The sound of thunder filled the sky as rain droplets assaulted any soul that hadn't taken shelter from It. John was taking a warm morning shower after his oh so pleasant night of rest. The water droplets cover the glass door as steam Is seen escaping from underneath the door. John's black hair that was once at his ears grew to the point of half his neck, covered his eyes as he looked up letting the water hit his chest. The water runs off his body as we see parts of his body covered in small scars from all the fights he's been in, right at the side of his six pack was a big scar from his first fight with Grinning Madness that jammed its claw hand right through Jack the Ripper Stomach causing John to also get nasty damage. His shower was interrupted when there is a knock on the door, he closed the tap, dried most of the water off his body but didn't dry his hair as that would take too long. He put on fresh pair of underwear and some sweatpants as he answered the door.
"Ah morning John, hope I didn't wake you up?" said Adam.
"Nah don't worry, I was just in the shower." answered John.
"I could tell "said Adam when he noticed that John's hair was still wet and few droplets are shown on his shirtless body.
"So, what is it that you wanted to speak to me about" said John as he leaned on the door and crossed his arms.
"Right, Professor Robbert asked if you would come to the garden and talk to him about how Grinning Madness fights and such so, he can try to make measures against it." answered Adam.
"Right, tell him I'll be on the way in a moment, anything else?" said John.
"No that's all, have pleasant day." said Adam.
John said the same back and then closed his door, when Adam walked around the corner, he then started to breath heavy and looked up extremely happy as his face is flushing red.
"Ahhh~ One of these days you're going to be mine John and when that happens.... "said Adam as He bite his lip and then went to tell Robbert that John's on his way.
John exits out of his room now wearing his normal uniform and started walking towards the monorail that leads to the garden. The monorail goes through the city and the military base as it is one of the biggest transport systems in the dome. When John gets on the rail, he sees a lot of different people mostly military soldiers being transported but he also sees civilians that probably use it to get to work and back.
The scene changed to the city; giant skyscrapers pierce the "heavens" buildings are packed together as a thin layer of smog is above them. The monorail drives on one of the many highways that people use. Dozens of cars drive on the roads as you hear the honking of angry pedestrians due to road rage. On the bridge John looks down as the water underneath the rail moves sideways and then a giant koi fish breaches for air and splashes down causing some water to be sprayed on the cart, the kids who were standing with their parents stare in awe suddenly get splashed, then they laugh at each other making their parents laugh at their children's antics.
It has been an hour since John departed from the base and he finally arrived at his destination. The garden is surrounded by a massive concrete wall that spans around it like a fence, keeping cattle in place. A glass dome covers the entire place. There were 2 military Chasser's that stood guard outside the gate and a few soldiers that carry anti- Raubtiers rifles. The head guard asked for identification and John took out his military card that showed a picture of him and his name plus what his job was.
The man was satisfied and told them to open the gate, the cart on the monorail went back to its job and left, as the gates opened John walked in. Inside of the Garden were luscious green trees that covered the area, green grass was everywhere and walkways out of bricks were leading to separate areas, the sounds of birds chirping were music to John's ears. He started his track to the main house walking on the brick roads.
Along the brick roads were beads of different flowers such as daisies, lilies, violets, roses and a number of others as you can see small insects sit and eat their nectar. In the distance John can see a pond with a small waterfall filling it up over the years and a few wild animals such as deer stand by it and drank from it. When the brick road ended he looked up to see an old gothic styled house that was basically the size of a medieval castle, the giant clock in the middle of the house hit 12 and then a loud gong was heard and moments later, the doors flies open and kids run out and they shout it is break! The kids wear the same type of clothes, black shoes with grey socks and have knee length blue shorts on, they have grey shirts and military square caps on, the girls looked the same except that they wore a skirt instead of shorts. That's when John noticed they all had bar codes on different parts of their body, they all were going to pilot, you had to be 10 for the army to pick you up and put you in a Chasser, some of these kids didn't look that far from that age.
"Ah John, glad you could make it, please follow me." said Robbert.
Robbert was standing at the door then walked In, John followed soon afterwards and the interior looked very fancy, lots of rooms had labels on them that said different subject names such as math and etc. The floor was marble and damn was it clean, you could have seen your own reflection in it.
"Does it bring back memories of the time when you were here?" asked Robbert.
"Yeah that's when times were simpler, the only thing I had to worry about back then was if I finished my homework, now though I have to worry about behemoths that get stronger every day and protect the city." said John chuckling softly.
The Professor nodded and that's when they arrived at an elevator, the doors opened and inside Robbert pressed the downwards arrow button indicating they were going down to the labs. A ding was heard as the elevator doors slide opens, both men walked outwards and then through glass panels, John's sees children wearing oxygen masks while running on tread mills and doing different physical exercises. That's when they walk past a long hall that has metal pods that shows developing fetuses and baby's in green fluids, this is where they are born and made. When they finally arrive at the professor's office, he saw anatomy pictures of different behemoths on the desk, John does Find It a bit weird but then just pushed the thoughts away and told Robbert about Grinning Madness.