"You can sign it with a bright name next to this stamp. Please Henry's autograph must be here too." Said Asham handed back to Adelina to sign it.

"Asham, I'm asking you if one day that really happened. I want you to keep taking care of Bian and you will continue to help Bubu in carrying out his duties as foster parents for Bian. Are you willing Sham?" Henry asked seriously.

"Calm down Henry, I promise you that all my life I will serve Bubu and will take care of Bian." Asham answered seriously too.

"Thankfully, my heart is calm now. Tomorrow night we can celebrate with dinner at the hotel restaurant." Said Henry with a smile.

"Well, the will has been completed, there are two letters. The original one let me keep it in your private place, and the original two duplicates are for you and Bubu just in case you need it someday." Said Asham while giving a copy of the original to Henry and Bubu.

Bubu received the letter and read it carefully, then gave it to Haruka.

"Daddy, can Bian sleep tonight at the place of Momy beautiful and Daddy Bubu?" Asked Bian who approached Henry.

"Don't be dear, later annoying Momy beautiful and Daddy Bubu." Adelina replied, who knew Bubu and Haruka very well and aimed to Ise for their honeymoon.

"It's okay Adel, just let Bian sleep with us." Haruka said calmly.

"My wife? What do you say?" Bubu asked surely wouldn't be able to have fun with Haruka.

"It's okay Bubu, later we can arrange about that." Haruka said with a meaningful smile.

Bubu looked languidly at Haruka's face, who was more pleased with Bian than choosing her husband.

"Don't be so sad my husband, later we will have more time." Said Haruka while gently rubbing Bubu's face.


"Just put Bian here, honey." Haruka said after being in the room, while Bubu was carrying Bian who was fast asleep.

"Then where do I sleep?" Bubu asked with his innocent face.

"Here too, I think that's enough. Isn't our bed big enough? Moreover, Bian was still young." Haruka said as she changed into her nightgown.

Seeing Haruka change into clothes, Bubu quickly put Bian on the bed and grabbed Haruka from behind.

"No need to wear the nightgown dear, just leave it like this." Bubu whispered while kissing the nape of Haruka's neck.

"Bubu, hold on a little dear ... there is Bian, what if Bian wake up?" Haruka said a little avoiding Bubu's kiss.

"Haruka, come on honey .. when else can we enjoy it?" Bubu asked with a pitiful face.

"Bubu ... yesterday, we make love, honey?" Said Haruka while pinching the tip of Bubu's nose.

"Today is not my wife, I want to make love every day with you." Bubu whispered while hugging Haruka's waist from behind.

"I want it like that too dear, but you yourself know there is Bian now. It's a pity if it's interrupted later." Said Haruka, turning her body to face Bubu's face.

"In the next room can be dear ... if you want." Bubu said in a sulking voice, not giving up on persuading Haruka to want to make love to him.

"You are so naughty ... you can't stop chasing you if your desires haven't been fulfilled." Said Haruka smiling while linking her forehead to Bubu's forehead.

"I will never get tired if I chase you dear, wherever you go I will definitely follow you." Bubu whispered while lifting Haruka's body and taking her to the next room.

"Bubu, what are you doing honey?" Shrieked Haruka when she arrived at the room.

"Want you baby, I really miss you." Bubu replied while laying Haruka's body on the bed.

"Bubu, sorry for Bian being alone in the room. If her wake up, how?" Haruka asked a little restless leaving Bian alone.

"Just a moment honey, there are not fifteen minutes, I promise I will hurry." Bubu said as he locked the bedroom door and took off all his clothes at the same time.

"Bubu, why don't we postpone tomorrow when Bian comes back with her parents?" Said Haruka, still trying to persuade Bubu.

"Dear wife, what you not feel sorry for this stem of mine which has hardened?" said Bubu, grabbing Haruka's hand and placing it on his hardened stem.

Haruka looked at Bubu with pity. Indeed, Bubu's stem was already hard, and it must have been very painful.

"I'm sorry Bubu, because of me you are so tortured like this, it must be painful, honey?" Haruka asked while gently rubbing Bubu's cheek.

"It hurts so much, my wife, my stem has been waiting for you to find your intimate hole. want get inside in order to get the contents out." said Bubu with a sad face and a little grimace in pain.

"Okay honey, come here ... I'll make you feel no more pain. You will feel tremendous pleasure until your torment disappears instantly." Said Haruka stretched out her hand and was quickly greeted by Bubu enthusiastically.

With a happy feeling, Bubu helps take off Haruka's clothes. Bubu only did this when Haruka allowed him.

"Honey, are you okay? Am I asking now?" Bubu asked, without a thread stuck to his body.

"Why are you asking that Bubu? It is my duty to always be ready to serve you by giving pleasure to you so that you feel satisfied." Said Haruka cupping Bubu's face who was already on it.

"I'm not only satisfied dear, but you also have to be satisfied. I want you to also feel the pleasure that I give?" Bubu said with his face looking increasingly sad.

"Yes my husband, let's do it baby." Said Haruka embracing Bubu's waist who had crushed her.

With a desire already high and struggling in his soul, Bubu gently kissed Haruka's moist lips as her hips rocked up and down after her stem entered Haruka's intimate hole and swirled beautifully in it.

Haruka and Bubu's souls struggled each other with their sighs that were increasingly chasing irregular. Until at the peak of their climax, they release all the desires that have been stored with a heavy sigh and long moans as theirs had joined together by pressing and pinching one another.

Haruka's soft screams be heard clearly in the room as Bubu's repeated long moans.