
"Talk," ordered Ms. Croft as she climbed over the ice to get near to the commander.

"I'm not telling you anything," refused the commander.

"Hmm." Ms. Croft looked around at the officers in the room, covered in ice up to their chest. She turned and walked towards one of the officers with the ball of flame still in her hand. "You. How many people here have been brainwashed?"

"I'm not talking," the officer replied. Ms. Croft held the flame a couple inches from his face. The skin on his face began to burn and then peel off.

"Argh! Ok, ok. Stop!" the officer screamed in agony. "Over half the soldiers have been brainwashed."

"What are you doing. Kept quiet damnit!" roared the commander.

The officer ignored him and continued, "There are a small few that are loyal just because they want to be. There are only a couple that are still being forced to serve under us."

"Thank you. Do you know anything else?" asked Ms. Croft. "Specifically, where are the other facilities?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't know." the officer sighed.

Ms. Croft increased the size of the fire and held in a couple of centimeters away from his face.

"Really! I don't know! ARRRGGGHHH! Stop! Please!" begged the officer as half of his face burned off.

"I'm the only one who knows that." smirked the commander. "And I ain't talking."

"Hey, Ms. Croft." spoke up Ms. Carter.


"I broke through their firewall. I have the locations of all the remaining facilities."

"Really," smiled Ms. Croft. "In that case. You guys are all high ranking officials here right? Kill them all."

Eric walked closer to one of the officer's and shot a huge wave of electricity through one of the officer's bodies until the officer stopped screaming as he was killed.


Ms. Croft melted the ice away with her flame and burned the commander up along with three other men until all that was left were their core, which Ms. Croft stomped on.

Lorraine hesitated. She didn't want to kill anyone, "but, I guess this is what I signed up for when I joined Ren right?" She trembled.

Ms. Croft put a hand on her shoulder and spoke softly, "Look, these guys are loyal to this cause. If we let them live, they will just start this up again. If they gain any more power, they will a force too powerful to be stopped."

Lorraine calmed down and formed a icicle and launched it at the last officer.


The icicle penetrated through the officer's heart. Ms. Croft burned his body away and stomped the core that was left.

"Time to find those that are being held hostage." Ms. Croft gestured for them to follow her.

Ren plunged his hand into Zane's side and crushed his core, before standing back up to face the remaining hundreds of soldiers.

His arm had regenerated up to his wrist. All that was left to regenerate was his hand.

The soldiers began to tremble in their boots after witnessing the battle between Zane and the masked man.


The body of the man who had shouted collapsed to the ground as his head was flung into the air. Blood spilled over the floor, walls, and onto some of the other soldiers. The head landed with a dull thud.

Ren now stood directly in front of the soldiers. He leaned closer towards one of the soldiers until his mask was only a couple of inches away from the face of the soldier.

Ren glared at the soldier, "If you want to keep your head, go back and live the life of a law-abiding citizen."

The soldier dropped to his knees in absolute terror and nodded. He slowly lowered his gun. "I surrender."


The soldier that dropped to his knees fell over dead as a bullet went through his head.

"I will not tolerate any betrayals!" yelled a corporal. "Everyone, listen! Anyone who... HAK!"

The corporal looked down at his side where Ren's arm was now impaled. Blood began to spill out of his mouth as he looked into the eyes of the masked man in front of him, which seemed to burn themselves into his.

"You killed your own soldier," Ren fumed. "That was the biggest mistake you've ever made!" Ren grabbed his core crushed it then pulled his hand out. The corporal collapsed to the floor.


Ren stomped his foot as hard as he could down on the corporal's head, smashing it to pieces, and splattering blood all over the floor.


All the soldiers were trembling now, but the ones that were brainwashed had no choice. They rushed towards Ren firing.

Ren sprinted around dodging bullets, slashing off heads, smashing his fist in faces and cracking heads with his feet.

He flew back into the middle of the room, drawing all the soldiers still willing to fight in the room.


When they got close enough Ren slammed his fist into the ground, sending out of shock wave of air that knocked all the soldiers on their backs.

Ren jumped into the air, then kicked with such force an air wave blasted into the soldiers laying on the floor.

The soldiers that didn't move were still standing in the same position shivering in absolute terror as they watched the masked man kill soldier after soldier. The room that was once white, was colored dark red with all of the blood spilled on the walls.

"I can't fight him!"

"This is insane, I don't even want to be here in the first place!"

"He's a monster!"

The soldiers still couldn't move after the masked men killed all those who charged him.

Ren walked towards the estimated hundred soldiers that were left standing and clasped one of the soldier's throat and lifted him into the air.

"Are you loyal to this cause?" Ren asked forcefully.

"No... please... let me... go... I want to live... I don't even... want to be here!" choked the soldier.

Ren gazed into the eyes of the soldier and saw terror, fear, but most importantly sincerity. The soldier was telling the truth.

He let go of the soldier and let him drop to the ground.

"Go, all of you." Ren ordered all of the soldiers left standing. "Find all of those that you know are being held here against their will and get out of here."

All of the soldiers looked at each other, then obeyed, and dispersed.