
"Fuck you... leave her alone. Have warned you to open the door and let her come to me. Or else I will kill you", His voice was so loud, so thunderous. He became a different person at the moment. Anger curled hot and unstoppable in his gut, like a blazing inferno that wanted to burn him from the inside out. His eyes had warped into a miserable black. He couldn't continue to control his cool knowing that Carey was inside locked up with him. All he wanted was to see Carey, he was certain that it was him who had 'kidnapped' her. 

Bang! Bang! Boom...!!!! Aiden broke the door entering Louis's apartment. He couldn't let him have his way with her. His time already expired and now Carey was his only.

"Stop your hurting me... stop.... stop....", Carey cried while Louis was on top of her trying to strip down her clothes.

He was kissing her forcefully not until Aiden barged in the bedroom and,