
"Hey... Good morning. So you can sing huuuh.....", Carey yawned as Cindy was singing.

"Hey good morning baby girl", Cindy grinned at her all psyched up.

"What's making you so happy....", Carey raised a brow at her as she woke up.

"Nothing really am just happy", Cindy grinned pretending to act all cool.

"I know why your so excited...", Carey winked at her.

"Why...", Cindy raised a brow at her.

"It's cause of aham.... it was satisfied this round ", Carey giggled.

"Your silly...", Cindy cracked up.

"I know right. I know you....", Carey chuckled.

"You do can't deny that... Am so happy and Arthur makes me happy this time round we didn't get intimate", She informed her that she was wrong.

"Aaaah... what else did you", Carey lifted a brow at her.

"We spent the whole night chatting, watching movies and maybe bickering", She chuckled.

"Woow... you two really connect", Carey pointed out.

"Yes... he's my soul mate. So yah", Cindy pointed out.

"Soul mate aaah... is that thing real...", In her world she thought soul mates wasn't a real thing.

"Yes... it's so real", Cindy nodded. "Go shower before we be late...".

They arrived on time and all was well just like last weekend. Vera didn't talk much, though they reached out to her. They decided to let her be and stopped wanting to be near her. They didn't understand why she excluded herself. What were friends for, if she couldn't share what she was going through. They did what she wanted. To be given space and have some alone time.

Carey was a booth babe for another perfume industry but not diamond. Her sales went quite well and she made a good amount of money. Cindy and Fiona, we're excited cause they made more money than they did before. They kept insisting that Carey had a lucky charm though she denied it.

"We should go shopping really soon. Am out of clothes...", Cindy pointed out as they were exiting the venue of the trade fair.

"Let's do it the coming week", Fiona  suggested.

"Definitely would love it. I need better clothes than this", Carey glimpsed at her sweatpants.

"Yeah... I will help you with that. Am good when it comes to designing and makeup... I got this just trust me", Fiona praised herself.

"Fine... madam designer", Carey giggles staring at Cindy's grimaced face.

"And I am good in hair and makeup....", Cindy informed her frowning at Fiona.

"That's great you two should watch out for makeup gigs...", Carey suggested.

"What do you mean by that....", Fiona raised a brow.

"I mean applying make up on people in events at a fee...", Carey explained. "Have you two thought of that before".

"Uumm... yeah that's a great idea. I have never thought of that ", Cindy gazed thinking of what Carey told her.

"Cause your damn stupid", Fiona giggled.

"Your more stupid girl. You didn't come up with the idea", Cindy chuckled as they highlighted the bus.

"Will think about that. Thanks, Carey for the idea. Your lucky charm is really working well", Fiona pointed out.

"There is no lucky charm and ain't a witch", Carey chuckled.

"Fiona... wait let me follow you. I have never come to your room", Carey surprised her.

"Definitely let's go wow...!!" Fiona was amazed by her having an interest in her.

"Will come too...", Cindy followed them.

"Wow it's fancy....", Carey's eyes popped out staring at her room.

A small bed with two decorated girly pillows. It was neatly made and had a decorated doted duvet. A large doll that was the form of a chair.

"Wow... I love this", Carey sat on the doll hugging it tightly. "Cindy... ain't going back with you".

"Just remain here bitch don't need yah", Cindy pointed out.

"Fuck you", Carey frowned.

"Thanks, I stay here alone....", Fiona informed her.

"Ooh, that's why there is only one bed", She found it strange.

"Yeap ", Fiona grinned.

"Why...", Carey raised a brow at her. "Aaaah".

"I just love it this way", Fiona informed her.

"You will be bored", Carey assured her.

"No... she wouldn't", Cindy assured her. "I thought that too. Buh look at her now. Still staying alone".

"Will juice be fine...", Fiona lifted a brow at Carey.

"Yeah... why not", Carey nodded.

"Thanks ....", Carey thanked her as she took a sip of the juice.

" Fiona.., Carey is now the brand ambassador of Diamond perfumes", Cindy informed Fiona making her amused.

"Wow..... that's great news. Am so happy for you girl...", Fiona grinned at her.

"Thank you", Carey appreciated.

"Hey Carey since you went to campus, you forgot about us...", Carey's mum spoke over the phone.

"Hey, mum sorry been busy. Alot has happened since I arrived here...", Carey apologized for being quiet.

"At least you remembered me... finally", Her mum sighed.

"Yeah, mum, I got a job and do it on weekends",Carey notified her mum as she gasped in surprise.

"What kind of job is that?" She questioned her.

"It's a brand ambassador job for a perfume company...", Carey replied.

"Whaaat....!!! really that's amazing am so happy to hear that ", Carey's mum was amazed.

"Yeah, mum as so excited too..", Carey mumbled.

"Talk later mum. Good night and love you", Carey told her.

"Good night baby. And remember to be always a good girl and keep off from bad company and boys", Carey's mum lectured her.

"Mum....", she ended the call.

"It was a long call", Cindy commented.

"Yeah my mum is always lecturing me... Aaaagghh do this don't do that shit",Carey giggled.

"Oou as always my mum is exactly the same. She talks for long like a radio station", Cindy chuckled.

"This is so funny they are just amazing though", Carey said as she laid on her bed.

The following day they went back to work as normal. This round Carey didn't sell a lot as she expected.

"Am so happy we are done for today..", Carey said as she laid on her bed.

"Yes, it's really true that nothing comes on a silver platter", Cindy yawned.

"Yeah... it's better being tired than having nothing...", Carey informed her.

"Absolutely, How was the party that day...", Cindy raised a question.

"It was awesome. The guy that invited me over was cool. We played truth or dare and was dared to kiss him, I did that. Afterward, he started asking for another one. I just did it so that he could let me be and leave. He started acting stubborn which irritated me...", Carey narrated.

"That's nice the boy fell for you...", Cindy chuckled.

" It's not, i don't want that anymore from this dudes", Carey rolled her eyes.

"Just be careful around them.....", Cindy warned her.

"Yes mum...", Carey agreed.