What a luck....!!!

"What's your name....?" a well dressed and sophisticated lady questioned Carey.

"Am Carey Wayne", Carey informed the lady who was Ryan's Diamond personal secretary.

"Let me inquire from the boss and will get back to you. You can have a seat", The lady pointed at the seats.

"Thanks", Carey being the good  etiquetted lady thanked her.

"Wait for ten minutes, he will call you he's a bit busy right now...", The lady notified her.

"Thank you will wait....", Carey smiled.

"You may now call Miss Wayne...", Ryan called the lady via a landline.

"Alright sir she will be right there", the lady responded.

"Miss Wayne... you may now enter", The lady informed her as she directed her in the office.

"Thank you...", Carey thanked the lady as she entered in, finding Ryan Diamond sitted waiting for her. He smiled warmly at her as a professional that he is.

"You may take your seat", Ryan signaled her to sit.

"Thank you Mr. Ryan", Carey thanked him completely forgetting that he told her never to call him Mr.Ryan.

"You have already forgotten I told you never to call me Mr.Ryan. Just call me Ryan", Ryan grinned at her as he stood surprising Carey.

"How are you...?" He questioned her sitting near her on the office desk.

"Am well what about you...?" Carey replied.

"Doing well I presume", He smirked at her.

"You look so pretty and official today", Ryan informed her as he stared at her.

"Thanks", Carey's words were fumbled.

"As I told you at the party wanna hire you as the company's brand ambassador. Do you know what that job entails", He went back to his sit raising a brow at Carey.

"Not sure but I know it's representing the company in billboards", Carey spoke officially trying to calm down.

"Yeah that's a part of it but it entails more than that Miss Wayne", Ryan notified her.

"I have a contract. You will go with it and read everything in detail and come back on Thursday. Since your a student will want to know the times that your free", Ryan handed her the contract.

"I only have lectures during the morning sections. In the afternoon am free. On Friday I have one lecture which ends at 11 am", She informed him.

"That is good. I Will tell you everything on Thursday when you came",'Ryan notified her.

"Thank you really appreciate it", Carey thanked him.

"Your welcomed may you have a nice day", Ryan stretched his hand out for Carey.

"Thank you, Have a nice day", Carey shook his hand.

"Am I dreaming... this all seems to be a dream. Being a brand ambassador for Diamond perfumes. I will be well paid and can now afford my own fees. Mum will be so happy to hear about this but definitely, she will tell me to concentrate on my studies. And her endless lectures about being careful on campus. I have to tell my family about this when have signed the contract. Louis who is my charming prince. He is just an angel sent to make me happy. Since we talked yesterday on phone can't get him out of my mind. Aiden another crazy guy he makes me nervous and I don't know why. Right now I just want to be with Louis... I hope this dream never passes. I hope my life continues being wonderful as now", Carey thought to herself as she gazed outside while heading to campus.

"Baby doll woow....!!!! it's been long since I saw you...", Darwin hugged her tightly.

"Have missed you so much", Darwin smirked at her.

"Huuh.....!!!!! nice", Carey said as she didn't know what to tell him.

"The only thing you can say it's huuuh.....!! nice", He mocked the way she spoke making Carey crack up.

"What do you want me to tell you.....", Carey raised a brow at him.

"Good question tell me you miss me so much", He smirked at her as their strides we're slow while Carey leading the way to her room.

"Fine... I missed you", Carey was sarcastic. He went closer to her.

"Will came to see you later baby doll", He said as he pecked her on the lips.

"Huh!!!!", Carey blinked.

"Wasn't expecting that....", She said.

"You will see more than this. Won't let that Aiden guy have you...", He smirked at her.

"Aren't you going....", Carey raised a brow at Darwin.

"No, you are more important than where I was heading. I drop everything to just be around you", Darwin smirked at her.

"Fine suit yourself", Carey frowned at him.

"Want some ...", Carey served him the breakfast she prepared.

"Yes... would love this and mostly your morning kiss ", Darwin winked at her.

"You wish", She frowned.

