The entry of the forest VII

Arlem Ophyris

His conditions were somewhat exaggerated, but there was no choice. My children, I suppose to gain time they told him everything. Which gives him the power to demand what he wants; it would have been nice if he didn't know we don't have a priestess. But it is too late to cry. The more time you lose, the more serious the situation in the forest will be. Winter is here, and there is no time to waste with negotiations.

-It's okay, I accept, tomorrow we will start the entrance to the forest. -

After saying those words, I quickly left with my children towards the village, we have to plan the journey into the forest and we have a few hours before dark and tomorrow begins.

- Father ... I'm sorry, I talked too much. - Quinn said with his head down and clenching his fists.

Of the twins, he is the smartest, without me saying a word he understood where he was wrong. For his intelligence, I would give him the title of leader in the future. But he has a great flaw, his decisions, although rational, are based on his feelings that cloud his judgment.

- Conoces tus errores y vas a ver las consecuencias que traen para la tribu, ese será tu castigo. Avon tu impulsividad fue la que nos trajo a esta situación, conocías el problema mejor que Quinn y aun así caíste en esta trampa, espero que reflexiones sobre tus decisiones.-

Aunque mis hijos necesitaban un poco de compresión, no se encontraba la tribu en una situación adecuada para darle compresión a unos niños pequeños. Como líder de la tribu tenia el deber de regañarlos por sus acciones y en caminarlos al rumbo correcto.

-Padre Quinn y yo queremos participar en la búsqueda y pagar por nuestros errores. - Dijo Avon mientras me miraba a los ojos.

- You know your mistakes and you will see the consequences they bring for the tribe, that will be your punishment. Avon your impulsiveness was what brought us to this situation, you knew the problem better than Quinn, and even so, you fell into this trap, I hope you reflect on your decisions. -

Although my children needed a bit of compression, the tribe was not in a good position to give compression to young children. As the leader of the tribe, I had a duty to scold them for their actions and to lead them in the right direction.

-Father Quinn and I want to participate in the search and pay for our mistakes. - Avon said as he looked into my eyes.

Quinn is the smartest, but Avon is the bravest. He is capable of going to the wolf's mouth if it is to save something he holds dear. That is his greatest quality, but also, he only cares about a small group of people and the rest of the world stops caring.

As a father I will never let them enter the forest, however, I know that if I do not let them go, they will find a way to enter and that will further complicate the situation, at the end of the day they are only two children.

-You will fly over the area looking for some rest of the little one. That is the task that I am going to give you. -

-But father, that's not going to help much. And if you let us in ... -

-You are eagles, this is the opportunity you have to demonstrate your skills, you must learn to use your virtues. -

The next morning all the men of the tribe got up early to go looking for her. But we realized that the situation was worse than we expected. Winter-like every year came without warning. We just got up and the world was already covered in a thick withe layer.