Winter I


Winter came too fast, the night before I closed my eyes and when I woke up the lagoon was frozen and the only think I could see around me were dry trees covered by a white layer. The last few days I had managed to survive thanks to the lagoon, but now that my source of food and water has dried up I don't know if I can find another. The only good news is that with winter my coat changed its tone to white, which gives me a better camouflage inside the forest.

I silently walked through the white landscape trying to find another food source but found nothing for several hours. Time is becoming somewhat confusing, since I do not really know how many days I have been in this forest, and I am starting to forget things about my past, in fact every day I wake up and make a recount of my life to make sure I do not forget the most important things. However, every day I spend more time trying to remember, I do not know if it is a result of fatigue or if it is because of this cursed forest.

As I walked, into the distance I could see a large dark silhouette and a smell of blood permeated in the air. I suppose I was once again very naive in thinking that because it was winter that bear would be hibernating. I would like to run in the opposite direction and not collide with him again, my front leg has not yet recovered from the blow he gave me and I am almost sure that it is broken.

Still, I can't run away ...

Why? Well, because I have been searching food for hours, don't get me wrong I don't plan on eating the bear or anything like that. I need to find a way to take care of him, because if there is not enough food for me there will be less for him and the time will come when he tries to hunt me and if he really tried to hunt me, I would lose completely. So, I have to fight him.

I will definitely not attack him head on, the only advantage I have is that he is prisoner of his animal instincts, while I still have my humanity and intellect. So I started digging a hole big enough for the bear to fall. Then I took some branches and with my teeth I sharpened them to put them inside the hole and make sure to leave the bear nailed. So that my trap was not so obvious I filled the hole with snow that would hide the depth of the hole from perspective.

So as not to confuse me too ... ahem

Well, it was a desperate measure, besides I don't think it's strange for a lynx to mark its territory, right?

Well yes, I urinated on the oak in the area where the hole was. But this is something that no one is ever going to comment on, okay?

Then I made sure I could jump the width of the hole, so I didn't get caught too.