Is This Guilt?

"My Lady. Your awake! I will call the Royal physician."

Ali with a worried look hurried outside with faster strides than the usual.

"I'm Rich! Hahha"

"Darling finally. How are you feeling?"

A worried tender voice called out to me.

"Darling are you fine? Can you hear me?" The voice continued

"goodness gracious have my daughter gone mad?" I guess she'll never stop until I respond. -__-

This snapped me out of my thought about my second chance in life.

"I'm fine mother"

"Oh dear you are? Thank heavens."

"Yeah. Thank the heavens. I owe e'm a lot"

I should be very thankful for this blessed second life I'm granted.

"I'm sorry dear. I do not follow" You don't really have to follow you know.

" nothing mother. I should get up now."

I tried to get up the bed but my whole body feel soar and won't move.

"I can't get up"

I said in a shock. What's happening. Why can't I get up?

My worried face copied the expression of the people around. The duchess however was looking pale like she's going to pass out soon.

Shortly the Duke came to the door tagging along the Royal Physician, my maid, Ali and a few guards.

The Duke nodded his head to the Royal Physician.

The Physician, Rion came closer with a small luggage bag in hand I believe contains his medical tools.

"Are you alright my Lady?"

How can I possibly be alright if I can't get up. Duh!

" Isn't it obvious? I can't get up."

"Let me check your body Me Lady"

He got out a book which gave me a confused look. What's he gonna do with a book?"

He started flipping the pages of the book with his right hand and spewed nonsense like he was reading something from a blank page, while his other hand held my wrist.

This has got to be a fraud doctor.

I can't believe even the Royals were fooled by this fraud. Gosh. So much for being a Royal physician.

I was throwing insult in my head of how stupid can everyone get to believe he can actually heal me when suddenly his other hand that was holding my wrist started to shine with a yellow light which started to climb up to my arms and had suddenly spreader my entire body.

I did not expect that. So magic exists here? I've never knew that in my 16 years of living here. What the hell.

"My Lady, your body is still adjusting to sudden movements as you've been at rest for a while. It's a temporary body paralysis but it should be gone after one to two days." the Physician said shortly after the yellow lights that covered my body earlier had vanished.

I was still a little shock as how there is a real magic and that its possible in this world. I mean if reincarnation exist then I think magic can be real too- I guess. But it's still too unbelievable.

Then I went back to reality.

What was that he said? paralysis?

"What do you mean? I just had a good night sleep." It doesn't make sense.

"But My Lady you were asleep for almost two weeks. We thought you would never wake up again" Ali, my maid said still looking sad.

What? Two weeks? I thought I was out for a day max.

"You dare say that to my face." said the duke who is now looking at Ali with furious eyes.

"I did not mean it in a bad way My Lord. I also wish for my Lady's wellness and good health"

Ali said in defense

"Please father spare her the lecture. It is not her fault and if it's true then might as well I know how my body works. I mean if there's anything I shouldn't eat then better to know to avoid them right?" I gave Ali a winked of re-assurance but this got her confused as hell and made me face palm in my mind.

I mean why be mad at Ali about giving me updates on what happened after I passed out. First it's not her fault, second it's only an update, what harm is there to fuzz about? and third I know who's fault it is. It's that stupid prince's fault.

The Duke stood silent as did everyone else.

"I think its best you take your rest" my mother said all of a sudden and signaled everyone out of my room.

Of course including the duke himself as he gladly submitted.

Father might have the Duke title of the kingdom but mother always had the last say for almost everything concerning me. It actually felt like dad's the boss, but mom's the real boss.

She kissed my forehead goodbye like she always do, and went out to join the others outside.

Now what?

I'm reborn like literally.

I couldn't stop the big smile that had formed in my face.

I feel so happy. All the burdens I had been bearing since I was kid which made me become evil felt like immaturity and childish problems now.

I felt alive again for a very long time.

But my happy thoughts were short live when suddenly my stomach got the best of me.

It growled like a cookie monster in Sesame Street.

I need food.

"Don't forget to send me breakfast" I shouted hoping someone was still at the other end of the door.



"You're highest. A letter from House Sorian came today"

"Thank you." I said shortly after he handed me the letter

Well I'm a bit surprise with the sudden black covered letter.

I heard she's still unconscious since the last two weeks.

Could it be?

Is she dead?

That can't be.


I mean fainting from shock causing one's death is a bit too excessive.

And they said bad people live long lives.

Is this -----?

Did I kill her?

I could not stop thinking of all sorts of things so I ended up opening the letter which I intended to ignore.

To the dearest Prince

I accept cutting off the engagement. Thank you.

P.S. You f*cking d*ckhead

Sincerly Victoria Philbie Sorian

Lady of The Sorian House

I was out of words to say.

I don't understand what the last part means on her P.S. but what's important is she agreed to break off the engagement? And even thanked me for it?

Has she gone mad?

And what more is that, there's no begging me to give her another chance or anything at all on the letters to make me pity her.

She HAD gone mad, I'm sure of it.

And what does her P.S. mean? is this some kind of code to express her love or maybe a curse to make me fall for her?

And why does this bother me so much?

Shouldn't I just be happy about it?

I should be happy about it.

Why do I feel drained all of a sudden?

Why worry about it?

Have I gone mad?

Turns out I might also have gone mad.

What have the world gone into.

One month after the tragic letter incident

"These days the prince has been out of it." One of the maid in the hallway said.

"You noticed too?" said the other.

"The prince lost weight and looks like his highness has not slept well in the past few weeks" responded the other.

"It might be because of the political rivalries in the palace. Poor prince, working himself to the bone for the betterment of the people"

@the prince's study

It's been a month now and I still have not heard back from her. No follow up letter revoking the first one she sent?

Has she really decided to break off with me?

Well I did break off the engagement first but still it's been months. I should hear something from her or about her.

Plotting something evil to take me back against my will or using political power to push the marriage forward.

Or at least a letter to beg me to visit her.


And for the millionth time why am I thinking of her again?

She is no longer my concern.

I should not bother my thoughts of her insignificant existence.

Ah I know what this is all about.

This is guilt.

Right, I feel guilty.

Or is this her plan all along?

To steal me of my good night sleep thinking of her? maybe the P.S. on her letter was indeed a curse. I did not understand what it said but for some reason it felt important.

Then I'm left with no choice.

I must see her.