Foodie one

"Splendid it's super yummy...!!" Carey informed his as she tasted one of the pieces. This sweetness was too much... this is what she needed to make her happy.

"The coconut milk makes it have an out of this world unexplainable taste", she was amused by the meal. It's taste was incredible and she couldn't believe that her prince charming was a very very good chef.

"Yeah buh there is one thing have tasted which is sweeter than it", Louis pointed out licking his lips sexually referring to something more tastier than the meal in front of them.

"Aah, what is that meal babe!!" She lifted a brow at him expecting him to say a different kind of dish, she has never heard of.

"Your pussy....", He smirked at her. To her surprise, she was the delicious meal he was referring to after all.

"Your so naughty....", She cracked up tapping his left leg under the table. He licked his lips staring at her intense beauty.


"Your so beautiful princess do you know that....", he asks smirking at her.

"Tell me I don't know", She lightly chuckles winking at him.

"I loved your attractive curves of softness which makes you my beauty queen. You are the most beautiful girl I ever met... easy to talk to and fun to be around", he grins as he praised her.

"Where did you read that from", she chuckles over his exaggerative description of her.

"Am more romantic than you think huuh", he smirks sending naught chills.

"Am now so full. If I continue eating up with you will become thicker", Carey touched her protruding stomach.

"Yeah... you will look like a mama bear", Louis joked.

"And you will be my papa bear", Carey added up remembering the scene from her favorite childhood soap.

"Yeah, and where is our baby bear", Louis raised a brow at her.

"Uumm... he is in your balls", Carey chuckled pointing at his little man.

"Yeah...!!! the fuck that's funny though", Louis giggled. He didn't think she would answer in a naughty way.

"Let's go and make our baby bear", Louis suggested licking his lips sexually smirking at her.

"What...!!!" Carey was shocked.

"Was just kidding you....", Louis pointed at her cracking up.

"You got me there....", she knew what he wanted. She wasn't that dumb to get that.

"Aamm... let's play a game princess...", Louis suggested.

"What game....", She raised a brow at him hoping it wasn't truth or dare.

"Never have I ever....", He informed her.

"Have never heard of it. How is it played?" She asked.

"Uumm... it's a question game. I will be asking, If you have ever done something. If yes you share your experience. In this paper, I write never on one page then ever on the other page. When I ask the question and you have ever done it just show the side of ever. Afterward, you will share your experience that applies to my case too", Louis explained giving Carey her paper.

"Deal I love that game it's better than the damn truth or dare", She says.

"Never have I ever made out in a terrace?" Louis raised his first question. Carey showed the side of ever.

"Aaah so your freaky princess. Can you share your experience then I will do the same", He instructed her.

"Uumm.... it was during the freshas bash. We made out on the terrace with Darwin.... then suddenly, Aiden the guy that was threatening you that day found us. He had another girl buh he started threatening the other dude telling him am his. He really irritated me", Carey explained over sharing too much information.

"Ooh...!! no why didn't I tell him all that ", She regret but it was too late to take back her words.  

"The hell that guy is so obsessed with you. Well for me it was in a club too. I was drunk and the girl ended up robbing me", Louis shared his experience.

"What that's bad. You were tricked by a sexy gangster", Carey chuckled.

"Uumm yeah... ladies are the worst robbers ever", Louis giggles remembering of how he was fooled blindly with the sexy gangster. Looks can really be deceiving.

"Yes... I know that", Carey chuckles laughing at him.

"Never have I ever umm.... think... right. Never have I ever had a one night stand", Carey showed him the side of I have with a faint smile.

"Umm... I might call it one night stand cause we only fucked once. He was the guy I was telling you about my ex who died", She said nervously trying to hold her emotions.

"How was the experience....", he wanted to know more and she had no choice but to explain her ordeal.

"Umm... it was my first time he only stayed for a short while barely five minutes cause of the pain", She explained it.

"Umm... so sorry for that though. Am here for you babe", Louis held her hand in a tight grip comforting her. Even though she was sad over her ex boyfriend who was dead and gone. He understood that loosing a loved one is s very painful experience. And all he could do is too comfort her and assure her that he was with her now.

"Thanks for understanding prince. What about your experience...", She raised a brow at him.

"I have never had a one night stand", He showed her his side.

"Oou... it's hard to believe that you have never had a one night stand", Carey pointed out still doubting him.

"Why.. ", He raised a brow at her.

"Cause you are a cute guy and rich", She sincerely told him. With so many thoughts in her head. Was he sincere in this game or was he just trying to look good in the end.

"Uumm yeah buh am not a dick head to be crushing every girl that comes my way", He assures her.

"Wow...!!! am so glad to have you", Carey grinned at him.

"The last question before we go to bed", Louis said.

"Yeah ask....", She furrowed her brows hoping he wouldn't ask a freaky question.

"Uumm.... never have I ever fallen on the road", he asks as she sighed in relief.

"I have ever", Carey chuckled.

"Umm.... my experience was so funny. I was in high school at that time and I had just finished shopping. As I was heading to school this guy started calling me and ignored him. Only three strides ahead and I fell. He cracked up saying that I fell cause of ignoring him. My shopping fell and they scattered all over the place. It was hilarious cause he helped me gather them", Carey narrated her story laughing.

"That's so hilarious am sure the guy was so happy that you fell", Louis giggled.

"Yes of course. He really laughed at me making me more annoyed", Carey nodded.

"You serious you have never fallen", She raised a brow at him.

"Yes ...a hundred percent sure I have never", Louis assured her.

"Then your so lucky....", She said standing up.