Awesome trip(part one)

Babe, I will really miss you...", Louis kissed her cheek after they arrived at Ryan's workplace.

"Will miss you more my prince", She grinned at him.

"Long time no see", August greeted Carey.

"Hey....", She grinned at him.

"Hey man", He shook Louis's hand.

"Hey....", Louis faintly smiled.

"Remember I always love you. When you arrive their call me first", Louis notified Carey as he hugged her passionately in front of August.

"I will my prince I love you more", she assures him. 

"Wow....!!! you two are such a cute couple", August commented.

"Thank you", Carey chuckled shyly.

"You may enter.....", August helped Carey put her luggage in the car.

"Thank you...", She said buckling her seat belt.

"The rest of the team are already in the airport. Will drive faster we shouldn't be late", August informs her starting the engine of his car.