Am in love with you

"Aaah... you can't be serious why.... tell me", Carey was eager to listen to his reason. She never thought that he would go to the extent of breaking up with her cause of her. He wasn't in a relationship as she thought and this made her believe that he was serious about her. He wasn't joking like before. She still loved Louis and breaking up with him wasn't an option for her. 

"The first time we hooked up. We met on a dating site and I smashed her. As we were smashing, I called your name two times. When she heard I lied and said it was carry-on... at that time she didn't get it", Aiden explained to her. He didn't hide anything from.

"Really... why did you call me", Carey raised a question. She wanted to hear more. 

"Mmmh... isn't that obvious cause I normally think of you all the time", he lifts a brow.