Sincerely Fake

"I would like to seek an audience with the Lady of the House,"

"What's this d*ckhead doing here?"

Oh well, might as well get rid of him fast.

Victoria bowed down to greet the Prince.

"Greetings Lady Sorian"

"Greeting Prince of the west kingdom. This is a first. I heard you call for my audience."

"I have come to discuss a matter of great importance with you."

"How can I possibly be of assistance?"

I mean what the hell do you want from me?

"It's regarding the unfinished matter we have"

Yeah like we have some unfinished business.

"Not to be rude however I do not remember any unfinished matter that we should discuss. In fact, shouldn't it be the opposite? I believe have severed any ties we might have. "

"Clearly, I remember that I sent out the letter agreeing to you breaking off our engagement."

Though you already announced that back at my party. That means it's finished assh*le.

"It's about the letter you sent me a month ago"

Exactly! So what the h*ll are you doing here? I don't want anything to do with you so shoo.

"Ah yes. What about it your Highness?"

Arggg! If you weren't the prince, I swear I could have smacked you in the face.

"I would like to be frank if you allow it"

" Please. Go ahead" and be done with this ugh!

"Did you put a curse on that letter?"

"What?! Are you nuts? why would I do that?"

What the h*ll is he talking about now? Is this guy crazy or something?

"Nuts? Are you hungry Lady Sorian?"

"No! I mean I did not and why would I do that? I'd also like to be frank if that's fine with you"

"Yes, that's fi----

I didn't let him finish.

"You despise seeing me right?"

He was so surprised that his jaw half dropped by my straightforward question.

"You do have a point none the less I ----"

Then AGAIN what the h*ll is he doing here if he hates my guts so much?

"Just to make things clear. I gave you your long-wanted freedom.

shouldn't you give me mine?" Can't this guy take a hint? I don't like you now so shoo away. shoo!

He looked shocked and rejected though he didn't know what to say to that.

He opened his mouth twice to say something but thought better of it and closed his mouth before standing up to bow a bit and left with a troubled expression.

Well, I've cut him off twice so I guess he finally gets it that I don't want to talk to him.

I was left sitting on the couch as I heard his carriage leave the mansion.

Gosh, I can't believe I liked that good-for-nothing piece of trash. I hate looking at his handsome face. It reminds me one someone who betrayed me. Urgg.

"I'm not seeing things I'm sure," someone said at my back.

I was caught in thoughts when Carlisle came inside the living room

"Carlisle. Whatever are you doing here"

"Was that the Prince I saw earlier?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure you're not blind so yes. Anyway, I've got plans to do. Would you like in?"

"Count me out. and what did the prince come here for?"

"Beats me!"


"I mean I don't know."

I shrugged to show him I was clueless but he looked at me worried so I'm guessing he didn't buy it.

"what do you mean you don't know?"

Why the heck is he interrogating me now?

" I mean He accused me of poisoning or cursing the letter I sent him a month ago? Weird"

"What letter?"- Carlisle Asked.

"That black letter I asked you to buy last time."

"You sent that to the prince?"- another question from Carlisle.

"Yeah so?"

"I thought you knew someone who died. Isn't that for a funeral?"-Third question from Carlisle.

"Why do you guys love to ask me so many questions that are so obvious? Can't you be more stupid?"

"Well, did you?"

"what? Poison the letter? of course not!"


"What do you mean why?"

"Tsh. That innocent attitude is still a little scary. I'm not accustomed to it yet."

"What is wrong with you people."

"Why did you send him a letter anyway"

"It was just a letter to agree to his announcement back at the party last month."

I said plainly. He squinted his eyes at me as if his not sure if his talking to the same person.

"What? Is that wrong? I simply gave him what he wanted"

There's no point talking to these people. They'll only see me as the Devil and nothing else. Best to just get out of here.

"Victoria you know what you've done in the past." I was supposed to walk out of the room but I stopped dead on my track.

"I knew about all the bad things I did in the past but I've changed now haven't I?"

I mean, remembering your sad perish, pitiful life where you were the naive, innocent girl who died of a tragic end can't change your personality. I don't think anything will.

" I know but the change you for a month now can't compensate for all the trouble you caused in the past." He has a point. Trouble seems to be a lighter term for almost drowning a maid or whipping a coachman a hundred times because we were late to a party. Even if I was the one who woke up late.

Yeah, trouble is an understatement.

"Look. I already told you. I'm a change man. Woman! And I'm really sorry for everything"

"Don't get me wrong. These changes you've been showing are good. You've been behaving well but even I can't believe these sudden changes myself. What more of those who don't trust you at all and see you otherwise? They will have mountains of doubt."

I did build a not-so-good reputation in the past years so yeah, maybe it was a bit too much to expect.

"You got a point. That's why I need your help on a Plan"

"Please don't make me nervous. Your plans are always making me nervous. Like when you almost burned the house of a baron on a tea party."

"Hey! I did make a Tinie-Winnie fire but the birthday girl spread it."

yeah, I remember that. Gosh, I didn't know I was that ruthless. Whew. Thank god I changed.

"It's different this time. I promise"

"Guess I can never win with you." He said in defeat.

"Thanks, Callie"

"Oh please. Don't make me change my mind"

"hahaha Alright. Alright, how bout Carl?"

"Carl? Who is he?"

"You. Dummy. Carlisle is a little out of character for friend calling, so Carl?"

"A pet name I see. Then what do I call you?"

Eww It's not that. it's just Carl is easier to say.

"Just call me Vicky. And it's not a pet name okay"

I stood up and grabbed him by the hand to pull him outside.

"Let's change people's minds" I beam excitedly while tugging a red tomato face with me to be my helping buddy.

First Plan is to clear my name of the bad reputation I have.

Let's get to work.