Fight to Kill

Gardel drew his sword from its sheath and stood ready.

"Where's your weapon?" provoked Gardel.

"My weapon... is my body," Ren responded.

Gardel launched himself at Ren and swung his sword. Ren dodged by leaning left, Gardel swung again, and Ren dodged. This time Gardel came down with the sword with all his might.


Ren barely managed to do it, but he stopped the sword by clasping his two hands together.


While still holding onto the sword, Ren kicked Gardel in the stomach and send him rolling on the ground.

"This guy is definitely as strong as Mr. Sandler was, maybe even stronger," Ren observed. "Last time I was only able to defeat him because of rage mode. Let's see if I can do this on my own!"

Ren shot at Gardel who had stood up. Ren slid and bent backwards to dodge a side slash from Gardel and then prepared to attack from behind, but Gardel switched his grip so the sword pointed backwards and thrust the sword into Ren's stomach.


Ren coughed up blood as Gardel pulled his sword out. Ren stumbled backwards, but Gardel came at him again, swinging his sword at Ren's neck. The sword cut a sliver of hair off of Ren's head as he barely dodged. Gardel swung and swung, sending waves of air throughout the grounds of the campus.

People began to notice the fight and strolled over to watch. Neither Ren nor Gardel noticed however, they were too focused on their individual goals.

"I can't fight him like I fought Lorraine," Ren reasoned with himself. "If I'm going to win this, I need to fight to kill, after all, that's what he's doing. First though, I need to get rid of that damn sword!"

Ren concentrated and kept dodging Gardel's swings, and then hit the flat of the blade away.


With his other fist Ren, hit Gardel in the face, then while he was disoriented, Ren grabbed his head and...


... rammed his knee into Gardel's face, breaking his nose. Ren then stuck his leg behind Gardel's.


Ren thrust his fist into Gardel's face with such force it forced his body back and over Ren's leg, smashing Gardel into the ground, cracking his skull. Ren then got on top of him and rammed his knee into Gardel's wrist, forcing Gardel to let go of his sword. Ren grabbed it as soon as he saw it was free, but as he did, Gardel kicked Ren off of him.

The sword flew out of Ren's hand about twenty feet away,

"YOU DAMN PUNK!" roared Gardel. Gardel rushed Ren.


Gardel sunk his fist into Ren's face, then followed up with a hit into Ren's stomach where he stabbed Ren, cracking a couple of ribs. Ren coughed up more blood.


Gardel rocketed his fist upwards into Ren's chin, sending Ren into the air, then Gardel was above him.


Gardel hit Ren again, sending him back to the ground. Ren recovered as fast as he could, then shot away before Gardel came back down. Right when Gardel landed on the ground...


Ren launched off of a nearby tree and sunk his fist into Gardel's face. Gardel slid a couple of feet while still standing. Ren closed the distance he created and aimed a kick at Gardel's head. Gardel blocked it with his arm, but Ren kicked with such force Gardel's arm broke and he flew and then rolled along the ground a good ten feet.

Ren sprinted, jumped, and thrust his feet towards Gardel, but Gardel managed to roll away in time. Gardel's arm was throbbing in pain as well as his face.

"This kid's a freaking monster!" panicked Gardel as he saw Ren's eyes flash a deadly green.

Gardel tried to stand. He got up, but as soon as he did Ren slammed his fist into his stomach, then Ren grabbed his arm, and threw him against a nearby tree, shaking the tree violently.


Ren threw Gardel's sword he picked up after throwing Gardel, which sunk into the right side of Gardel's chest, nailing him into the tree. Gardel coughed violently, sending a mouth full of blood on the ground. Gardel's body hurt more and more with every breath he took. Blood trickled out of his nose and mouth.

Ren slowly walked up to Gardel, glaring at him. Gardel tried using his good arm to pull the sword out, but it proved too difficult because of how deep it stuck into him and the tree. Gardel was forced to use his broken arm to try and pull it out. He screamed in agony as he attempted this. He managed to pull it out of couple of inches, but Ren pushed it back in before Gardel could pull it out. Gardel yelped in pain as a response.

"Where do you think you're going? I think I won this fight, so..."

"Wait..." interrupted Gardel. He was having a very hard time breathing. "Are you sure... you want to... ask that question in front of them."

Ren looked around and noticed that there were a good twenty people a couple of feet back watching, some were even recording the fight on their phones. Ren knew he couldn't risk having these people hearing anything.

"What are you... going to do Lennon?" Ren scowled at Gardel.

"I can't kill you, and I know you're not going to surrender, so..." Ren bent down and grasped one of Gardel's legs.


Ren hit the side of Gardel's knee, tearing the ligaments inside his knee. Gardel wailed in pain.

"...I'm going to make sure you can't continue."


Ren did the same to the other knee. Gardel couldn't use his legs to support himself now. The only thing holding him up was the sword pinning him to the tree.

Ren then got as close as he could as to block Gardel's side from the view of those watching. He then thrust his hand as hard as he could into Gardel's side. Once Ren had a hold on Gardel's core, he pulled it out.

"Don't come after me again, or next time, I will kill you." Ren threatened.


Ren used his elbow and slammed it into Gardel's face, knocking his head back and hitting the tree. Gardel was now motionless as he was knocked unconscious. Ren walked away, bruised and bloodied. As he walked away, he crushed Gardel's core with his grip and headed back to his room.