The teachings of the tribe II

Lost in my thoughts I did not realize that we had reached the meeting place for the teachings, to my surprise the place had certain comforts and characteristics that I had not contemplated. Some small logs were used as chairs around a circle of stones with wood stacked inside. If it weren't because I haven't seen a single sign of knowledge in how to make a fire in the last few days, I would think it was a campfire. I think I was watching her for a long time since Quinn approached me to talk to me.

-It is a campfire, you should not get too close to it, since, although it is hot, if it touches your skin you feel pain. - He said.

He looked quite serious and looked like an older brother who was teaching his little sister. If it hadn't been for how surprised I was that they knew how to use fire, I would have laughed at their way of speaking.

- Woodfire? - Ask quite surprised by the situation.

-Yes, it is art brought by the goddess, however, it is very dangerous. So we only use it when temperatures drop. -

-But… doesn't it also work for lighting? -

Ummm, it can be bright, but actually, we all see well at night, so we don't need that light at night. Also, that is could destroy a house or the entire village if a single mistake is made in its use. So only the best-trained people can use it. The priestess and her helpers. But… wait… How do you know it lights up? - He responded a little distrustful to my question.

-Hmmm, I saw it in a vision that the goddess gave me. - I answered nervously.

-The goddess gives you many visions, doesn't she? -

-Yes, there are times when I feel an energy and when I close my eyes, the goddess speaks to me. -

Yes, I know I am exaggerating the story a bit, but at some point, I may need to close my eyes to see the book of knowledge and this is a way to avoid asking too many questions.

-I wish the goddess would give me visions too, so I could learn to use the forest plants to improve the health of my people. -

- Do you want to learn about medicinal plants? -

-Yes, you may not know it, but many members of the tribe die each year from strange diseases and there is not much that healers can do about it. -

-Umm, if you want, I could ask the goddess about that, next time I have a vision-

-Oh, no ... it's like ..., I think about my question and there are times when she answers me with a vision, but it is not a direct conversation. -

-Ahh, I see. Quinn told me looking a little disappointed.

-But. What did you ask the goddess so that she would tell you about the bonfires? -

- Ah that! I asked him about how food could be prepared, and he said there was a way to do it with a campfire. ¿Do you want me to show you? –