"I agree with your wish dear, but the problem is whether Bubu and Haruka want to keep Bian forever?" Adelina asked with a doubtful look.

"Bubu, Haruka, do you two agree with the changes to the will we are going to make? With a change if something happens to both of us, then Bian will be your foster child. You two have complete rights over Bian as long as she is not yet seventeen years old. The two of you also have the right to control the entire company and all Bian's inheritance as long as Bian is not an adult." Said Henry staring at Bubu and Haruka alternately.

Bubu stares at Haruka's face, asking Haruka's opinion on Henry's matters.

"What do you think Haruka? I completely leave the decision up to you." Bubu said looking up at Haruka's face.

"Haruka, I beg for Bian's sake ... I as a mother really trust you Haruka, please?" Adelina asked Haruka with teary eyes.

Haruka's heart was touched by Adelina's words who begged her, especially with tears in her eyes. Haruka saw the sadness there.

"Okay, I accept it ... but if Bubu agrees too, because all of this can not be separated from Bubu as the head of the family." Said Haruka sincerely wanted to help Adelina and Henry.

"My wife's heart is very noble, wait tonight .. I will make you happy." Whispered Bubu with a gleam in his eye.

Not getting an answer from Haruka's tiny lips, but Bubu got an affectionate pinch on his stomach.

"This pinch won't hurt honey, it just wakes up something down there." Bubu whispered again which made Haruka's face flush red.

"So Bubu how about you? Haruka has agreed to our wish? You also agreed, right?" Henry asked still begging Bubu.

"I personally leave all decisions to my wife, whatever the decision is an order for me." Bubu said, hugging Haruka's shoulder affectionately.

Bian who saw this chuckled.

"Momy's beautiful face is so red." Said Bian when she saw Haruka's face which always turned red when Bubu was affectionate with him.

Haruka's face got even redder, then lifted Bian's tiny body and kissed her exasperatedly.

"Alright Bubu, me and Adelina are very grateful to you two, because has been willing to look after Bian and ensure Bian get the right to her inheritance. Now we just have to wait for Asham to make changes to Adelina's legacy for Bian." Henry said, relieved.

"That's Asham coming, baby." Said Adelina when she saw Asham walking closer.

"Uncle Ashammm!" Shouted Bian calling Asham loudly.

"Hello princess, how are you beautiful?" Asked Asham, lifting Bian's tiny body high and then carrying her.

"Bian misses Uncle Asham." said Bian as she sank her head in the recesses of Asham's neck.

"Uncle also missed Bian, here ... you brought something for Bian." Said Asham as he reached into his pocket and took out a bag of Bian's favorite gum and chocolate.

"Whoa, candy! Thank you Uncle Asham." Said Bian with a bright face.

"You're welcome, beautiful." Said Asham while handing Bian to Henry.

"I want to sit with beautiful Momy again." Said Bian getting off Henry's lap and approaching Haruka again.

"Momy is beautiful, want candy?" Bian asked while giving Haruka three chocolates.

Haruka's heart was touched by Bian's innocence and sincerity.

"Of course, I want love." Haruka replied smiling while receiving candy from Bian.

"Thank you dear, where for Daddy Bubu, Bian?" Haruka asked again with a full gaze.

"This is for Daddy Bubu." Bian replied while giving a lollipop candy with the character of love.

"Why for Daddy Bubu, a lollipop candy with a love of affection? Why not the brown one?" Haruka asked again.

Bubu, who heard the conversation between Haruka and Bian, became curious and wanted to listen too.

"Because .... Bian loves Daddy Bubu, and wants to be Daddy Bubu's wife, just like beautiful Momy." Said Bian chuckled with her imagination which made Bubu laugh.

""You heard Henry, your daughter's answer, she loves me and wants to be my wife," she said." Bubu said with a laugh out loud.

Henry, Asham and Adelina laughed loudly in response to Bian's answer.

"Indeed, Bian sometimes plays with husband and wife dolls like Momy Adel and Daddy Henry, you know what, previously Asham was also said to be a boyfriend by Bian." Adelina replied about Bian, who always played with dolls, about a husband and wife family who also had children.

At other times everyone laughed out loud, but not for Haruka who took it seriously.

"Is it true that Bian loves Daddy Bubu?" Haruka asked, whispering softly in Bian's ear.

Bian nodded quickly in response to Haruka's question with her innocent gaze.

"Is it true that Bian wants to be Daddy Bubu's wife?" Haruka asked again in a whispered voice.

Bian stared at Haruka with innocent eyes then nodded her head again.

"Then, do you want to promise your beautiful mommy to be able to take good care of Daddy Bubu and love Daddy Bubu?" Haruka asked with a full gaze while stretching out her finger around it.

"Try to say dear, that Bian will look after and love Daddy Bubu?" Haruka asked in a low voice.

"Bian promises to look after and love Daddy Bubu, and Momy is beautiful." said Bian giggling, linking her pinky finger.

Haruka's eyes filled with tears, kissed Bian's cute and adorable pretty face.

"Thank you, dear." Said Haruka after hearing Bian's last reply as a promise to her.

"Asham, hurry up and make changes to the will now like Adelina's wish." Henry said after telling Asham about his and Adelina's wishes.

"I could make it now for the inheritance, the important thing is there is a clear signature from Adelina." said Asham while calling his secretary to type the contents of Adelina's will.

"Adelina now please just write here what you want with your husband Henry, so there will be two letters. The original letter of your writing and a valid will be recognized by the legal entity." Said Asham while handing a blank paper to Adelia.

Adelina seriously wrote the will without any doubts.

"Is it like this Sham?" Asked Adelina while showing the results of her writing to Asham.

Asham read it carefully then nodded his head.

"You can sign it with a bright name next to this stamp. Please Henry's autograph must be here too." Said Asham handed back to Adelina to sign it.