be kidding me. Really...,"Carey gaped in shock.

" No... am serious. Look at me here", Blake scrolled showing Carey his pictures on the runway.

"Woow.... you so cute", Carey praised him making him grin.

"That coming from you. I can believe it", Blake giggled.

"Why... what am I", Carey chuckled.

"Your the prettiest girl on this campus", Blake informed her.

"You're just flattering me", She denied it though she knew deep down it was real.

"Believe me, I am so serious about it. Do you know how people talk about you around. You will be thrilled", Blake smirked at her.

"It's cause of that contest which I didn't want to participate in the first place. Cause of it am having troubles in this campus", Carey touched her forehead in a worried mood.

"You can tell me about it", Blake smiled at her assuring her he was ready to listen to her worries and what troubles her.

" There is Sasha who is a bully and wants me to be her lover so bad. It's so frustrating cause I am so straight and ain't interested. Aiden who calls himself the campus king. He insists that I must be his girl though I don't want too. Its as if he is forcing me to be with him", Carey explained sighing.

"That's so unfortunate. Being pretty is also troubling. Is Aiden the guy that you came with that day....", Blake lifted a brow her.

"Yeah, that's him...", Carey nodded.

"Relax take it easy don't let people make your life here a living hell. Tough up and be the lady that can't be stepped down on or treated like a roach", Blake placed his hand on hers squeezing it firmly.

" Thanks for hearing me out..", Carey grinned at him.

"Count me as your friend. Don't feel shy to tell me anything", Blake smiled at her.

"Thanks", Carey hugged him.

"Hey are you two a couple...", Dana questioned them standing beside Carey.

" No... we are just good friends", Carey snickered.

"Oou that's great hey...", Dana grinned at Blake while greeting him.

"Hi...", Blake smirked at her.

"See you later", Blake pecked Carey's cheek.

"Wow....a friend indeed...", Dana couldn't accept that Carey and Blake were just friends.

"It's just an innocent peck on the cheek...", Carey chuckled.

"I see that innocence in him..", Dana giggled.

"How have you been....", Dana asked her.

" Been doing great what about you...", Carey asked her.

"Fine as well can't complain...", Dana faintly grinned.

"My next lecture is about to start...", Carey informed her.

"Nice let's walk together as I am going to my room", Dana said as she joined Carey in the walk.

"This campus is huge a walk to the lecture halls are tiring", Carey complained.

"Its good for your body", Dana chuckled.

"I guess so...", Carey smiled.

"Finally am done for the day...", Carey laid on her bed after arriving from her last lecture.

" What did I do with Louis that guy is so charming couldn't resist him. Unlike Aiden, he is calmer and has less drama. I hope won't see that Aiden for a while", Carey thought to herself as she gazed at the wall.

"Waky waky sleeping beauty...", Cindy patted Carey's shoulder as she tried to wake her up.

" Have bought food.... you wanna eat...", Cindy grinned at her.

"Imma so hungry...", Carey stood awaiting for Cindy to serve her.

"Tell me all about it", Cindy raised a brow at her after serving the meal.

"Fine... let me tell you all about it after the meal", Carey requested Cindy while taking in the fresh fries.

"You must be kidding me.

Wow..!! you made out with the younger brother of Ryan Diamond", Cindy was amazed by Carey's tale.

" Yeah.... at least he made my stay there at the party fun", Carey tried to justify herself.

"The story seems more interesting than I thought it would be...", Cindy crossed her hands while she sat on her bed.

"Same here didn't think I would go that far with him. He was hard to resist...", Carey grinned eagerly waiting for Cindy's comments.

"You had fun that was amazing. How did Ryan react after seeing you with his brother", Cindy asked her as she played with her doll.

" He was amused cause we were super close the entire time. We even danced and he told me to stop calling him sir or be so professional around him. He's a good guy though", Carey narrated her experience with Ryan.

"The brother how is he....", Cindy raised a brow.

" He is so cute and charming. I kinda like him...", Carey smiled at the thought of Louis Diamond.

"I am happy for you. At least you have found a great guy", Cindy was genuinely happy for her.

"Talking about guys. How are things between you and Arthur....", Carey raised the question.

"Ammm.... we are doing well. Actually, after you texted me yesternight that you wouldn't come. I called Arthur telling him I am lonely and he came over", Cindy grinned lightly.

"What happened wow....!!!", Carey asked her amazed.

" We cooked together then ate. He sang for me and I cried the entire time. Silly me. Afterward, we aham....", Cindy winked at her.

"Aham... you really love that word", Carey chuckled.

"Yeap it's hard for someone to understand what I really mean", Cindy clarified why she loves using that word.

"Sure I know....", Carey chuckled.

"I am glad you guys are doing well...", Carey pointed out.

"I am more glad dear. He is my prince charming. Words can't defy the love I have for him", Cindy grinned as she thought of Arthur.

"Oooh.... you should see how you look doing that....", Carey chuckled pointing at her.

"Love is making me do that", Cindy cracked up.

"Wow....!!! I hope you two will get married. I will be the best maiden I have already booked that spot", Carey pointed it out at Cindy who was thrilled.

" Whoo!!!!....yes you will. I hope that too", Cindy smiled.

"Sasha was here earlier...", Cindy's mood changed as she told Carey about Sasha.

" What...!!!! the hell really.....What did she want?" Carey was petrified.

"Obviously you... I don know buh we need to do something soon. Or else you will end up like Moline", Cindy told her seriously thinking of ways to stop Sasha's evil motives.

"Sure... I have to think about that too. She scares me a lot", Carey had a worried expression.

"Relax we will get through this, I promise you", Cindy embraced Carey comforting her.