
Mr. King seemed to be an older gentleman to Ren. Maybe in his late forties or early fifties. He had some streaks of grey in his black hair and had light brown eyes. Ren sensed an immense amount of power from him. Ren knew instantly why he was the head of the organization that punished ability users.

Mr. King shook hands with Ren and invited him to sit.

"This boy, he gives of an immense energy, but it's not ability power." Mr. King observed silently.

"Is it true that you were one of those that was kidnapped in one of those gas attacks?" Mr. King asked.

"It is sir."

"I ask you this because we have not found one person that has been reported from those attacks other than you of course. If you could, I want to know everything."

"It's a long story, but I'm sure you've made time right?" Mr. King smiled and nodded. Ren went into the detail of what they were doing there with the core and the possible connection with the army.

"I'm surprised, I thought we shut them down ages ago. We saw an ad in the paper about a couple years ago, but we didn't agree with their methods. Where was this facility?"

"It was somewhere in Montana, a ways out from Missoula."

"Mr. Walker, tell intelligence to form a team and find the facility."

"There's no need sir."

"Why's that?"

"There was a freak accident and everyone in the facility died. I'm not sure why, but I'm the only one that survived." This wasn't too far from the truth, but Ren really didn't think that he should tell them that he was the one that killed nearly 8,000 people single handedly.

"I see. Well, we still need a team to find the other facilities doing this, and if there is a possible connection between a higher up in the military, we'll need to send someone to infiltrate the army and find that information."

Ren clenched his fists together and asked, "If it's alright with you sir, I want you to send me into the military. I was going to join anyway for that very reason."

"Very well, Mr. Walker will get you all set up."

Mr. King stood and held out his hand. Ren stood and shook it.

"I look forward to working with you Mr. Lennon. Happy hunting," joked Mr. King.

Ren turned to follow Mr. Walker out of the office and back into the elevator. They went down to the fiftieth floor and entered a dark hallway. This floor had no windows at all. There were computers everywhere in the different rooms Ren observed as he walked by.

Mr. Walker turned left down another hallway and right into another room. Within this room was one woman. She had three monitors in front of her and seemed to be typing at light speed. When she noticed Mr. Walker enter the room she stood up and greeted him, then looked at Ren. She seemed surprised at first then looked away flustered. She was a short, but pretty woman with purple hair, pulled up into a tight bun and purple eyes. She looked to be in her mid-twenties.

"What's wrong with her," wondered Ren.

"This is Ms. Isabella Carter. She is our most skilled hacker and will be working with you on this assignment."

"You already know who is going to be working with me?"

"Word travels fast around here, we make it a goal to work as fast as possible." stated Mr. Walker. "She is going to make a fake ID for you and create a whole new background of who you are. I just wanted you two meet. Next, I'll take you to the doctor who will be taking care of you."

"I don't need a doctor." declared Ren.

"Are you sure? Well if you do, I will be giving you a phone with preset contacts so you could reach anyone you know here, as well as the doctor if need be."

"How about my money situation?"

"Don't worry, about that, we are working on getting your inheritance from your parents. We will also be paying you for this assignment."

"I don't care about the money from this assignment. I just need to destroy the other organizations that steal people's lives away just to make them into a soldier," thought Ren.

Ren left the AAA and decided to find the beach. Los Angeles was beautiful, but he wasn't going to be able to enjoy it for much longer. He was going to be shipped out soon and wanted to enjoy it while he could.

He found the beach and decided to take a stroll. He had never seen the ocean before. It was beautiful. The water glistened in the sun and the wind blew gently against his skin as he breathed in the fresh air. He dug his feet into the sand, but couldn't feel the cold sand buried underneath the surface or the heat of the sun.

"I guess my body is slowly losing the ability to feel," guessed Ren. It had to be because of all the pain he went through. The core adapted and countered it that way.

Ren looked down one way along the beach, then the other. He dug his feet into the ground and then...


...shot down beach, throwing up sand and sending out a powerful gust of wind behind him, blowing some people over as he flew by. Most people wondered why the wind picked up all of the sudden as no one could see him because he was moving so fast.

Ren halted to a stop after he realized the chaos he was leaving behind him. "I probably should stop before someone gets hurt." Ren decided.

Ren arrived at his hotel after eating his fill at a restaurant and found his room. He sat down on the bed and pulled out his white mask. He stared at it as he remembered his vow. He touched the mask to his forehead as a tear ran down his cheek.

"I'm coming for you, core soldiers."