Forgotten Love

After the grand introduction of the butler, the dancing begun.

"My best wishes Lady Sorian"

A voice said and I turned to see who it was.

And what presented himself in a dashing golden silk branded with the crest of the kingdoms knight was Carlisle Josephous Browne. The son of a Viscount that handles the biggest trading of silk in town. The house of Browne, known for being one of the richest among the kingdom.

"There is no need for such formalities Carlisle, everybody knows there's nothing I can't have if I want it. You may save your wish for yourself. "

Carlisle is the only person I trust though there are times when I would rather talk to a pigeon than him. His ideas are somewhat idiotic or out of this world but not in a good way.

"OH of course. Our little Phillie would always have it her way"

He said in a humorous manner trying to get me involved in the conversation, seeing as my head was looking all over the place for a certain someone.

He won trying to gain my attention as this made me a little furious and our little--small talk-- battle begun.

"Have we not promised, not to call each other childish names again?"

I reminded him of the promise he made back at his coming of age ceremony.

"What a shame. Isn't it such a cute name? It fits you well" He added with a smile seeing how the flow of the conversation had me a little furious.

"Cute had been years past the sort of way I am fit to be called, Don't you think so little Callie?"

It was the childish way we called each other back in the days, little Callie and Phillie. When we were too young to properly utter our names or understand our ranks.

He pauses for a while.

He is not the type to get offended even with my rude jokes but even He, I believe, would have shivers run down his spine hearing how I called him.

"I agree and I suppose we should stop the name calling haha. I'm terribly sorry. I might have forgotten how bad it sounded, Ah! why don't you take me for a dance. Surely this will make the rest of the bachelors that had been eyeing you for some time now to be FACINATED"

He said emphasizing the word while half laughing as he held out his hand.

"ME take YOU for a dance? Should it not be the other way around sir?"

I teased but held out my hand anyway.

"Yes of course. Whatever pleases your lady."

Rolling his eyes which he does all the time when loosing and which I was already accustomed to.

We started to dance and indeed was watched by many of the bachelors at the party with great social standing and political power who had lined up for my hand earlier, but with no luck.

Carlisle closed the distance between ourselves a few moments later, seeing as many jealous eyes were on him. A very proud man I say.

Pleased over the thought that he was the only man I had granted a dance with since the night started.

"You are so loving the attention " I whispered

"I am not quite sure what you are referring to my lady"

"Oh please Carlisle, spare me the innocent act. I'm afraid I know you to well to fall for that anymore."

"hahaha So as it may. But don't you love it too? The jealous eyes of women all around you?"

Carlisle isn't bad himself. He possess a high rank, and is the third wealthiest in the kingdom and the ladies fall for his charms all the time which I do not understand how that is possible because when you take a closer look you might find a stupid two face idiot. Still any women in town would love to be engaged to him, and his coming of age was long past a year ago so I understand many had been trying to impress him. Who wouldn't want to be acquainted with the House of Browne and their riches, much less married?

"Ah yes. Of course. It is the second main purpose of my attendance"

"The second you say. Then what is the First?"

"The first is yet too busy to notice my existence."

I looked past the west wing of the hall to see the Prince talking to Marquis Cromwell and a fine lad I believe is a baron.

Carlisle looked to see the person whom I had been taking glimpse at from time to time. When he looked to see who it was, his playful smile changed into a dark expression.

What is it with him that hates the crown prince so much?

I looked to see what changed his expression and voila, the prince of course.

They have been neck to neck lately due to political power and trading issues.

I didn't expect to miss how they were best of friends when we were still toddlers and was wetting our pants.

It was not like how it use to before. When we were all kids he would be the first to call out for Prince Tristan during playtime.

I would wake up in the morning and find them sitting in front of my window with breakfast in hand. They would laugh while feeding each other in a playful way.

Found them once in trouble with the head butler because Carlisle was found stealing some candies for Tristan when Tristan had a toothache and was banned to eat sweets.

"Be careful and don't start trouble" Carlisle whispered in my ear which brought me back to reality.

He smiled before letting go of my hands to bow and disappear into the crowd.

Seeing as he has no intention to come back and I had no intention to dance with anyone else aside from the Prince --which is still something I have to work on, I went back to my seat beside the Duke.

"Why the grumpy face?"

"I would appreciate it if you would not ask such obvious questions father"

" I am only trying to... ah ... never you mind.. I just hope you enjoy the party darling"

I rolled my eyes after hearing the dukes concern.


"Greetings, I am Carlisle Josephous Browne of Browne Mansion."

Carlisle extended his hand and the two shook hands

"It is an honor finally to meet you Lord Browne. I am Baron Gilbert Cecil of the west."

The two shook hands however when Baron Cecil tried to retrieve his hand, Carlisle gave an even tighter grasp unto them causing the Baron to flinch in pain.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Asked the young Crown Prince who was with the Baron for quite some time now.

"Nothing Your highness. I believe Lord Browne might have a gifted strength he has few control over"

Carlisle finally let go of the squeezed hand which had turned red.

"hahaha you say that to flatter me Baron Cecil. I am more in awe of your fine looks that had gained some attention on the ladies."

Baron Cecil who was not at all aware of the ladies that had been looking his way now noticed them anyway.

"You flatter me too much Lord Browne Although I am a bachelor I have no intere...

"I just hope you keep your paws and not place it where they do not belong"

Carlisle said not letting the Baron finish his words.

The Baron was confused of his sudden change of tone and expression. He looked to see where Carlisle was looking and found Lady Victoria. Understanding the situation, Baron Cecil assured Lord Brown he has no intention of taking away the Lady.

"Of course. I am no thief Lord Browne" Baron Cecil said shortly with a smile.

"Carlisle, you knew better than to be rude to my guest in front of me. Would it make you think straight if your head is not placed above your shoulder?"

The prince warned Carlisle.

Carlisle took the warning and apologized

"Apologies Your Highness. I'm only concern for the wellbeing of a friend."

"I think it is best for you to take your leave" The Prince said with a dark expression.

"Then I shall excuse my presence"

Carlisle bowed a little and took his leave.

Prince Tristan was not furious of how rude Carlisle spoke to the Baron. In fact, he never cared for such trivial things. What enrages him was that Carlisle was doing it for Lady Victoria who he hates so much.

The Prince despise Lady Victoria because he believes her to be selfish and evil. That despite her incomparable beauty is a wicked, dark persona hiding at her very core.

The worst part is that the Lady Victoria had confessed her love to him long ago and both families had formally announced her to be his future bride. And this has him disgusted.

He despises wicked people who is selfish and unkind.

This feeling grew by the year until he found himself loathing her.

If only I could kill her, he repeated on his head every time he meets Lady Victoria.