
"Tell me that am not sweet...", Aiden went near her carressing her right thigh.

"Mhhhh... aaaaahh", She mumbled not knowing what to say or do. Aiden stared at her passionately making Carey nervous. He touched her lips whispering in her ears.

"Your so pretty baby girl. Just give me a kiss please....", He whispered staring at her with a desperate look.

"Mmhh... why should I am not in the mood right now ", Carey lied deeply knowing she wanted to kiss him.

"Why did you just deny that give it him", In her mind she desired smooching the naughtiest guy on campus.

"It's just a kiss don't say no to me...", Aiden whispered getting more closer.

"Your lips are tempting.....", Aiden whispered as he placed his lips on hers.

"Mmhh.... ", Carey mumbled as she held him tightly sitting on his lap.

"You taste of peaches", Aiden whispered as the kiss ended.

"You too taste of that. I have to go don wanna be late for lectures", Carey informed him.

"Life isn't that serious here. You don't have to go. Tell one of your friends to sign up for you....", he didn't want to let her go.

" No, I don't want to... do that. I just want first-class honors as I graduate as a surgeon", Carey informed him still sitting on his lap.

"Your so silly and your a nerd the heck it isn't a must you attend all the lectures. This is campus baby girl not high school", He busted out laughing hard over her 'seeiousness'.

"Stop it ...", She frowned.

"That's cool I also do medicine...", Aiden pointed out.

"Really....", She raised a brow thinking he was lying.

"Yeah... I do", He nodded in agreement.

"Give me a goodbye kiss", He whispered.

"Fine...", Carey grinned as she pecked him on his lips. His touch made her whimper in pleasure. She surprised him by lapping dancing on him.

"Aaa....  continue baby girl...", Aiden whispered. Carey continued before realizing it Aiden had already lifted her top up.

"Let's go to the bed...", Aiden pleaded.

"Bed to do what", She sat beside him disappointing his wait to hit her on.

"Stop it....", He frowns attempting to touch her chest.


"Fine... why are you playing hard to get on me huuuh...!!" He raises a brow anticipating for her response.

"Cause your so proud and arrogant. Not all girls will be drulling at you Mr. Aiden", She informed him.

"Aaah... why", He couldn't understand her.

"Have to go now".

"What the hell! Who is that knocking right now....", Aiden was pissed off at the constant knocking.

"Let me check it ...", He stood as he headed to the door.

"What are you doing here Harley...?" Aiden frowned at her.

"I must enter inside... if you like it or not", Harley yelled at Aiden as she forcefully entered inside his room.

"Whaaat.... so it's true. Carey, you're now dating him....", Harley was disappointed. She didn't think that Carey agreed to be the lover of her ex-boyfriend.

"Yes... what's wrong with that", Carey lied wanting to piss off Harley.

"Everything is wrong with that. He is my boyfriend can't you see that you dammy...", Harley frowned at her.

"His ex-girlfriend. I already know he dumped you", Carey giggled irritating Harley more.

"Cool down the heck. Harley just get the fuck out ...", Aiden demanded Harley.

"Please hear me out Aiden. Buh I want it to be private", Harley stared at Carey evily.

"She isn't going anywhere...", Aiden places his hands on Carey's shoulder.

"Fine as you say so....", Harley frowned rolling her eyes.

"I just need to talk to you but alone. I can't do it in front of her", Harley insisted.

"Just say it, you don wanna beg me in front of her like you always do. Just get a life Harley....", Aiden yelled at her.

"Stop doing that... How can you be recording this? Am not dumb can see... your recording", Harley yelled at Carey who was secretly recording Aiden humiliating her.

"It's the comeback girl. You think from the beginning didn't know what you were planning. You ain't my friend at all. So this.... will help me if you wanna do something fishy will upload this on the net", Carey threatened Harley as she hid her phone.

"It's true, I never liked you and will never do that... You should delete that video asap or else", Harley yelled.

"Or else what!" Carey giggled at her evilly. Aiden was amused seeing the two ladies fighting over him.

"Wow...!", Aiden chuckled.

"Wow... what!!!", Carey questioned him.

"Nothing you two amuse me ...", He smirked at them.

"I have had enough with her. Just tell her to delete that video now...!! " Harley commanded Aiden.

"I won't tell her to do so. It's better she has that video so that you stop pestering me", Aiden supported Carey.

"Yeah and she doesn't plot anything bad against me like she always wants too...I sensed that a long time ago from the first day I saw you...", Carey added up.

"You may now go... Harley", Aiden headed to the door signaling Harley to leave.

" Fine am going buh I ain't through with both of you", Harley gave them a warning look.

"Do your worst princess...", Aiden dared her.

"We ain't done until I say we are", Harley banged the door in anger.

"Wow. I never knew your a smart one", Aiden was pleased with the way Carey handled Harley.

"I had to do that. She's been acting all nice around me trying to befriend me buh knew she's been to no good", Carey said.

"That's true that bitch is crazy. Save the video well cause she can do anything to retain her stupid fame on campus", Aiden advised her.

"Am smarter than her so don't worry about me", Carey assured him that she would be alright.

"Umm... you told Harley earlier that you were dating me. Does that mean you've accepted to be my girlfriend", Aiden grinned at her.

"Mmmh.. no...!!! I just wanted to intimidate her", Carey clarified.

" You were seriously telling her that. Just admit it, you like me already...", Aiden insisted.

" I see you as a friend nothing more than that....", Carey denied though deep down she knew Aiden isn't just a friend to her. What she hated most was his filthy attitude.

"As you say buh am hurt to know you don't want me yet. Or do you want me to pester you more....", Aiden raised a brow at her.

"Hell no...", Carey chuckled.

"If you continue playing hard to get won't think twice about it", Aiden stared at her.

"I have to go... now. Am getting late", Carey stood as she wanted to leave.

"No ...!! you ain't going anywhere until you give me a goodbye kiss", Aiden moved closer to her.

"I just did that earlier...", Carey moved two strides away from him.

"Will let you go until you give me the kiss", Aiden smirked at her.

"Mmh fine...", Carey accepted in defeat.

"Wow...!!! that was awesome. Can't wait to kiss you again", Aiden grinned at her.

"You wish.... that won't happen again. We ain't dating or a couple. Thanks for yesterday you really saved me a lot", Carey thanked him again for the hundredth time.

"Will always be there for you baby girl. Am your armor and heartbeat ", He smirked at her.

"Oooh.... no", She light chuckled.