
"Do you take this....", Aiden shook a bottle of wine smirking at Carey.

"What do you take me for a child huuuh....!!!", Carey furrowed her brows angry over Aiden's comment.

"Try me....", Carey challenged Aiden raising her brows at him.

"Bitch... relax", She lightly chuckled.

"Aaaah... what's funny", He raises a brow popping the bottle.

"Nothing....", She lied.

"Alright, grown lady. Take this glass first and let's see if you will be sober....", Aiden dared her.

"Game on", She took the glass and started drinking the wine. She took it all in shocking Aiden.

"Wow...!! that's a shocker didn't expect you would finish  all that fast", She amused him. He couldn't believe the 'good' girl was acting all 'bad'.

"You don't know many things about me", Carey smirked.

"Yeah... I see that baby girl and I need to know more right..!!", He winked at her.

"Yeah as friends it can be fine", Carey told him grinning weirdly.

"Thanks for coming though, if it wasn't for you. I don' wanna imagine what would be of me now...", She twirls with her hair staring at his portrait.

"Wow... it's your parents pic and yours. Didn't know your such a darling".

"I love them so much ", He pointed out.

"You the only child...", She raised a question.


"Can't imagine that sapphist making out with you...", Aiden frowned staring at her more making her feel uncomfortable.

"That's so bad. I'm so straight can't imagine that as well", Carey said as she signaled Aiden to add more wine in her wine glass.

"No, I don't want you to be tipsy...", Aiden refused.

"Please.....", Carey gave him a pleasing look soothing him.

"Fine only one...", Aiden agreed to pour more wine.

"You the best...", She gave him a flying kiss.

"I loved the way you embraced me  tightly as I arrived at the washroom", He informed her.

"Mmmhh... I was .... just terrified", Carey said not wanting to make Aiden feel special cause of the embrace.

"Are you sure or there is more to that....", Aiden raised a brow at her chuckling.

"Yes am sure...You told me that you would protect me from Sasha. That's why I called you..", Carey clarified.

"Am so enlightened to hear that honey bunch", Aiden blinked at her.

"Aaaah...", Carey screamed yawning terrifying Aiden who stared at her in shock.

"What's wrong... your acting strange. Are you tipsy...", Aiden stares at her eyes. "You are tipsy I knew it".

"Am not tipsy baby boy", She smirked at him winking at him like a crazy woman.

"Mmmhh you are tipsy. You have never called me baby boy before", Aiden couldn't believe what he just heard, her calling him baby boy.

"I did in my dreams...", She grinned at him. "Stupid why are you telling him", She thought out loud.

"Tell me more about the dream...", Aiden raised a brow at her as he went closer to her placing his hand on her thigh.

"Stop....! don't touch me man", Carey laughed swatting his hands away.

"Tell me about the dream I wanna hear it", Aiden pleaded.

"This is the best time to know how she feels about me...", Aiden glanced at Carey whose eyes were a bit red and sleepy.

"Mmmhh... baby boy. So in the dream... I saw that we made out. I kissed you and you licked my aham...", Carey chuckled.

"Whaat.. !!! wow that's great. What happened next?" Aiden raised a brow at her.

"Nothing happened I won't tell you.....", Carey frowned removing her tongue out.

"Please tell me your dream....", Aiden insisted wanting to know if Carey liked him.

"Mmhh... fine your so stubborn. Am telling you", She giggled tapping his shoulder.

"Am glad you normally like me huh...", Aiden questioned the drunk Carey who seemed sleepy not paying attention to what he was saying.

"Wake up....", Aiden tapped her back to wake her up.

"Uuugghh... why can't you let me sleep. I need some beauty sleep...", Carey frowned at Aiden.

"Mmh fine, you can sleep on my bed", he carried her bridal style placing her on his bed.

"Your the best baby boy", She pecked him on the lips sending a spark in Aiden.

"Mmhh... your the best too baby girl", He covered her placing the pillow on her head.

