Chapter 30: Birth Ceremony VI

I did not notice it when leaving but looking around me carefully I saw that the night was much clearer than normal, and this was due to the sky. There were no clouds, the stars and the moon were much brighter, they looked bigger and it was a full moon. This instead of calming me down made me much more nervous, so I closed my eyes. In doing so a notification from the Knowledge Book appeared telling me that the language the woman was singing was a Nordic language, that if I wanted to learn it and do a translation of the song. I put accept, but the process of loading the language takes a little time.

I opened my eyes when I felt that the procession stopped and I was incredibly surprised, we were at the front of the cave, in front of the middle entrance. The woman at that moment stopped singing and entered the cave. I was very disconcerted by what was inside it, there was a metal platform, and, in the ceiling, there was an opening that showed the sky. Yes, a metal platform, in a tribe where they do not even use fire, they had a metal platform. I had many questions and no answers.

The woman climbed the platform and left me under the hole where the sky could be seen. I considered running away, but I notice that all the tribesmen entered the cave and circled the platform. This is not for any cooking recipe; it is a sacrifice ritual. Now the woman is going to take a knife out of her robes and my life will be over again.

Ahh ...

I do not feel like running or running away, it is very exhausting, and I do not think I have any chance. My need to be surrounded by humans made me vulnerable and brought me into this situation with no turning back. Maybe I should have asked my boyfriend what had happened, or pretend I did not see anything or not get on that plane, or accept my life as a wild animal and live in the forest with the other animals ... I guess in the end I only have left repentance.

I closed my eyes waiting for the end and the book of knowledge had managed to make a small translation of the song, only one word appeared "Birth". I did not think much about its meaning, at this point, it does not make sense. I felt my surroundings begin to light up. I opened my eyes, so I thought it was the last time. All the tribesmen were staring at me. I found in the crowd the family that had taken care of me, in my despair I tried to signal them to come and pick me up, but they just stared at me.

I decided to look at the sky and the moon, it was the only thing that could be seen through the hole in the ceiling, I stared at it and then I felt a lightning strike that struck my entire body.

Oh yes, I remember ...