The Broken Engagement

After half an hour sitting next to my mother's seat, she finally noticed my presence.

"Darling should you not associate yourself with those fine young men. I see there are quite a few noticeable handsome ones."

Is my mother alright? She expects me to be with those good for nothing.

"Oh. Please mother I would only associate myself to the ones who deserves it"

"Are they not to your liking my dear? They are handsome, rich and powerful. What else could it be that you are looking for?"

I'm looking for my first love mother. Is it not obvious? My prince, and I deserve nothing less.

"They are not of royal blood. I am only fit to be with a royalty, am I not?"

"Of course darling. Whatever is best you see fit to make you happy"

All this conversation with my mother had drained me so I stood up from my seat and headed for the Prince who was just talking to Carlisle earlier.

Time to catch my prey.

As I made my way to the hall suddenly a cold wetness sent shiver to my body.

I looked to see a lady holding an empty glass of wine which had been splashed on me causing my face and upper body to be drenched in it.


I shouted furiously causing a scene.

"My apologies your lady. I did not mean it. I am so so sorry"

"Do you know how much this dress cost me? and how could you... my face..."

A lot of people had gathered now and the duke himself was about to stand to check what the commotion was all about.

"I'm terribly sorry your lady. I will compensate you for the dress. I apologize for my inattentiveness. I did not mean it."

The lady said looking like she was on the verge of tears.

Might as well just let it go. I still have a lot of dress I can change into anyways.

My maid hurriedly handed me a clean cloth to wipe the wine in my face.

After wiping a few more drips on my chest I looked up to see the lady who was earlier apologizing to have a small but distinct mischievous smile.

This had me furious

"You just ruined my night. You embecil. YOU!"

I held my hand high in intend to slap her but my wrist was caught by a strong hand before it could reach her face.

"That's such a petty thing to do just because of a ruined dress your lady."

The familiar voice had me frozen like a stone.

It can't be!

Please don't let it be the person whom I think it is. But when I looked to see who it was, how I wished I never got angry. It was the Prince. The very person I loved.

This is beyond shameful. He will see me as a scandalous lady of disgraceful manners or education.

I cannot believe this is happening to me. Of all people who could witness my dark side.

He should only see me as a lovable person he wants to get married to. Not this evil side of me.

What should I do?

Should I beg on my knees? Explain myself?

"Even the hideous beast knows when to attack your lady ship" He said in a distaste.

But it's too late now. He saw me as I am.

Evil and selfish.

"Your highness. I... This... This is all a mistake. She..." I tried hard to explain how things are but I could not think straight.

He released my wrist and tended to the lady who's now on her knees.

"My prince. I did apologize to the lady. I am so sorry about this. It was not my intention to ruin her ladies' night."

She said still on her knees while on the verge of tears again.

The prince nodded as if gesturing that everything will be fine.

"That is alright Lady----. "

The prince said unsure as what to call the her and I stood frozen unable to believe what just happened.

"I am Cataleya florlyn Aranel your highness." said the lady who's now being helped by the prince to stand.

"ah yes Lady Aranel. You will not have to concern yourself with these trivial things. I will take care of it"

"Thank you my prince "

That sly snake!

Stealing my prince.

I'm gonna make sure to punish you.

I was about to step forward again when the prince waived his hand and his butler came.

"Lincon, prepare a carriage and make sure to have Lady Aranel sent home safely"

"Yes Sire."

"as for you Lady Sorian. I'm too ashamed to see you for the time being"

The Prince strode in the middle of the hall and was about to say something but waited to make sure everyone was listening


Victoria was still too stunned to process everything that has been happening. She wanted the prince a great deal but she was very much aware how great of a damage the scene had caused her. Which will definitely affect the prince's impression on her and his willingness to marry her.

She had long been engaged to the prince but the prince never once mentioned marriage to her or her family, as if he never intends to marry her.

After the butler and the Lady Aranel left, the prince turned to Victoria.

"I never imagined you can be this ruthless for such a dress. I do not wish to associate myself with such uneducated person. It will only bring forth disgrace to the crown. I hereby make known that I, Prince Tristan Howard of the West Kingdom, cuts off my engagement to Lady Victoria Philbie Sorian. seeing as thi..."

I could not hear the rest of what he said.

I had gone suddenly deaf and everything seemed to be looking blurry like a dream and the hall suddenly turned upside down causing my imbalance.


I heard the muffled cry before everything went pitch black.


The grand celebration of Lady Victoria Philbie Sorian was quick to have been put on end as the Lady herself had lost consciousness.

Lady Victoria's personal maid Ali ran to the duke and duchess who were standing in a distance unsure of the commotion that had been happening.

"Oh my baby" the duchess cried while the lady was lifted from the ground where she had collapsed.

"Call the royal Physician at once" commanded the duke with a worried face.

The maids and the butler was quick to bring the lady to her room.

On the other hand, the Prince did not find any kind of pity or remorse on his actions as he only found it fit for the occasion and even thought that Victoria was faking it to gain pity.

"oh please" He looked at the body lying on the floor

It is not his nature to concern or get involve with "ladies fight" as he calls it, but he found the incident tempting as an opportunity to untie his long unwanted connection with the Lady, and thus he had succeeded.

But something felt strange

He had cut off his engagement finally with the witch he despises so much all his life, however for some unknown reason, he felt tired and upset.

"You will have to excuse me. I think I need a rest"

And with these last few words, the Prince left the party.

He went out of the banquet hall to the front gate where his carriage was waiting.

He stepped inside and sat with a wider smile and commanded the coachman to advance.

While on the way to the palace, the picture of Lady Victoria's body lying on the floor kept repeating on his memory.

Was she faking it?

Was it my fault?

Was the floor too cold?

Will she be alright?

These thoughts came to his head unconsciously and when he realized he was thinking of her, he tossed them aside without hesitation.

"I'm not worried about her. This might just be a little guilt which I should not feel! She deserves it and so much more."

He said sounding more like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone.