
"Hey... Carey long time", Blake gripped both of his hands between hers and gave her a warm smile. 

" Umm.... hi...", She beamed at him as her lips slightly curved up. 

"How was your holiday?" He raised a question. He pulled a chair near her and sat. 

" Uuum.... it was pretty well. What of yours", She asked him.

"It was fab can't complain. Sorry, I forgot to call you for the auditions. The moment I set my eyes on you, is when I remembered the audition. There is one in two weeks. I hope you will attend", He wanted to compesate for his empty promise. 

"It's fine I even don't know if I will be able to model for now", Carey states. 

"Mmmh.... why", He raised a brow at her.

" I just don' wanna overwhelm myself with other things and forget my studies", She pointed out. 

"It's okay I totally understand", He grinned at her.

" Well am inviting you to my fashion show this coming week. Please attend I will be modeling...", He pleaded.