You make me happy

"My prince can I came over tonight...", Carey asked Louis over the phone.

"Yes...!! wow princess. You're always welcomed in my place. Just come ", He answered her.

"Thank you...", She hanged up the phone as she stared at Cindy.

"Sorry buh have to go tonight at Louis. I don't think can sleep in here after what happened", Carey sincerely informed Cindy hoping that she would understand her.

"I understand dear. Will go to Arthur's too. We can discuss shifting from this room later", She informed her.

"Am even thinking of renting an apartment outside the campus. I think it will be better for me. Don't want any other campus drama", Carey informed her since, she was certain that was the best thing to do. After her encounter with Sasha and her minion. She couldn't see herself living on that campus anymore. It wasn't a safe space for her anymore.

"Yeah... I think so too. Are you sure about that cause we will have to pay more cash for rent", Cindy informs her hoping she would change her mind.

"Yes... am sure it will be the best. I don' know if you will want to join me or not but I will respect your decision", Carey grinns at her waiting for her response. Inside her, she wanted her friend to join since, she became too attached to her. That one person who welcomed her with open arms and made her life better on campus. Now she was seeing her more as a sister than a roommate.

"Give me time to think about it", Cindy said as she packed some clothes too.

"It's fine dear. Send my greetings to Arthur", She pointed out as she was holding the door knob about to leave.

"Carey... hey... are you fine", Blake called her as she was walking.

"Umm... yeah doing well thanks", Carey grinned at him.

"I hope she didn't hurt you", He said looking at her keenly.

"No! just a slap nothing more than that ", She assures him with a slight grin.

"Where are you heading to....",Blake raised a brow at her.

"Uumm.... am going to a friend's house", She excluded that she was going to a guy's house. Or maybe her boyfriend's place who was the brother to her boss Ryan Diamond. The famous perfume brand. She wasn't the type to expose everything that was happening in her life.

"Fine let me take you there", He offered.

"No... I can go there by myself", Carey declined hastily. She didn't want to cause any problem with Louis.

"Aaaaahh fine as you say so....".

"Hey babe....", Louis tightly hugged Carey raising her up.

"Am so excited to see you", He cheered up like a little puppy awaiting for his mummy to cuddle him.

"Am here now prince", She chuckles over his silly reaction. Though he noticed that something wasn't right. Behind that chuckle was a sad and troubled soul trying to hide her fears and troubles.

"Are you okay my princess? You so worn out and weary", Louis cupped her face using his hands as he moved closer to her.

"Mmmh... am fine", Carey lied trying not to stare at him.

"Your lying just be free and tell me all about it", he assured her with a faint grin.

"What..!!! you should vacate that campus and rent outside", Louis was shocked after Carey narrated her occurrence with Sasha.

"Yeah I feel that too cause she vowed to revenge", Carey added up.

"No! I won't allow her to harm my princess", Louis rubbed her back as he held her tightly.

"Thank you for being there for me", She felt better since her prince charming was comforting her.

"It's cooking time", Louis stood as he headed to the kitchen.

"Huh... what are we cooking", Carey followed him.

"It's chicken deeped in coconut and bhajia", Louis answered wearing his apron.

"Wear that as well", He gave her another apron to put on.

"Thank you wow...!!  am so happy wanna know how to make that....", She pointed at its ingredients which Louis had already bought.

"Yeah princess let's start", He said as he took the chicken.

"I really love cooking as well prince....", Carey was delighted preparing the dish.

"Wow...!! that's great does it mean that you are my perfect match huuuuh....", he lifted his brow at her.

"Umm... I think so we grind in so easily", She smirked at him. It was probably the truth her world was brightened after meeting him. At times she thought that he was too good to be true.

"Take the bowl and mix the chicken with the coconut milk. Then do it as it's written on this recipe", Louis instructed Carey handing her the recipe.

"Let's give it forty-five minutes as well as the bhajia. That was quick I didn't think we would be so fast", Louis pointed out.

"Wow... you so pretty", Louis stared at her like it was the first time he saw her.

"Thanks", She grins shyly.

"Carey your love is all I crave for. My heart wants more and more of you. Am not satisfied with flirting only. I want something more serious to be your lover, comforter, shield, and your best friend. I wonder when will I see the day you'll fall in love with me as I fell for you. I keep thinking about you all night, as winds blow steady and slow.I just wanna let you know that I adore you so much. Please be my girlfriend.... my princess", Louis spoke in a low tone as he urged Carey to be his girlfriend.

"Yeah I do accept to be your girlfriend... Louis", Carey grinned at him.

"Wow....!!! that's great news am so happy. I love you so much", Louis held her in a tight embrace. His lips interlocked with hers as they enjoyed the moment. They are now a couple and it was a beautiful thing for both of them.

"Will make you the happiest woman ever alive", Louis promised her holding her still tightly.

"Thank you, prince...", Carey grinned at him.

"Uuu... I love its aroma", Carey sniffed the food.

"Yeah princess am your chef", Louis winked at her with his captivating look that made her feel shy.

"Aaah...", She gapes staring at him.

"Princess....", he taps her shoulders bringing her back to reality.

"What's up...", He lifts a brow.

"Just admiring you...", She grins widely.

"Love you more than you can ever imagine", he assured her.

"Yeah am so glad to have you. Did you go to school to learn cooking....", Carey questioned him.

"Uuum... Nah I just learned it online", He replied serving the meal in a dish.

"Woow...!!! will tryna learn that too prince", She informed him.

"I will teach you", He smiled at her.

"Will love that being taught by you will be my best lecture....", She grinned at him.