"Huuh....baby doll will get it before we leave here", Darwin smiled licking his lips while staring at Carey.

"I have a boyfriend stop all this", Carey lied to him.

"I don't care if it's that Aiden. Let's face each other and let the best man win", Darwin smirked at her.

"Your crazy....!!!", Carey was surprised.

"Am crazy over you.....", He smiled.

"Crazy over me or crazy over my body", She raised a brow at him.

"Am both baby doll", He touched her chin making her look at him straight in the eyes.

"Will not argue over this. We better go I need to go....", Carey stood as she took her bag.

"Give me a good deep morning kiss first", Darwin demanded.

"Nope", Carey declined. He moved closer to her holding her firmly that she couldn't escape.

"Just accept it you liked it. You stop resisting it", Darwin concluded.

"Mmhh.... you wish", She lied though deep down she liked the smooch.

"Love you baby doll", He winked at her as they left the room.

"You may now I go I wanna enter the lecture",Carey signaled him to leave.

"Fine... give me a goodbye embrace", He demanded.

"Ugh.... what's wrong with you mmm... fine", Carey frowned hugging him as he wanted.

"See your baby doll", He said smirking at her.

"Hey...Carey, it's been long since I saw you", Daylan followed her as the lecture ended.

"Yeah... since I chose only morning classes that's why we've not seen each other lately", Carey pointed out.

"Uuuum.... yeah wanted to invite you to my friend's party. Will you join me please accept it....", Daylan gave her a begging.

"When will that be ....", She raised a brow.

"On Friday evening buh it will end after midnight", Daylan clarified about the party.

"Ummm that will be hard cause on Saturday morning will be heading somewhere else", Carey informed him

"That's not a problem. We will leave earlier, the time that is best for you. Will walk you home since it's inside the campus", Daylan insisted.

"Fine Daylan will come to the party", Carey accepted his invitation.

"Thanks so much your the best", He grinned at her.

"Mmmh just continue flattering me....", Carey chuckled.

"Hey girls....", Carey greeted Fiona and Cindy.

"Today I never found you in the room", Cindy pointed out.

"I went for an appointment at Diamonds", Carey informed her as she laid on her bed.

"Wow...!! I see", Cindy raised a brow.

"Yeah at the party Ryan requested me to be his brand ambassador....", Carey informed her.

"Really wow!!!! that's good news", Cindy stood surprised and happy.

"Wow congrats am so happy for you and what happened at that party.....", Fiona raised a brow as she headed to Carey's bed.

"I arrived and the party was so lit, spectacular and lavish. A guy joined me where I was and one thing led to another. I had a great time", Carey informed Fiona what happened at the party.

"No, you haven't told me the details", Fiona frowned.

"Fine will tell you everything even the bedroom matters", Carey chuckled.

"Yeah, girl want to know that too. Whoa, you were banged by that guy", Fiona was shocked opening her mouth wide open.

" No, I didn't do that being banged by a stranger hell no", Carey hastily replied.

"You haven't told her everything. That the guy is the younger brother of Ryan", Cindy pointed out.

"Whaaat...!!! really you go for big shots girl am so proud of you", Fiona tapped Carey's back excitedly.

"Yeah, you really had fun with him... huh!" Fiona raised a brow at Carey.

"Yeah girl I said to hell and did it. As long as he didn't bang me", Carey justified herself.

"When you meet his friends tell them am here.....", Fiona told Carey cracking up.

"I will... don't you.... have a boyfriend...", Carey raised a brow at her.

"I don't we broke up", Fiona said.

"You will get one soon", Carey assured her.

"I wish you the best in the upcoming deal", Fiona once again congratulated Carey.

"Bye good night....", Fiona waved at them as she left the room.

"Your lucky charm is doing well. Can you tell me your secret", Cindy looked at Carey anticipating for the secret.

"There is no charm or something. I just pray to God for a favor every day and he hears me out", Carey informed her.

"Really... I will start doing that too", Cindy said as she headed to her bed.

"Yeah do that and your life will be better than it is now", Carey reminded her.