
"Congratulations Miss Wayne our clients were quite impressed with you.... especially the board. They said you are the perfect person for the job", Ryan informed Carey excitedly.

"Thank you Ryan am really honored to hear that ", Carey grinned at him.

"Am more honored to have you Carey...", He smirked at her. "Your such a darling".

"This is your first payment...", Ryan handed her a cheque.

"Whaaat...!!!! all this money...!!!!" Carey was shocked seeing the money Ryan paid her.

"Yes, Carey being a brand ambassador is a prestigious job. And being my favorite employee now is an added advantage", He chuckled at her crazy expression.

"Whaaat!!! how am I your favorite employee", She raised a question.

"Cause you have impressed me.... Your expression was just hilarious", Ryan wiped his eyes after laughing out loud.

"Thank you so much for everything. This can even pay half of my tuition fee this semester...", Carey stared at the check not believing she was paid all that money

."You can make your momma proud. Start paying your tuition fee and renting outside too", Ryan suggested.

"How did you know that I stay on campus...", Carey questioned him.

"My little brother told me that ", He smirked at her.

" Carey blinked feeling uneasy.

"He told me he really likes you", Ryan informed her.

"Huh.... really ", Carey fumbled her words.

"Don't be nervous around me. If you two like each other you can officiate the relationship. See me.... more of a friend than your boss Carey", Ryan grinned at her.

"Mmh... am amused didn't expect him to tell you about us", Carey blinked not knowing what to do.

"We are super close he normally tells me everything going on in his life", Ryan smiled at her.

"Wow....!!! that's interesting the brotherhood between you two is just dope", Carey commented.

"Yes.... pretty doll", Ryan grinned.

"Pretty doll...", She repeated his words confused to why he called her that way.

"Yes you look like a doll... You didn't know that huuhh...", He lifts a brow licking his lower lip.

"Nah... i didn't know that. Thanks again", Carey appreciated Ryan as she stood wanting to leave his office.

"Do you fear me", He giggles heading to where she was standing.

"No I don't ", She assured him staring at him like never before.

"Yes... this is how you should be looking at me", He smirked at her then headed to his chair.

"Oooh no... what is he trying to do. No... not what am thinking".

"Have a nice day Miss Carey", He winks at her lifting a brow at her.

She answers him confused of what he just did.

"I can now transfer that cash in my account and withdraw some for shopping later. Thank you, God for everything this seems like a dream. Wake up Carey", Carey spoke to herself as she was walking to the bank.

"When are we going for shopping?" Carey questioned Cindy who was laying on the bed watching a movie.

"In the afternoon, how did it go ...", Cindy raised a brow at her.

"Ryan just shocked me today. He claimed that Louis really likes me. He even suggested that we officiate our relationship..... He was acting strange towards it's like he wanted me in the other way ", Carey informed her.

"Whaaaat wow....!!! officiate how.... can't get you...", Cindy furrowed her brows.

"We date and make it official to the public that am dating his younger brother", Carey explained it all.

"Wow..!! that will be so cool. My best friend will be soon a Diamond. You mean he also wants you", Cindy cheered up shocked that her boss acted cosy around her yet he knew his younger brother was into her.

"No...!!! we ain't getting married stop exaggerating. And yes Ryan seems like he likes me. He even called me pretty doll", Carey chuckled.

"This is how it will start. Be careful you don't cause sibling rivalry", Cindy cautioned her.

"Am not thinking of that right now. I can't be with two brothers at the same hell no

.....", Carey clarified her feeling to her.

" Your the one who will get married first", Carey chuckled.

"Who said so....", Cindy raised a brow at her.

"I... said so", Carey smirked.

" Your silly...", Cindy cracked up.

"When you and Louis became a couple someday we shall go for a double date", Cindy suggested lifting a brow at her. "Right....".

" Yes..... if that will ever happen", Carey said not sure if she and Louis will be lovers one day.

"You will... I can see it coming. His big bro supports him will... you say no to him", Cindy said trying to reason up with Carey.

"Maybe time will tell who knows", Carey half smirked.

"Okrrr okrr okrr....", Fiona cheered as Carey narrated about her, Louis, Ryan and Aiden.

" Your attracting attention", Carey silenced her.

"Who cares if we are on a bus or not. This is a free country girl....", Fiona didn't pay attention to Carey.

"Who do you choose between the three...", Fiona questioned her.

"Mmmh.... aaaa... I don know buh like Louis he is not irritating unlike Aiden....", Carey sincerely told Fiona the way she felt.

"You should hook me up with one of Ryan's friends", Fiona reminded Carey.

"I know who... I will hook you up with....", Carey said in excitement.

"I know who.... his P.A he is so cute... He has a great body, the biceps on check. August is so charming and he is rich too", Carey explained.

"Woow.... he is called August. Guys with that name are normally hot. I trust you... investigate if he has a girlfriend or not. Next time you meet up with him take his pic", Fiona winked at Carey.

"Yes.... you know...  I got you girl", Carey grinned at her.

"Can't wait to know more about him...", Fiona grinned.

" When you see him. You will definitely like him....", Carey told Fiona who was so delighted to hear about August.

"Let's go to that lingerie store first....", Carey suggested.

"Ahem.. someone wants sexy outfits....", Cindy giggles poking Carey's waist.

"I just want pretty inner wears", Carey lied knowing well that she was going to meet Louis later at night.

"Fine..... need those clothes too so that August can drool over me", Fiona chuckled.

"Your so naughty...", Carey chuckled.

"Wow.... this one is so perfect for a sexy dance...", Fiona stared at the lingerie.

" I love its pant and bra, it really shows everything through. The lace is attractive as well..", Cindy was excited.

"I must buy this....", Carey pointed at the specific lingerie.

"Why...", Cindy raised a brow.

"Cause am meeting with Louis later tonight....", Carey confesses.

" Aaa... someone is going to be banged...", Fiona tissed her.

"Nope, it will be an innocent date", Carey chuckled.

"I see that.....", Fiona said sarcastically.

"I need this swimsuit....", Cindy glared at a fancy swimming suit on the display.

" Wow!! it's awesome we should go swimming soon..", Fiona suggested.

"Am in for the idea", Carey supported Fiona.

"Will take this and both of you should buy swimming suits too", Cindy ordered them.

" Alright madam", they collectively answered back.

"This shopping is going on well. The lingerie's are so gorgeous can't wait to put them on... ", Carey checked the lingeries in her bag smiling.

" I know right, we should search for better outfits...", Fiona said.

"Yeah, I need more official wears. Can you help me in that...", Carey raised a brow at her.

"Yeah....", Fiona nodded."Thank you...", Carey grinned at her.

"Finally... I am hungry", Cindy yawned as they ordered.

" You have to yawn to prove your really hungry", Fiona mocked Cindy.

"Yes.....", Cindy nodded.

"Don' start now... ", Carey warned them.

" Fine let's eat...", Cindy half-smiled.

"Well, this world is small...", Fiona mumbles glancing at her ex-boyfriend coming over at their table.

"Is that Adam...", Cindy whispered.

"Oh!!!  no.... ", Fiona sighed.