
"You will travel for three days. My personal assistant will accompany you and the company's photographer", Ryan informed her after explaining to her what was required of her during the trip.

"Thank you I have taken the points", Carey stood up to leave his office.

"Thank you for making my brother happy. Since you started dating him he has changed. He is more happy and cheerful unlike before", Ryan appreciated Carey. He was happy that his small brother was happy in his relationship. 

"No need to thank me. He has made me incredibly happy too", Carey assured him.

"That is great. Finally, you're free to bring Louis to the trip", Ryan informed her.

"Wow thank you ... for that", Carey was excited.

"Yes come here...", He pats the table. She heads closer to him confused.

"Aaaah...", She raises a brow at him. 

"Sit here on the table", he instructs. This was so uncomfortable for her considering that he was her boss.