Never ever

"Long time... Fiona...", He grinned at her with a slight faint smirk.

"Mmmh yeah Adam.....", Fiona faked a grin at him trying to recollect her emotions.

"Please come join me..... we talk", Adam pleaded.

"No!!!! ", Fiona denied hastily yelling not caring where she was.

"Cindy can you please tell her to allow me talk to her", Adam requested Cindy.

"Just go....", Cindy patted Fiona's shoulder.

"Mmhh..... fine I will go. I just can't believe you sided with him aaaagghh...", Fiona mumbled in defeat as she joined agreed to his request.

"Was he... really her ex?" Carey whispered raising the obvious question that Cindy knew she would ask.

"Yes they separated last year after she caught him on bed with some girl in his apartment", Cindy responded staring at Fiona. "She's acting so cool and collected".

"What.....!!! that's the worst thing ever finding your guy on top of another girl. Am quite sure she was really hurt", Carey gazed thinking of what Fiona went through and the heart break.

"It was so heartbreaking that Fiona had to go through all that. But in life somethings you can't really avoid them despite of how good you are", She pointed out trying to put herself in her situation. She couldn't picture herself in that situation.

"A lot it took time for her to heal. I hope she won't accept him back though", Cindy informed her glancing at Fiona and Adam.

"They are still talking and Fiona really looks annoyed. I wonder what is happening...", Cindy lifted a brow still glancing at them.

"Talking to an ex-boyfriend isn't an easy thing especially someone who hurt you so bad. This must be so hard for her", Carey said finishing her drink.

"I hope she won't start yelling", Cindy hoped cause she knew how Fiona is hot-tempered.

"She's a crazy bitch. She can do anything", Carey lightly chuckled.

"I hate it when I still remember you and all the things we used to do. I hate to think about you and the pain you made me go through after you cheated on me. You were sorry I found you not sorry for cheating on me. I loved you so much buh what did you do ... take me for granted and a fool. What do you wanna talk about", Fiona stared at Adam with venom in her eyes. If a stare would eat someone Adam would be dead by now. Her attitude made it clear that she was no longer interested in him.

"Am so sorry Fiona, I deeply regret what I did till now. You've blocked me. everywhere, I can't reach you. You're the girl I love. I don know what came over me", Adam stared at her with pleading looks. He looked so innocent and hurt. Who would think that the guy trying to persuade her to forgive him with the innocent look was the bad guy. Yes, he really knew how to play his part of seeking for forgiveness. He knew it was rare finding a girl like Fiona.

"I even don't know about that,  if I love you or not. As I stare at you I feel nothing... You no longer give me the sparkle you gave me long ago. Stop insisting you love me cause you don't. If you did you wouldn't have cheated on me. Am sure you had other girls, it wasn't her only. Banging other girls while you were taking me for a fool. Am so out of love for you. The best thing have moved on and so happy now and at a better place than you left me before. I need to join my friends this conversation is over", Fiona pointed out and she was certain that she wouldn't want him back.

"Please we ain't through yet I still love you...", Adam insisted.

"Bye....", Fiona left him joining the girls.

" What did he want.....?" Cindy queried Fiona eager to know what he wanted.

"He's claiming that he wants us to get back together...", Fiona responded.

"Whaaat..!!!! did you tell him", Cindy raised a brow at her.

" I told him I want nothing to do with him....", Fiona answered glancing at Adam who stared at her.

" put him in his place", Cindy was glad that she didn't give in to his request.

"Deep inside.... how do you feel about him", Carey questioned her.

"Mmh... I feel so excited to see him and wanna hug him right now though the other part of me doesn't want to see him ever again", Fiona muttered softly.

"Listen to your heart carefully and think critically about this. No person is perfect. If you truly love him reconsider your decision", Carey advised Fiona who was confused about what to do. To go back to her ex-boyfriend or not. To listen to her heart or mind. This was all confusing.

"Thanks will think about that critically...", Fiona appreciated Carey for her advice.

"Let's go now.... it's no good sitting here talking about him when he is here", Cindy suggested.

" True... definitely", Fiona nodded.

"I can't agree with you Carey,  this guy made her cry. He was a jerk and she should never even think of going back to him...", Cindy informed Carey as they were placing their shopping on their beds.

"I know buh that's how love is.... it's forgiveness. Without forgiveness, there is no love. If you love someone you must be ready to forgive. If it was your guy who did what he did would you have forgiven him or hardened your heart. Do you even know if your guy is so faithful to you. Maybe you have never busted him in the act", Carey added her argument sure of what she was saying.

"Girls just relax its no big deal", Fiona spoke trying to cool the tension between the two.

"Fine... buh you should not let him go if you two were meant to be", Carey advised Fiona.

"No...!!! never do that. This bitch here ain't advising you the proper way. Girl you have never been in a real relationship before. So don't act like Dr love here", Cindy hastily refuted Carey's opinion.

" Let me ask you a question Cindy....", Carey furrowed her brows at her.

"Mmmh yeah.... ask", Cindy stared at her.

"Suppose Arthur cheats on you. Will you forgive him or not....?" Carey raised a brow at her.

"Huh... i... don know if I would or not...", Cindy mumbled.

"Oou... really if you sure you wouldn't you don love him as you think", Carey informed her the bitter truth making her gasp in anger.

" Excuse me... what do you even know about love. You have never fallen in love yourself. So just keep your stupid suggestions to yourself....", Cindy spitted staring at Carey evilly.

"Stop arguing please, you making the matter worse...", Fiona yelled at them.

" Yes.. the lady in love continue advising your friend", Carey said sarcastically as she packed some of her clothes in her monkey bag.

"Where are you going to....", Fiona raised a brow at her.

" Away.... so I can give time for the wise Cindy to advise you", Carey banged the door as she left.

"The hell..... who does she think she is to ask me such a question...", Cindy questioned Fiona after Carey left.

" She was just trying to make you understand my situation ", Fiona explained.

" No, it didn't seem that way. It's better she's gone now", Cindy sighed.

"No don't say that...", Fiona refused to agree with Cindy.

"Mmh fine...", Cindy frowned.