Lorraine Flanagan

Ren approached Lorraine Flanagan's room and knocked on the door. He didn't get a response, so after looking both ways down the hallway, he looked into the peep hole in the door to find out if he could see anyone through it.

After that proved useless, he decided to say something. "Ms. Flanagan, are you in there?" Still no response.

"Ms. Flanagan, I came here to challenge you for your rank." ...nothing. "Well, if you won't come out, I'm coming in." Ren clasped his hand on the doorknob, then ripped the door off its hinges. Ren stepped into the room, but then something flashed underneath his feet. He felt a light sensation that seemed familiar.

Ren suddenly was in the large room that the two thousand had gathered to get their evaluation.

"I knew someone would eventually find my room," said a soft smooth voice. Ren looked to where the voice had come from. Sitting on the stage was Lorraine Flanagan, but she had two other people with her. One woman and one man. The man had red spiky hair and yellow eyes and the woman had long black hair with purple eyes.

"I get it, it was a trap. I stepped on a transportation circle. Well done," Ren complimented. Anyway, I came here to challenge you."

"You're the one who blew up the glass ball," Lorraine recalled.

"That's right."

"Well, I'll only challenge you if you defeat these two."

"Fine then, but If I win against them, I get to set the condition for the loser after our match."

Lorraine thought about it, then smiled and nodded to agree to the terms.

The man jumped towards Ren and conjured red magical whips he swung at Ren.


The two whips ripped off the parts of Ren's clothes they made contact with, but didn't break into Ren's skin. Ren smiled as the man jumped back.

"What? I made a solid hit, why didn't they penetrate into his skin!" wondered the man, confused.

The woman teleported to the man and she teleported them both first above Ren, then to the left, right, then behind. She began to teleport them all over the place, then a dagger flew by Ren's ear and a whip was about to hit the back of his neck, but Ren grabbed a hold of it and pulled.


Ren had thrown him into the wall of the room cracking it and knocking the man unconscious, blood trickling from his head.

The woman teleported and behind Ren and thrust her dagger into his back... so she thought. Ren moved to the right, grabbed her wrist and spun.


Ren elbowed the back of her head, knocking her out instantly as she collapsed to the ground.

Lorraine was impressed. "Those two were both in the top five hundred, but he took them out like it was nothing!" Lorraine stood up and began to walk towards Ren.

As she approached Ren, she looked even more beautiful, her white hair flowing behind her, and those cold blue eyes that seemed to sparkle.

"He doesn't have any magic power resonating from him, but there is something else in there that is giving off an enormous amount of energy!" Lorraine observed.

"Now, for my condition. The loser has to give the winner his or her number to the other."

"What?!" blushed Lorraine.

"You heard me."

"Fine," she sighed.

Her eyes began to glow blue as she released her power throughout her body.

"Come to think of it, I don't have much experience fighting against an ability user," realized Ren. "Better start learning."

Lorraine raised her hand and a large amount of icicles formed above her and flew at Ren.


All of them flew at Ren, but Ren ducked, dodged, and swiveled to avoid being hit by each icicle. The icicles stopped coming at Ren, who stopped moving as he realized ice was up to his knees, holding him in place. Lorraine formed one large icicle that shot towards Ren.


Ren smashed his fists into the ground, sending a shockwave out destroying the ice holding him down and neutralizing Lorraine's attack.

Lorraine was above Ren, her blue eyes glowing as she formed even more icicle and launched them at Ren. Ren jumped and knocked each one out of the way and reached his hand for Lorraine, but she formed a wall of ice between them, then created a slide for herself in order to slide back down to the floor.

Lorraine turned when she reached the floor and realized the ice wall she had formed earlier was flying towards her.


The ice wall crashed into the floor, Lorraine was only barely able to jump out of the way. Lorraine stood up, but as she did, she noticed two green lights just before she felt something sink into her stomach.


Ren had kneed her in the stomach, launching her into the air. Blood was forced out of her mouth spurting into the air. She quickly regained her senses and formed another wall as Ren was just below her, ready to land another blow.


The ice wall Lorraine had formed was shattered from Ren's attack. When the ice particles from the destroyed wall cleared, Ren saw four ice spheres floating in the air.

Inside one of the spheres Lorraine was trying to catch her breath. "Holy shit! He's so fast, I can barely keep up and I'm the ranged fighter. This is insane! He should be the one at a disadvantage!" she complained.

"Clever girl, trying to hide by trying to confuse me, but that's not going to work on me!"


This surprised Lorraine as she caught a glimpse of Ren just before Ren grabbed her wrist.

"Found you," grinned Ren. Ren threw her towards the ground, but Lorraine formed another slide with her ice to catch herself and safely slide down to the floor. As she did, she formed icicles pointed upwards on the ground, hoping that Ren might land on one of them.

Ren flew back down to the ground, but destroyed them with his feet as he landed. Ren went to move again, but this time he was frozen from the waste down. Then ice enclosed itself around Ren, holding him in a sphere of ice on the ground. Then a large rotating icicle at least three times the size of Ren, with jagged edges and sharp point, crashed through the sphere and impaled Ren.


The icicle was still rotating, digging itself into Ren's body. Ren felt it tearing his stomach apart, blood flying everywhere. Ren threw his arms out and grasped the rotating icicle and squeezed.

"What?! I'm having trouble keeping it spinning!" panicked Lorraine.

The icicle grinded away at Ren's arms and hands, but it slowly came to a stop. Ren pushed it out of his stomach and smashed it against the ground and broke himself free. He stumbled forward, a good-sized opening in his stomach leaking out blood, his arms and hands cut and scratched up.

Ren smiled then looked at Lorraine, "Well done. That was cold."

Lorraine stood there, out of breath, her entire body aching. Ren didn't give her a chance to calm down as he shot at her before she could react. Ren spun in the air and...


...landed a kick into her stomach sending her through the wall out of the room. When she hit the ground she rolled, then slide to a stop on the wet grass.

Rain was coming down softly outside. Ren emerged from the hole in the wall staring at Lorraine, then looked up at the clouds.

"I knew I smelled rain before," Ren chuckled.

"This is perfect for me," huffed Lorraine. She raised both of her hands and froze the falling rain drops and then shot them at Ren. He didn't move at all, but took them head on, crossing his arms over the hole in his stomach. Some penetrated into his skin, but only slightly, while the others just broke apart when they made contact.

Lorraine was in shock. "He should be full of holes right now!"

Ren smiled as it began to rain harder. Lorraine was frustrated now, as she froze all the rain she could and launched them at Ren.

Ren walked slowly towards her while saying, "Those frozen raindrops are basically like bullets." Ren then disappeared and reappeared right in front of her. "Bullets don't work against me." Before she could react, Ren made a move to blast her in the stomach with his fist.

"Shit! I can't do anything in time!" she panicked as his green eyes burned themselves into hers.

"I SURRENDER!" She screamed.

Ren stopped his punch just before making contact, releasing a small shockwave throughout the air. Lorraine breathed heavily; her eyes wide in shock. She then collapsed to her knees.

"Man, I just bought this shirt," sighed Ren as he observed the damage done to his clothes. "At least my jacket's ok."

Ren pulled out his phone then handed to Lorraine. "I'll take your number now."