Her master his anger

Why does it rain when I'm sad does the sky comfort me? '

'...Or does it mock my struggle?'

-A sad young man.

Who am I, I say I'm a weapon of vengeance, but what do I want, I believe I am evil, am I?

My dying father held me in his arms; he comforted me and promised me it would all be fine. 'Father, if you lie before you die you'll go to hell' I told him as I tried my best to hold back my tears.

He paused and smiled, then looked at me and said 'Reno, my son do you know what the dead want?' 'Nothing, they don't want a thing' I said. He smiled at me and hung his talisman around my neck.

On that day, my father the great King Raphael Woo died mysteriously.

My father was the leader of the Gaiden, a group of 'Kings' devoted to slaying monsters an organization far beyond the control of the government.

My father made a decree, 'Men and kings are equal' he was a naïve man; in his eyes all men were equal.

He was the strongest king, but there he lied in the courtyard on his knee bleeding profusely and his fellow king Kang there before him.

I was only 12 when it happened. As I would soon find out without my father, living in the Gaiden's court would become a living hell.

It started with how he died, according to King Kang; my father was a traitor and associated with monsters. My father died and all he worked for died with him. The Gaiden under the leadership of king Kang made a new decree 'No man equals a king'.

I believed it. In the end, I was played by the Gaiden.

King Kang adopted me as an apprentice, he tortured me and called it training, for years the kings ridiculed me for their entertainment.

Then one day my life changed, I was finally able to use my white talisman the conditions for using it were harsh 'The holder must have no hatred in his heart'.

I did hate the Gaiden, but I focused and trained hard until I was able to use it. I kept it a secret from the Gaiden and cultivated it day by day.

Once I sat and wondered about my father's death, could he betray his own, would he betray his beliefs? For some reason, I could never give myself an answer.

There was a monster coming, Lenovar a powerful monster which even when defeated would rise again in a year. They called it the 'Annual Monster' Its eyes were green, it's scales ash, taking the form of a dragon no army of man could stand against it, only my father and his white talisman could. It was his feat of defeating it that won him the seat of the leader of the Gaiden. Since his youth, he continued to defeat the beast every year on his own without fail.

With my father gone. That responsibility fell on King Kang's shoulders.

I was twenty when the monster came; the clouds gathered swirling together to the wrong shade of red, .

All kings joined King Kang on this raid, 'Today we remind the masses why no man equals a king!' he told us.

Being the son of a king I was a monarch, many other fellow monarchs who tormented me over the years for being the son of a traitor stood by my side as my allies that day.

Thunder roared like it never before with deafening rumbles, the swirling clouds became a dark hurricane a malicious presence appeared in it.

The frightening dragon appeared in a devastating blaze of lightning, it was larger than we could have ever believed. It looked at the Gaiden first, in their shining armor and gallant poses, disgusted.

It began to speak, 'Where is Raphael' it said with a voice that could trigger earthquakes. They all desperately looked at King Kang to answer.

King Kang soared as high as the dragon's neck, he looked it straight in the eyes 'He betrayed us and died due to his sin' he said.

'Human, you dare raise your voice at me' said the dragon.

'I can do and say what I want, I am a king no man or monster equals me'

'I see' the beast said. Its chest began to shine red 'Raphael I promised would have my revenge! He promised me, Today shall be the first time I shall use my full power!!' it roared.

It covered itself in its intense flames and grew even stronger and larger, its head reached the clouds, and its breadth was just as huge.

The monarchs fled but I stayed, Maybe it was because I was too scared to run or because I wanted to be brave I do not know.

However, The Gaiden didn't seem worried, they were as stuck up as ever even in the face of such a terrifying opponent.

Lenovar wasn't in the least impressed.

His gaze fell upon me, I could feel its malice, it suddenly came rushing at me, but the Gaiden didn't protect me.

They left me to die at its hands. Its attacks were beyond me, there wasn't even a blink of a chance for me to react.

I had no choice but to reveal my talisman, it shone brightly and it increased my abilities, that didn't mean it gave me a chance though.

I'd be a thousand years too early to even think of challenging Lenovar.

I pushed even harder the limits of my charm! But all I was able to do was protect my vitals. I couldn't bring my body to attack.

'Gaiden!!' I called out to them; they turned a deaf ear to my screams of agony.

As my body was bashed and beaten, my mind began pondered the same question 'Would my father betray his beliefs, would he betray his beliefs?. At that same moment, king Kang said something.

'Greater delusion: undo'

The answer came pounding at me No, No No No No No a no for every time I asked myself that screamed in my head along with hidden anger, rage and frustration cultivated for years.

The dragon rammed me repeatedly into the ground. I realized. The Gaiden tricked me; the hatred I felt was so immense it cracked my charm. As the dragon continued to grind I patted its snout.

In confusion, it stopped. 'My father also broke a promise he made to me' I told it.

Its eyes filled with flames of fury let out, it looked at my ruined body in amazement.

Lenovar let out an epic cry and spat fire to the sky. King Kang came and tossed my body away 'In the end, you weren't even good enough as bait' he told me, the dragon was enraged. The Gaiden began their attack.

What happened from then eludes me. I had lost an arm, my left leg, my bones crushed to bits I was already losing vision in my one remaining eye.

The training, everything it was all a lie, I was played without my knowledge and I willingly played along. The years they abused me, they manipulated me, turning me against my father.

My neck was already broken, but I cursed them in my mind. Gradually as I began to fade away seconds became hours.

I watched my entire life, but from a different perspective. The depths of the curses I placed were inexplicable.

I wondered 'Who am I, I say I'm a weapon of vengeance, but what do I want, I believe I am evil, am I?'

Am I evil because I seek vengeance? Am I pure because I do not hate?

I wanted to kill them, even just a punch, a bite, any harm I could cause them I wanted to. But I had lost feeling in my body. All I could use was my eye.

All I could see was the dark sky.

I didn't know but the battle had long ended. With the Gaiden's victory. They came to my body they healed me a little just so I could hear them.

The mere sight of their faces made me wish Lenovar had destroyed all who wronged me even if it had to take this world with it.

'No man equals a king, remember this till your grave' king Kang told me.

They impaled me with their spears 'You'll never be a king' They all told me.

The last thing I saw was the sky, or at least I wish it was it. The last thing I saw was Kang's face twisting a spear into me with a perverted smile.

That was how I died, but now with my army of vengeful souls, my final wish shall be granted. No matter the cost or the consequences because.

For my revenge, nothing is enough.