Stranger thing

"Hey.... where have you been.... hardly been seen you this days ....", George queried Carey after the lecture ended.

"Umm.... have been around. I just don't sit in front like I always do", Carey informed him.

"Wow... that's good. Really missed you ...", George smirked placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Huh...!!! ", Carey didn't expect him to say that

"Yes your company....", He clarified himself cause he saw the look she had after him admitting he missed her.

"That's fabulous. I did miss your company too ", Carey lied clearly knowing she doesn't even think of him.

"Really...", He raised a brow at her.

"Mmmhh yeah ", She fake smiled as they were walking.

"You're just lying ...", George giggled cause her tone said it all. Carey didn't seem to miss him. She didn't utter a word.

"Are you dating Aiden...", He raised a question.

"No am not", She assured him.

"Buh guys on campus are saying you two are a couple", He informed her.

"No... we ain't", She assured him.

"Wow... imma glad", He faintly grins.

"Why do you fear him", She chuckles softly.

"No...", He hastily replied.

And she walked away waving at him as her strides quickened. Her hair fluttered in the air covering her eyes, her flawless silk dress clunged to her body revealing her hour glass figure. Carey felt cold wind stroking her skin as goosebumps were visible.

"Hey.... girl", Carey greeted Cindy as she entered the room.

"Hey ... baby girl how was your night with the baby boy", Cindy winked at her.

"Your silly....", Carey chuckled.

"Just tell me everything that happened....", Cindy anticipated eagerly for her answer.

"Will tell you, let me eat first....", Carey told her searching for something to eat.

"There is no food. Have eaten all, just go buy food in the cafeteria", Cindy informed her.

"Mmh fine imma hungry going now", Carey took her purse money as she was leaving to the cafeteria.

"French fries and two cups of juice...", Carey ordered at the campus cafeteria.

"Carey.... ", a young man who wore camouflage outfit called on her.

The young man before her had perfectly maintained side buns. His shoulders hunched together making him look more handsome and attractive.

His dark eyes stares at Carey gently. She guessed that he knew her since most of the guys on campus heard about.

She grinned at him slight before uttering anything. She was comfortable before knowing him well. He startled like a deer in the woods, almost toppling as he took a large step towards her. Carey moved slightly creating a space for him to sit beside her.

"Hey...", She smiled at him.

"Am Nelly, I know you don't know me. Buh I recognize you from that newbie's party...", The guy informed her.

"Oou yeah.... ", Carey smiled at him.

"Can  I join you....", He smirked at her.

"Fine ....", Carey smirked back at him.

"You love french fries as I do....", Nelly raised a brow at her.

"Yeah, I do it's my favorite here...", Carey took a bite.

"Mmmhh it's yummy...", She said glancing at him.

"Yeah.... what course are you pursuing", He questioned her. Carey told him and as usual, he was amazed.

"Wow..!! I thought you are an art student", Nelly chuckled.

"No am not. Your assumptions were wrong ", Carey grinned at him.

"Am an art student myself...", Nelly giggled.

"It's a good course....", Carey smirked at him.

"What do you do in particular...", Carey questioned him.

"Ummm... I do design in particular", Nelly replied ordering his meal after taking Carey's fries.

"Wow... that's fab. It's cool. Can you give me the ketchup", Carey informed him.

"It seems we have the same interest when it comes to food", Nelly pointed out.

"Yeah, I see that... we will be eating together more often...", Nelly chuckled lightly.

"I can call you my eating buddy...", Carey giggled.

"That's it..... your sense of humor is just dope", Nelly chuckled.

"Be careful or you will choke with the fries. It will be embarrassing if in your eulogy it's written that Nelly was chocked up by a french frie", Carey joked making Nelly be amused by her.

"Other than school,  what else do you do....", Nelly questioned her.

"I don't have anything interesting like a hobby or something. I just work on the weekend", Carey informed him.

"Mmh that's nice. You're an independent woman too wow...!!!" Nelly was pleased.

"What about you ...", Carey questioned him.

"Mmh I design clothes for models", Nelly smiled.

"Wow... that's amazing", She nodded.

"Yeah, and I saw you can be a model too. The way you walked at that party. I saw you had the qualities", Nelly pointed out encouraging her.

"Really... you are just flattering me", Carey chuckled.

"Am serious can invite you to one of the auditions for models", Nelly encouraged her.

"Wow!! am flattered would love to come and see if I can ", Carey grinned at him.

"Deal am going to invite you if one arises", Nelly told her.

"That was quick you're already done. Be cautious of your diet. Don be taking french fries daily. You don wanna ruin your awesome figure", Nelly winked at her.

"Fine Mr... I will be cautious", Carey chuckled.

"Will keep that promise.... will be watching you", Nelly chuckled pointing at her.

"Can you give me your number....", Nelly requested her.

"Fine will give you...", Carey didn't refuse. She knew that he would help her as a model that she aspires to be.

"Thanks for the number...", Nelly smiled at her.

"You welcomed my eating buddy...", Carey chuckled.

"That name sounds ridiculous. Don't..... be calling me that in front of people", Nelly whispered.

"Fine eating buddy. I won't do that", Carey giggled.

"Where is your room or you don't live on campus....", Nelly questioned her.

" Uum.... I just stay here my room is in that flat", Carey pointed at the flat she was referring to.

"At least I know where to get you", Nelly smirked.

"Yeah....what about you? Where do you stay?...", Carey asked him.

"I have rented an apartment outside campus", Nelly replied.

"Wow..!! that's awesome. I have to go now. It was my pleasure meeting you", Carey grinned at him.

"Same here am more pleasured", Nelly smiled.