The Long Road

An argument with a food vendor and a train ticket later, and Kaleb was a muffin and a few steps closer to his goal. He had debated with himself as to whether he should go to Portland, Maine or Portland, Oregon. Maine was closer but he didn't know any of the ways into Three Ports from there, conversely he did know a way in from Oregon. In the end kaleb decided that it would save both time and money to just go to Maine and figure it out from there.

Getting to his seat on the train, he sat down and prepared for the trip, he planned on hopping trains as needed until he reached Portland. In the meantime Kaleb thought it was a good idea to reflect on what he knew about Three Ports while he had the time.

Three Portland's is run a mayor-council system with the mayor himself being and unknown, and most likely anomalous, entity. Three Portland's is also ever changing, there is a strange phenomenon that causes the ground itself to slowly flow outward from the center of the city. The only way to keep your building in one spot is to anchor it, but this is heavily regulated. There are also buildings that shadow buildings in the real Portland, like the Deer College, thies places usually serve to help stabilize Three Ports and anchor it to the real world.

There are also many non-human inhabitants within Three Ports, like intelligent animals, or ghosts. Fun fact actually, Three Ports is the only known government that allows ghosts to vote.

What's probably the best part of Three Ports is the limited amount of control both the Foundation, and the GOC (Global Occult Coalition) have there. They were two of the biggest threats to any anomalous individual. The only group with any real control over the city would be UIU. They act as the police force within the city and are quite liked by the general populus.

Turning his head to look out the window, he watched the frost grow around the edges of the window as they day turned to night. This gave him an an idea. Kaleb stared at the frost covered glass and concentrated on changing the frost into a design. The change was slow, but in time Kaleb had formed the frost into an intricate floral design.

Kaleb actually gained more than just practice from this little experiment. It offered him more of an insight to how his power worked. The feeling of moving the ice felt fundamentally different than creating it. The first thing he noticed was that instead of the cold creeping feeling, the tips of his fingers began to feel numb, like they had been out in the cold for to long. He also noticed that he could gain a more controlled movement by using his hands and fingers to direct it.

Yawning suddenly he realised how tired he was. Using his powers really drained him. He will seriously need to get better to fix that. After yawning again Kaleb lead his head against the window and decided to get some sleep.