There were half a dozen of children on the streets begging for food, looking at people with their pleading eyes hoping for a drop of bread, but no one paid attention to their skinny, sad looking faces.

"spare me a penny please. I haven't eaten for days please" a boy with teary eyes and ragged clothes grabbed unto the sleeves of my dress like its dear life depended on it. "please your lady"

Carlisle took the boys hand removing it any closer from me and reached out to his pocket for some change.

" don't touch her or she will have your hands cut off"

What the heck is this guy blabbing about, making me look like a devil.

The boy's eyes widen in fear and backed away from where I'm standing. Carlisle reached out to his pocket for some change and held out five silver coin. The boy's face changed from a look of terror to delight as it mirrored the hand with silver coins presented to him. A tear started to form in the corner of his eyes until they were too heavy for him to hold back and is now bawling in tears of gratefulness.

"Thank you good sir. I can now have something to eat for days to go, thanks to your kindness" my eyes could not leave the boy as he ran to the nearest stall for some bread.

The baker looked at the boy with disgust as if having second thoughts of selling him anything.

"it's the first I've seen you looking at them so intently that for a second I thought you knew how to have pity."

I sent him a piercing look as a warning for the insult.

"Such intelligence wasted on poor judgement good sir, and I thought ladies were the only one who knew how to speak ill gossips. Never expected it to be your specialty."

And with those words I left him alone walking my way to the bakery stall.

I reached the stall where the baker is still refusing to sell the boy some bread. He shoo'd the boy away after we met gaze and showed me his broadest smile.

"What would you like my lady? We have the best bread and pastries in town."

"give me everything you have in this stall"

" everything your lady? I'm sorry. Which of everything? apple pies or the chocolate cakes? or-- "

" I said everything! Everything that your selling." I cut him off shortly

"Goodness gracious! Thank you my lady. I will pack everything in our best pastry boxes" the baker hurried to call his wife with a wide smile to pack my order.

" Seeing as your back to your evil self. I think there's no need for me to worry. Poor boy who can't even have bread today tsk tsk." Carlisle said as he looked like he just got out from a bad dream.

"Excuse me good sir. I am a very busy person. I have no time to humor you so if you may excuse me as I've got better things to do"

I took two boxes of the pastries and bread and followed the track of the boy from earlier.

Then I found him sitting on a corner of the street with a slice of bread in hand along with two more kids that looks like a younger version of him holding the other slice of the bread.

As I walked closer to them, the boy notices me and met my gaze. He was scared for a moment when I stopped to where they were sitting. They all stop eating and watched me as if waiting for me to say something first.

"Boy what's your name?"

"Y-your L-ladyship. M-my name is R-ralph."

He stammered as if he was asked for his biggest secret with his life on the line.

"Please to meet you Ralph. My name is Victoria"

I held my hand for a handshake and he hesitantly took it with shaky hands.

Do I really look that scary?

He was about to kiss the back of it when I shook our hand for a handshake.

He was confused but finally lowered his guard down.

He then smiled to me and the pressure in the air seems to have been lifted.

"Please to meet you my Lady"

"Ralph if you don't mind me prying. I would like to ask a personal question"

"Anything my Lady. As long as I know the answer to it, I will tell you."

"Where is your parents?"

I might have opened an old scar seeing as his reaction change to a sad one.

"They died of a house fire my Lady. Me and my younger siblings now live on our own here in the streets"

"Apologies for that. It was rude of me to ask. Here's a box of pastries and a box of bread I hope you'll like. I hope you accept it along with my apology."

The children's eyes beamed with happiness and joy as the boxes where handed to them.

"My Lady. You don't have to. It is only the truth and there is no fault in asking people like us."

when he said people like us, I felt a pang in my chest because it just showed me how mature this boy was for his age that he understood how poverty had taken away the respect they should be given.

I was lost in thought when a small rough hand held my face wiping a tear I did not know existed.

"I'm actually looking for servants who can be with me at times when I need to play. The position is still open and I am in need of three in total. If you interested, would you like to receive my offer?"

The three kids held their guard up again for some reason. They may not trust me yet and I think it was too sudden to ask.

"Of course only if you are interested" I added

"I guess that is too much kindness me lady. I appreciate the gesture however It would be too much."

"Alright, let me be blunt okay. I know you don't trust me- yeah I don't trust myself at times either, and I've got a very bad socializing skills and well my records aren't that great too- yeah let's say bad-bad records. I did a trick or two but you know that's all in the past and I'm actually trying my best to be a bett...…" I stopped midsentence when I noticed they were very confused about all I was blabbing about.

"Sorry- The main point is that. I know I can't be trusted but please give me a chance to change that. What do you say kids?" I tried to smile as innocent as I can to get them to believe me and…

"Thank you me Lady. No one has ever cared that much. I would gladly serve you till the day I die"

"I think that's a little way too much. You can just serve me till you can save a lot of money to live on your own. Hehe"

"It's settled then. Let go!"

I grabbed his hand to tug him along with his siblings back to where our chariot was to go back to the mansion. But he took it back shyly.

"I am dirty me Lady. Please let me wash my hands first before holding yours"

"Oh, Don't worry about it. I get dumped by Amy on trash bins all the time after school. A little dust won't hurt."

I really don't know what I said wrong but he suddenly started tearing up. What is up with this kid? I'm not trying to bully him right?

"I'm sorry! Did I do something wrong?"

"No my Lady! I'm just thankful to heavens you found us. May the heavens protect you."

Wow. I did not expect that from a kid.

It's a custom that when you truly want protection and abundant life for a person then you can bid them good fortune by saying – may the heavens protect you.

And this kid just said that to me. I mean nobody aside from my family has ever said those to me since I got reincarnated here. I guess I really did a bad job living this second life.

Since I'm finally back to my senses now I think I can be a better version of who I'm supposed to be here. Just a tad bit better. Let's not over do things.

And with that I lifted the smallest of them up in my arms and held him by the hand while he tags the other kid along.

"Its suits you"- Carlisle said in a mocking tone

" F U" I said while smiling sweetly

"what do you mean?"-Carlisle

"what does F U mean my lady?" asked the kid I was carrying.

"Oh that? Ahhaha I said Bless you hahaha" Gosh. I should be extra careful with my language.

The prince who saw the whole ordeal was not impressed but was suspicious instead.

"What is she up to. What plans does she have? I have to save those children before she can do anything to use them.