
"Imagine my folks are planning to open another hospital in another country. I just couldn't believe it , this is a good idea they're growing quite well in that business. My dad wants to relocate there he was saying that the other country is so suitable for us to grow, which I don't want at all. As usual, my mum supported him.They didn't ask me if I'm ready to go there or transfer. He was claiming will transfer to this campus branch in that other country. I told him ,I can't just move there with them. I told him frankly to move there without me and he was annoyed. It's really annoying cause, I am an adult now. I have a lot going on here and I can't just move.They were claiming it will be next year", Aiden informed Mason frustrated.

"Be sincere.... tell them you don't feel like relocating to another place. Wow! yes I know that's a good thing but you don't have to follow them. You are now over eighteen man. If you feel that you want to settle down here, it's up to you. Your no longer a child to be doing what your parents want.Tell them to go without you. You can suggest that you manage the hospital here when you graduate", Mason advised Aiden.

"I never thought of that actually will tell them, I wanna manage the hospital that is here not the new one. Thanks for hearing me out", Aiden thanked him delighted with his idea.

"You welcomed dude. I know am a genius", He smirked.

"You just love praising yourself", Aiden faintly chuckled.

"About your folks did they reconcile...?" Aiden raised a brow at Mason.

" No... they decided to get a divorce finally", Mason replied rather disturbed cause of his parent's divorce.

"Sorry just man up. You will be fine man. I'm here... if you need someone to talk to....", Aiden tapped his shoulder encouraging him that all will be well.

" I just knew there was another woman in the picture. He has a seven-year-old child with the other woman. I really pity my mum. I will support her in any way I can. I will be going home more frequently on some weekends cause, I'm the only child. I don't want her to be depressed due to loneliness" Mason sighed.

"Yeah, that's a very good idea. It will really help her please do that....", Aiden advised him.

"That's enough of the folk talks", Aiden giggled as he tried to cheer Mason up.

"Who is the new girl? That you are rolling with this time", Mason questioned Aiden.

"She's just a random girl. I met her at a dating site", Aiden responded.

" I see... so you decided to let go of Carey", Mason raised a brow at him.

"Nope... I even don't know if I'm still interested in her or not. I know I want her cause she's so hot. About that girl, I met just wanted someone to bang. She didn't disappoint me, I was so thrilled by her. I need to bang her again", Aiden licked his lips.

"Woah... she was really good there. That's nice you've found a banging mate. Talking about girls... Harley came looking for you. I just saw the way she looked so desperate for you. She was pleading me to beg you to take her back", Mason informed Aiden as he stood from his bed.

"I am no longer interested in Harley. She can go to hell for all I care. She cheated on me and that's so unacceptable", Aiden pointed it out.

"I know.... dude, it's really irritating a girl cheating on you. I know we are so selfish, we normally cheat like all the time but if a girl does it. We won't accept it but if they catch us doing the act, we expect them to forgive us. Buh you should give her a second chance. She's so into you",  Mason advised him as he wore his jacket.

"Of course, its the manpower dude. Wait... hell ho ain't going back to that Harley girl", Aiden responded grinning evilly.

" I have to go and meet my girl", Mason informed him as he headed outside.

"Fine dude, go grab that cookie really well ", Aiden giggled.

"You know me...., am the worst of them all", Mason smirked.

"I think... I'm crushing on someone", Dana informed Carey.

"Who is that guy....", Carey questioned her curiously.

" As we were at the ice cream parlor with my sis. We saw this guy, who's from this campus too. My sis informed me that many girls really admire him and to tell you the truth he was so cute. Unfortunately, he had another girl. I was so frustrated after I saw them behaving all lovey-dovey around themselves. Later my sister told me that probably the girl was a one-night stand. I really hope that was true cause can't mind being the next on the list", Dana gazed at Carey as she told her about the guy she's crushing on.

"I see someone is in love. Hell!! no...!!!! don't even think of being a one night stand. Don't allow yourself to be used by these guys because he's cute. There are a lot of cute guys here", Carey advised her.

"Your talking sense. Will indirectly make the guy notice me", Dana said chuckling.

"Yeah... that's better", Carey nodded in agreement. "Don't degrade yourself for a campus guy who is just into your pussy".

"Do you have a boyfriend...?" Dana raised a brow at Carey.

"Huh... I don't have one", Carey informed her.

"I'm sure you'll get one soon", Dana grinned at her.

"I hope so buh he won't be from this campus", Carey articulated ascertain of it.

"Huh.... why not", Dana raised a brow at her.

"Most of the guys from this campus are jerks. The experiences have been through taught me that I can't find a genuine guy here", Carey was ascertain of her words.

"Waaah... that's bad what are the experiences...", Dana raised a brow at her.

"They are so many will tell you later....", Carey informed her as she stared at Harley who was heading towards her.

" Look who we have here....", Harley grinned at Carey as she sat beside her.

"Heiiy.... girl", she waved at Dana.

"Hey...", Dana half smirked at her.

"It's been long since I saw you", Harley said as she glanced at Carey.

"Yeah we only met  once I think at that party", Carey lifted a brow at her.

"Mmmhh... yeah...", Carey mumbled cause she never knew what to tell her.

"Am so glad saw you. Do you mind hanging with me and my girls over the weekend", Harley requested her.

" Will be kinda busy during the weekend", Carey informed her.

" Fine.... can you give me your number. We will communicate the day that you will be free we meet", Harley insisted.

"Okay thanks see ya", Harley waved at her as she left.

" Who the hell was that", Dana questioned Carey.

"She won the best dressed last year. At the party, she came and introduced herself to me claiming that we can be friends. I find it weird cause she's trying all her best to be closer to me. I don't even like her at all", Carey informed her pissed off. "Buh... one of the guys whose been pursuing me so much is her ex boyfriend".

" Whaaat... just avoid her. She was giving you a weird look. It seemed weird cause she was so enlightened seeing you. It's not all about winning at the party. I think she's to no good at all", Dana advised Carey.

"I will be careful around her my instincts tell me the same as you think. She is to no good", Carey thought out loud.

"My next lecture is about to start", Dana informed her.

"Same here let's go though I don't feel like leaving the garden".

"This is my favorite spot here", Dana informed her as her strides became faster.

"Same here I really love the cool breeze. You're walking fast", Carey pointed out.

"Just fasten your strides we don wanna late", Dana lightly grinned.