I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I'm falling!

Not the kind when you fall in love




from a roof top of a building.!

What do I do?

I'm falling fast.

I don't want to die!


I can't!

The cold wind sent shivers to my back as I fell.

I never wanted to die.

But here I am.

I'm Gonna die soon.

And just like a movie preview, everything from my past flashed back before my eyes.

All the pain,

the tears shed,

and the rejections.


Why does it look like I only had to suffer and doesn't even have one hella good happy memory?

Is this how I'm gonna die?

This is unfair!

I've tried to be good and

honest and

helpful and

genuine and



and Oh f*ck it all!

It's the first time I've ever cursed in my mind and it felt good.

But It's all futile now

I'm gonna hit my head soon anyway.


My tears flew up as my body was sucked by gravity closing the distance of the hard, wet ground

Is this really the end of me?

I have not lived a full life yet but I'm about to reach my end soon.

I closed my eyes to embrace my pending doom.

I just hope it won't hurt

if only I could go back.



Even if.....

Please let me be selfish in my next life.


"My Lady. Please wake up. Everyone is awaiting you at the banquet hall."

I heard a familiar voice calling out to me outside of my room.

I woke up dizzy from a muffled dream I could not remember.

It somehow felt important, but for the love of me, I can't remember a thing!

"You may enter" I demanded

The person who called outside walked into my room with outmost careful.

It was Ali my personal maid.

She was looking like she is about to pee any moment but is still trying to be compose for my sake.

"The Duke and the duchess is awaiting your arrival my lady." She spoke in a relax manner however her face looks troubled.

"Yes. Have my bath ready."

"Right away my Lady" She hurried to prepare my bath losing her composure as if every second counts.

I understood why, but I have to be the last one to show up.

I must make sure to be the one who wore the most dazzling dress and biggest, grandest jewels.

No one will be more beautiful than me on my coming of age ceremony. I have to stand out among all the ladies.

Though it was never such an effort but I have a fish to catch or more like a blood thirsty shark.

"Ali, bring me the finest dress I have and the best jewels"

"Yes my Lady"

After an hour of dressing with the help of five maid attendees who got me get all dolled up, I turned to look in the mirror and found a reflection of beauty staring back with a sly smile that only holds self-love above all else.

I smiled to my satisfaction.

"Desmond" I called for the butler waiting outside of my room

"Yes my Lady" He answered without opening the door.

I walked outside as Ali opened the door of my room presenting the worried face of the head butler who seams uneasy and might cry anytime soon.

"I am ready" I told him

"This way me lady"

The head butler hurried to lead the way to the banquet hall.

After a few more steps, we finally reached the hall where the grand party is already at its peak.

There were noticeable personas in the hall who are known to be powerful, or rich, or both. Even the princess and the prince of the neighboring kingdom were invited.

The head butler raised a glass and hit it twice with a spoon to make a sound, gathering the attention of everyone in the hall.

"Entering Lady Victoria Philbie Sorian first born of the Sorian house."

I made my Grand entrance even if I was hours' tad too late.

My mother and father wore distastes looks of my late arrival. Although many displeasing eyes were far too noticeable on the crowd of women gathered everywhere.

It was such an amusement to see eyes of jealousy and awe at the same time.

I strode with grace as I walked down the aisle to the center of the place where everyone was gathered.

I loved the attention I used to hate before.

The attention everyone envied.

Everyone wished for and tried but failed to acquire.

It did not come as a shock as my mother was considered of the most beautiful woman in the palace that even the neighboring Queen or Princess were no match to.

Back in her days, Prince's and noble men were lining up for her hand.

That, until my mother gave birth to me.

I have always known that I had exceptional beauty, even when I was just a child.

When I was born People from other places were to visit the Sorian Mansion for a sight of me in my crib.

When I turned two, old people would drop by to say hi to no avail of course as I was well hidden inside the mansion.

But when I turned ten years of age. A sudden change happened not only on my physical form but also of how the people around me started to scrutinize everything about me.

Many women had hated me since and had always spoken ill of me, while the young lads and even married men would always fix their gaze whenever, or wherever I pass.

A living proof that I am the fairest in this dukedom and possibly in the neighboring kingdom.

Not that I have not done a mischief or two but whatever I did, they would always find fault.

Later did I realize that it was the price for this beauty I was granted.

"Look at how daring her clothes are"

"I heard she has no manners of what so ever"

"I heard she's dumb"

"well she's beauty and no brain"

"she's not that pretty anyway. Too ordinary"

"I heard she's pure Evil."

As if the whispers were not loud enough for me to hear, they even gave an "if only I could kill her" look which never bothers me. Knowing that I am the sole heir to the Sorian dukedom, I know for a fact that no one dares to harm even a strand of my hair. No one has the courage to, and that none of these rumors are true.

Except for one.

That ...



