I wake up in the middle of the night to a terrible noise outside.
I get up out if bed and look out of my window. Its hard to see, but I make out a wolf in a fight with others. There is a wolf in the middle of it. The middle one is terribly hurt. He has gashes all over his neck. Finally with one of the wolves bites the one in the middle on the neck, and he collapses into the grass. The others leave and run away while the other one is suffering
"Oh no" I feel bad, so I quietly but quickly go down stairs, then out side.
I run to where the wolf is and its starts getting up to run away
"No no no, wait I'm here to help. Stay." I say trying to get to it. It gets up, takes one step, then collapse again on the ground. I walk up closer to it and it starts growling. That growl sounds the exact same as the one at grams. I thought.
I ignore that thought, and get closer to it. It whines and growls. I get close enough that I can sit down next to the wolf and exam its wounds.
"These are bad," I say to myself. I put my fingers in its fur trying to find more. I touch another and it whines,
"Sorry, I need to find somewhere to put you." I look around the yard and find an old shed a little ways in the woods.
"Come on, move please." I try to pick him up, but he is extremely heavy for a wolf. He's not even the regular size of one. He's a bit bigger too.
Instead of picking him up, I drag him to the shed. Once we get there I open up the shed doors and pick him up a little and drag him in. I put him on the pile of hay in the corner.
"I'll be back, I need to get a fist aid kit, and some other things."
I walk out back into the cold night. I shut the doors to the shed. I run back in side and go to the bathroom, down stairs to look for a first aid kit. I look all over for one but there isn't one. Finally I open a cabinet and find one.
"Bingo" I say to myself. I grab the kit and run up stairs.
I go to my room and grab a blanket, if I'm going to tend its wounds, I might as well sleep in there to make sure its all right in the morning.
When I go back down stair, I find Blyth in the kitchen. I quietly go the opposite way and go out the back door.
Once I'm back in the shed I close the doors. I turn around and at my surprise the wolf is still there. I set the blanket down and open up the kit.
I wrap up the the wolfs neck and tend the others I can't wrap.
When I'm done, I'm am exhausted. I grab the blanket and wrap myself in it, before I fall asleep I look over at the wolf, and its sound asleep.
When I can't stand it anymore, I fall asleep.