"Your still cute when asleep", Aiden spoke to the sleeping Carey. "But I can't understand this. Why do I feel this way whenever I see you. From the first day... yes your beauty attracted me buh I felt more than that. Though was confused thinking it was your big booty making me feel this way. Buh was wrong... your resistance towards me made me like you more. You are a very decent lady", He thought carressing her hair.

"Whaaat .....!!! am I doing with you in bed", Carey was astonished as she turned seeing Aiden sleeping beside her.

"Wake up... you jerk", She patted his back making him gasp out loud as he opened his eyes.

"What are you doing...", Aiden stared at Carey as she was checking her mini her.

"Am checking if you fucked me, cause can't remember anything", Carey furrowed her brows at Aiden.

"Your nuts", He chuckled over her crazy act.

"I know... it's good to be sure. It seems we did nothing. Am so glad", Carey half smirked at him.

"We didn't even kiss. You thought I would take advantage of you.....", He raised a brow at her.

"Yes...", She nodded hastily.

"Well... you were so wrong about me. Am not an asshole as you thought huuuh....", He corrected her as he left the bed.

"Can see that", Carey said not believing that Aiden didn't take advantage of her when he had the chance too. He let her sleep on his bed and didn't even touch her. This seemed so unreal to Carey. The Aiden she knows is a don't care and a bossy guy who thinks only of himself. She has never seen this side of him. The good side of Aiden who knows how to control himself. The Aiden who's protective of the ones he loves. The Aiden who isn't crazy. The Aiden who was descent and that made her feel he was not that bad as she thought he was.

"Thank you for allowing me to sleep here", Carey thanked him as she took her bag wanting to leave.

"Stay and take my breakfast please..", Aiden pleaded placing her bag on his bed.

"I will", Carey agreed going over to help him prepare the breakfast.

"Thank you pretty doll", He winked at her.

"Mmmhh yeah Aiden...", Carey growled.

"Call me baby boy like yesternight", He teased her.

"Nop she took the bowl and started mixing the dough ignoring him.

"Stop pretending that you didn't hear me. You told me everything I needed to hear yesternight", Aiden chuckled shocking Carey.

"What did I say...?" Carey pleads Aiden to tell her about what she said but he declines it.

"Won't split it up", He nods as he prepares the peaches syrup.

"Huh.... what's that you're adding.....", Carey raised a brow at Aiden.

"Its peaches wanna make a peaches syrup it's so delicious", He winked at her while finishing mixing the mixture.

"Mmmhh... nice you're a chef too", Carey stared at him with an impressed look.

"Yes, I am my baby girl . I can be your chef if you allow me to....", he smirked at her.

"Wait... ain't your baby girl. We are just friends", She notifies him

"Why you playing so hard to get on me", He raised the question.

"You aint my type", She answers him.


"Fine will be coming for cooking lessons", She informs him.

"Woow...!!! that will be excellent will be seeing more of you baby girl", He winked at her.

"Mmh... ", Carey mumbled.

"Yummy.... this is so tasty...", Carey said as she ate the peaches syrup for breakfast with chapati roll.

" Your yummier than the meal", He smirked staring at her.

"You always have to flirt", Carey pouted.

"No... I just like you. Can't you see that by now", He winked at her.

"Yeah as the way Daylan, Louis, George, Blake, and the other guys like me huh...!" Carey furrowed her brows.

" What... who the hell are those guys...", Aiden raised a brow at her.

"There are the other guys who like me too", Carey pointed out.

"Oouu.... they won't get you then I'm around here. You even dream of me. What else do you want to see so that you can like me too...", Aiden splits what she confessed to him yesternight.

"I told you about the dream.....", Carey was embarrassed not wanting to face Aiden.

"Yes, you told me everything about how we made out in the dream. How you wished it wasn't just a dream. It can be a reality now if you want to....", Aiden winked at her licking his lips in a sexual way.

"You wish ", She frowned at him.

"I wish.... huuuh... I can get on you now and am sure you won't resist me", He boasted standing up heading closer to Carey.