The awakened Memories

I could not hear the rest of what he said.

I had gone deaf suddenly and everything seemed to be looking blurry like a dream. The hall suddenly started turning.


I heard the muffled cry before everything went black.

and suddenly everything turned White... so white that its blinding...

"Good morning sleepy head. Wake up you're gonna be late for school"

A sweet voice said while pulling off my blankets.

"fhivhe mhinhutes mhom"

I said half asleep.

"what? sorry sweetheart can't understand you"

she does that all the time argh!..

"I said five minutes. please?

"No can do sweetie. It's your last day before summer vacation and I got work to do too"

She came nearer with a funny smile and I know what she's gonna do next so I jumped up in bed shielding my sides

"mom no, no, no. NO!"

She wore a straight face as if she doesn't know what I meant but still moves closer

I braced myself as she plunged into bed and started to tickle me on my sides.

"hahahha maaaahhahahaha mooommaahahahah please stoaaaahahhap stop. stahahahap.. Stop it! hahahha"

She finally stopped after realizing I was laughing in tears

"Alright alright. just get up. I made breakfast"

I got up from bed and went out to the small kitchen.

There was a newly made pancake and a glass of milk on the small counter.

"Hmm smells good. Thanks mom but I told you I can just make my own breakfast. I'm old enough to take care of myself now."

"Oh yeah? Then are you old enough to wake up yourself?" She teased. She knew I could never wake up with just my alarm clock.

I gave an innocent made smile. Waking up is dang hard for me.

"I just want you to take care of yourself mom. Then I'll be happy"

"Oh baby. Your happiness is my happiness so just eat up and I'll drop you off"

"That's too cheesy even with a burger in the morning. I'll be fine. You can just go."

She gave me an-are u sure?-- look.

"yeah I promise. I'll be fine. I'll call my friend or take the school bus. I've got plenty of options you know."

Convinced with my reasoning skills she took her bag and keys, and kissed my forehead goodbye before heading out the door.

I heard the car engine start and the car drove off.

After taking the last bite of my pancake I went back to my room to take a quick shower and got on my uniform, and grabbed my bag.

I was walking outside when the school bus passed by which I never bothered to try and stop because it never did since first day of school.

It's not the driver's fault. Staying with grumpy, bad manner, bullies won't last you a day. If I'm the driver, I wouldn't stop not even a minute if that means getting these brats of my face as soon as possible.

After a five-minute walk, finally at the gates of hell they call school. I took a deep breath before entering to start my oh so awesome day at school- please feel the sarcasm.

To be honest, I hate school. Not something you expect to hear from a student with straight A+ grades on every subject but believe me or not. I HATE SCHOOL.

Obviously not because I hate to study. Factors are deeper than that.

"Hey Trash! You should join your friends!" Amy said and threw her sandwich wrapper at me which I guess was her breakfast.

"Well that ain't so bad, maybe it's my lucky day. Smells like tuna eww. " I whispered to myself as I took off the wrapper with a few mayo in it that got stuck on my uniform.

It's the last day of class so maybe they'll go easy on me? I just need to endure one more day anyway. Besides this is nothing compared to almost drowning during swimming class, or getting a broken bone during gym class, or getting spilled by dangerous chemicals during science lab experiments.

A little bit of insult and a sandwich wrapper really looks like a walk in the park compared to all the 'accidents' Amy had plotted in the past.

"Hey weirdo!"

I look to my back to see a bag flying and got it on time before it could hit my face

"nice catch bitch. Make sure to carry that to the right room this time or else"

Daniel said with mid fingers in the air. Oh how I wanted to just punch that smug face off.

Anyway, nothing I can't handle so far.

I carried his bag to the same room where I'll be having my first class.

It was Physics class and everyone knows I love the subject just as much as the professor hates me. I really don't understand this school. It's a weird academy where only rich kids go to and even if your good in class but you're not filthy rich, for some unknown reason everyone hates you. Oh believe me. I've known from experience.

I gave Daniel his bag and went to find my seat at the back row. I was sitting next to my best friend Charles. He's the only person kind to me on this school and guess what? The schools Prince charming. Bleeh🤮

I can't deny his got good looks better than most of the guys at school and well his kinda kind so yeah whatever.

"moning Vicky" He said as I sat next to him.

"Mornin Charles" I said half hearted. Yeah his my best friend but we're the only ones who agreed to know that we are.

