"Now you rest okay? I will ask the hotel maid to send healthy food for you. Also to prepare food for Uncle Daniel and Dhenisa." Bubu said while contacting the hotel.

After finishing talking for a while with the hotel, Bubu returned to Haruka's place and climbed onto the bed.

"Haruka, what do you want now dear? Do you want something?" Bubu asked with a full look on Haruka's face which still looked pale.

"I don't want anything Bubu, I'm too lazy to eat. I just want to be with you." Said Haruka leaning her head on Bubu's chest.

"We'd better wait up front, sorry for Uncle Daniel and Dhenisa if they still have to wait for us to come out." Said Haruka who didn't feel uneasy in her heart.

You look restless since earlier? What do you think dear?" Bubu asked with a look full of inquiry.

"I just feel uncomfortable Bubu, I actually want to go back to Ise's house. It's calmer there, and I really like staying at Ise's house." Haruka said smiling with her eyes looking far away.

"Do you want us to stay at Ise's house until our child is born?" Bubu asked seriously.

"If it doesn't burden your heart, I want to stay at Ise's house until our child is born." Haruka replied with a doubtful feeling.

"Okay, according to my beloved wife's wish we will stay at Ise's house until our child is born." Bubu said with his final decision which made Haruka very happy.

"Thank you Bubu, I'm very happy. I love you." Haruka said with feeling.

"Hmm, me too Haruka." Bubu said with a smile.

"Bubu!" Call out Haruka excitedly.

"What is it, honey?" Bubu asked looking at Haruka with a surprised look.

"You can't! Every time I say I love you, you answer it with I love you too. Not with me either!" Haruka protested with a sullen face.

Bubu smiled, then took Haruka's hand and kissed it lovingly.

"I love you too Haruka, my most beautiful wife." Said Bubu with an affectionate look.

Haruka's face was red, she was embarrassed but very happy.

"Thank you, you have to learn to express your feelings Bubu, don't always follow. How many times have I always reminded you about this. Don't answer me too often, but use sentences." Haruka said that she often reminded Bubu that she often expressed affectionate words or love for the range of his feelings. Because in Haruka's eyes it can be counted on the fingers when Bubu expresses his feelings.

"I'm just a little surprised, how important those words are Haruka. Because you already know exactly how I feel for you. Those words can't match all my feelings for you. I can only react with my attitude not just from a single word- said. But as long as my wife wants it I will fulfill it. Starting today every morning when I wake up and find you next to me I will say good morning My wife, good night my wife I love you very much love you." Bubu said with deep eyes that could penetrate Haruka's heart which made her melt and burn her in a passion.

"I love you Bubu." Haruka whispered looking into Bubu's eyes and turning to Bubu's lips which were already approaching her face.

Bubu's breath was able to paralyze all of his nerves and muscles.

"Me too Haruka." Bubu said while gently brushing Haruka's soft and supple lips.

"We didn't do it Bubu, you don't want it now do you?" Haruka asked with all the desires of her desire that began to surround her.

"If my wife wants it, I will serve with all my heart." Bubu said slowly removing all of Haruka's clothes then covering her with a thick blanket.

"I want you Bubu." Haruka said in a low voice.

"I want you, too." Bubu replied softly pressing Haruka's body and tracing every inch of Haruka's smooth chest.

Very carefully and slowly, Bubu pampers Haruka's body with his touch and kisses.

Haruka's body reacted violently with the gentle treatment of each touch of Bubu's fingers that ran through her body.

"Bubu, can we start honey? I already want your trunk honey." Haruka said with her eyes half closed when Bubu's sexy lips had touched her neck area and left traces of love marks there.


"Bubu, looks like uncle Niel and Dhenisa have come." Said Haruka with a limp body after spending time making love with Bubu.

"You take a bath first with warm water, let me meet Uncle Daniel and Dhenisa." Bubu said as he put on his clothes.

Seeing Haruka who was a little lazy to get up, Bubu approached Haruka and lifted Haruka's body without speaking.

"Bubu! put me down honey, I can do it myself." Said Haruka who was surprised by what Bubu did again.

"Shut up dear, I know you are still weak to go to the bathroom. So I as your kind husband are always ready to help his wife." Bubu said while taking Haruka to the bathroom.

"Now then, you can take a warm bath." Bubu said lowering Haruka in the bathroom then kissing Haruka's forehead.

Haruka smiled happily at Bubu's increasing caring attitude towards her.

"Thank you, dear." Haruka said before Bubu came out of the bathroom.

Bubu blinked, then walked quickly to the living room to open the door that kept ringing.

"Bubu! It took so long to open the door!" Said Dhenisa when the door opened and saw Bubu who was smiling widely.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't hear you, I was in the bathroom earlier" said Bubu as he took Justine from Dhenisa's arms and went inside, followed by Dhenisa and Daniel.

"Sit down, if you want to drink for yourself Nis, Haruka is still taking a bath, not feeling well." Bubu said while sitting with Justine in his lap.

"Relax Bubu. Is the food ready yet?" Dhenisa asked who felt very hungry.

"It's in the back, but it hasn't been tidied up on the table." Bubu replied while kissing Justine passionately for always laughing.

"Justine likes to laugh, doesn't he? I'm sure he'll be a nice guy when he grows up." Bubu said without intending to insinuate Daniel who rarely laughed.

"Right, same as Justine's father, unlike me who rarely laughs." Daniel said with a full gaze looking at Justine who was laughing heartily in front of Bubu.