The teachings of the tribe III

Quinn nodded and looked very excited about our experiment. Taking advantage of the fact that it was only Quinn and me since my other brother had stayed on the way, because they had asked him for a favor and that the other children and the priestess had not arrived, I put two stones together and made a small spark to light the fire. Then Quinn handed me a piece of meat our father had given us for lunch, and we threw it on the fire. Quinn stared at the piece of meat, while I searched for something to scoop it out when I was ready.

When I got a wooden stick to take out, the rest of the children were already arriving. They all seemed drawn to the smell of roast meat on the breaststroke. As I took out the piece of meat, without much thought I offered each child a piece. After doing that, I realized that it had been a mistake since the piece was not even mine. So I looked at Quinn with a guilty look, but he was too focused on the chunk to care about those details.

-What are you doing!? - The priestess came screaming.

When I arrived, all the children made a little jump and some even threw the piece of meat that they had in their hands. The smaller children had watery eyes and in unison, all the children lowered their heads and separated from me.

-I...I...I didn't..-

I didn't know what to answer, for a moment I felt like a 5-year-old girl who had committed mischief and got caught. I thought about saying it was the goddess but felt that the more times I used that excuse the falser it would look.

"It was my fault," Quinn said.

His voice sounded very confident but not authoritative and he stood in front of me and seemed like he was protecting me.

-I told my sister that if I could talk to the goddess, making a small fire was not going to be a problem. - He commented again.

You might think that he was very calm while he spoke, but the truth is that if you looked at his hands you could tell that they were shaking, and he was sweating.