Chapter 29: Birth Ceremony V

The assistants had in their hands a small wooden container that looked like a small bathtub, in this was a substance that I could not recognize that it smelled bad enough. The woman carried me and without saying a word she put me in the bathtub where her assistants began to rub my body. I did not think about resisting, I felt that I had no case, in addition to that, no one in the tribe has hurt me, so I kind of trust them.

The substance inside the bathtub was hot and it bothered me a bit to dive into it. Upon entering it I discovered that it was, it was thermal water, I do not know where they obtained it, but the situation became increasingly strange and I began to worry a little. In the end, they were raising me to eat me, and has my time come? Maybe this is a kind of ritual of a strange cooking recipe and when I let my guard down, I was already doomed to be the next meal of the tribe.

While lost in my thoughts, they pulled me out of the tub, dried me off, and the woman lifted me again and then pulled me out of the shack. At first, I thought about biting her and barely running away. But I discard this idea immediately, outside the hut where all the members of the tribe gathered. They were staring at me and they are in a strange formation in which it seemed that they were creating a path around me.

I felt more and more afraid and when I thought that the situation could not be stranger, the woman who was holding me began to sing. I did not understand much of the song, although I understand the language a little, in this song there were words that I had never heard, and this only increased my nervousness. The woman began to walk and the members who stayed behind her began to follow her, all in silence and following a constant step.