I still love my life so I really don't wanna broadcast how close this outcast is to this handsome dummy to a school with girls dying for his attention.

I prefer to live, so being cold hearted, inattentive, and not falling for his good looks helps a lot to survive.

The class started and ended, and it was not long enough before lunch time.

"Wanna grab some pasta for lunch?"

He knew I'd refuse like I always do but he asked anyway.

"I'm good thanks."

I wouldn't want Amy to strangle me to death during lunch seeing as I'm with her Prince charming. Yeah My bully Amy is head over heels for Charles.

So yeah --I'm good thanks-- is short for I don't wanna die Charles.

"Alright see you later" He said and got up. I watched him walk away, probably headed to the cafeteria.

I stood up and went to the toilet where hopefully I could have a peaceful lunch but that was all just a wishful thinking

Cause right after I got in the ladies' room, a magical pail of toilet water appeared at the top of my head and drenching me all over including my lunch.

Now I've got to go all day without lunch.

And I thought this day could be better.

"PERFECT! look at my Art piece guys its spectacular hahaha"

Amy said to her friends who's now hissing and laughing like snakes

"Well your vocabulary is getting better Amy. didn't know you knew what spectacular means." I said and laugh along with them.

Yeah call me crazy but I'm not a submissive victim and lucky for me whatever non sense teasing I come up with always gets to Amy.

That's my way of getting even. I'm not a saint and not dumb either so I've practiced a few insult to throw.

"Ooooooooohhhhh" Amy's friends said looking at her like --that was one strike not bad.

The smug smile on Amy's face had now turn to a frown

"What did you say you bitch?" She said walking towards me.

"Oh so the side effect of improving your vocabulary is deafness?" I asked her innocently.

"You bitch come here" She grabbed unto my hair and pulled me.

I was holding her wrist so her tug on my hair won't pull out my head bald but it still effin hurts like h*ll.

She pulled me up a stair until we reached the balcony in the rooftop.

"Let's see if you can still talk like that after this" She pulled me closer to the edge laughing maniacally while it started raining.

My feet were now on the edge of the building and her wrapping hands on my hair started to loose so I grabbed her wrist tighter for dear life as I knew what she intended to do.

I looked down my back to see a lot of people down the school building who had started to gather watching Amy's show.

"Now, still has the nerve to talk?"

"Amy don't do this. Please. This is past the line you should cross. I'm sorry okay " I begged her

Suddenly the door to the rooftop opened and I was happy to see a familiar face who can save me.

It was Charles. My best friend.

Charles eyes had gone wide open seeing how I might fall anytime.

"Amy! What the hell are you doing?" He said still on his way to where Amy is holding me hostage.

She grabbed Amy's hand and I thought he wanted to save me but he added

"Just let go of her already baby" and kissed Amy with a smile.

Amy and I had let go of each other unconsciously. Her because she closed her eyes while kissing Charles and mine obviously due to the shock of what I heard and saw.

My supposed to be one and only savior helped pushed me to my doom.


I screamed at the top of my lungs as I fell.

What do I do?

I'm falling fast.

I don't want to die!


I cant!

The cold wind sent shivers to my back as I fell.

I never wanted to die.

But here I am.

I'm Gonna die soon.

And just like a movie preview, everything from my past flashed back before my eyes.

All the pain,

the tears shed,

and the rejections. .


Why does it look like I only had to suffer and doesn't even have one hella good happy memory?

Is this how I'm gonna die?

This is unfair!

I've tried to be good and

honest and

helpful and

genuine and..



and Oh f*ck it all!

It's the first time I've ever cursed in my mind and it felt good.

But It's all futile now

I'm gonna hit my head soon anyway.

My tears flew up as my body was sucked by gravity closing the distance of the hard, wet ground

Is this really the end of me?

I had not lived a full life yet but I'm about to reach my end soon.

I closed my eyes to embrace my pending doom.

I just hope it won't hurt

If only I could go back.



Even if.....

I have to be Evil.

But before I could lose consciousness because of the fall I heard a thin voice call for me.

"My Lady. Your awake! I will call the Royal physician."

"Darling finally. How are you feeling?"

I remember everything now.

I was given second chance in life.

I can't believe I forgot my past life.

This is my second life and a better one at that compare to the past.

No bullies. No financial problems.

"I'm rich haha!"

Thank you god.

I'll never waste it.