New World, New Plans

Kaleb slowly regained consciousness to find himself lying in bed. His bed. In his room.

'what the hell... can't have been a dream, it just can't' Jumping out of bed and starts wandering around. He was in his old apartment in New Jersey, the one he lived in before he died.

Just as he was starting to panic he notices a present, neatly wrapped with a bow on top, sitting on his kitchen table. Walking over to the box he picks up a card sitting next to it. Opening it read,

[Dear Kaleb,

Within this package are the SCPs you requested. I have also taken it opon myself to place SCP-184 or the "Architect" within a casing that will render its anomalous abilities inert. This will be the last of any help from me.



[Ps. I've also taken the liberty to recreate your apartment from when you where alive, hope you like it.]

"So it did happen" kaleb whispers to himself.

Opening the present he finds an ornately carved box and a pair of old leather gloves, SCP-184 and 311 respectfully. One might wonder why he chose these two and he had two reasons for that. The main one is that he needed something both tactile and non overpowered. The second reason is slightly more embarrassing, he just doesn't know many of the newer SCPs.

'First things first, I need a game plan. My main objective needs to be to avoid the Foundation at all costs, at least until I gain control over my powers' It was with that thought that he realised, he hasn't even tried to use his powers yet, and immediately sought to fix that. Deciding to start small he goes and fills a glass of water at the sink and tried to do... something...

After a second of staring at a glass of water like an idiot he finally feels something, like a creeping cold slowly crawling up his back. as the feeling moved farther up his spine he began to notice a change, and then the water began to freeze. The sheer effort it took to freeze that single glass truly hammered home just what Dionysus meant, it was going to take alot of practice before he's even able to control to shape of the ice much less create it from the water in the air.

'Alright back to plans... I am in desperate need of two things, power and influence. This world world is filled with numerous factions, all of them powerful, none of them very good. I will need both of those things if I want to be recognized as a power by any of them. And to start I need a place to practice, prepare, and learn.' Then it hit him, he new the perfect place to go, Three Portland's. Three Portland's was a pocket dimension connected to Portland, Maine, Portland, Oregon, and the isle of Portland in the UK. They place was basically it's own secret state within the US, mostly regulated UIU (Unusual Incidents Unit) of the FBI with the Foundation only watching the exits to make sure nothing dangerous escaped.

Overall Kaleb would benefit greatly from going there, he'd have a place to freely practice and grow his powers whilst being in the perfect location to learn more about the anomalous. And as a plus he could even learn something about the magic of the world. The way magic works is never explained in any true detail in the wiki so getting to learn something about how it works could prove invaluable, even more so if he could learn how to use it.

'enough thinking, time to actually do something' Kaleb thought as he stood up and made his way to his closet. After some rummaging around he pulled out an old suitcase, one of the ones built like a chest that could be worn as on one's back. It had once belonged to Kaleb's grandfather, and he never really had a use for it, but now he knew just what to do with it.

After bringing it back to the kitchen and setting it on the table Kaleb opened it and placed the Architect inside before closing it again. Next he combed his apartment for anything that he wanted to bring or might prove useful, clothes, foods, books, valuables, etcetera. Once done he left his apartment to buy further supplies including a generator, mini fridge, and numerous camping supplies. Returning to his apartment with his new stuff the first thing he did was check on the suitcase. There was an immediate difference, it almost hurt his head to look inside. It had expanded to quite the size, roughly to size of the closet in his bedroom, he planned on letting it get bigger but in the meantime began loading all of his stuff into the suitcase. Satisfied that he had gathered everything he needed, Kaleb set out from his apartment. beginning the journey to Three Portland's.