Surprise birthday party

"Waky.... waky.... waky....", Aiden pecked her on the lips attempting to wake her up. "Rise and shine baby girl", He caressed her face as she was opening her eyes slowly like a newborn baby.

"You so pretty when you are sleeping", Aiden praised her. He never got tired of telling her, how beautiful she was. Whenever he could, he made sure that he told her that she was the most beautiful woman he has met. 

"You are just flattering me", Carey lightly chuckled in a crooked voice. She just thought that he informed her that to make her happy. But Carey knew that he was telling her the truth. She knew that she was beautiful, she couldn't imagine her world without him. 

"Am heading to my friend's surprise birthday today. Will you accompany me", He asked her. He always loved to go to places with her.