"Yeah, same as Justine's dad, not like I don't laugh often." Daniel said with a full gaze looking at Justine who was laughing heartily in front of Bubu.

"Not really, bro, who said you rarely laugh? For me and Justine you are a very sweet husband and father, sir." Said Dhenisa who had returned and listened to Daniel's words.

Daniel looked at Dhenisa with a gaze full of love.

"Thank you Zee, you can always calm my heart." Said Daniel gently pulling Dhenisa's hand to sit beside him.

With a smile Dhenisa sat beside Daniel and rested her head on Daniel's shoulder.

"Listen to me Niel, what I said earlier not only won your heart but that's the truth. You are a very perfect man in my eyes." Dhenisa said rubbing Daniel's face and pinching Daniel's sharp tip.

"Ishhh, if it's intimate, don't be when I'm alone, wait for Haruka here first. I can also be like you." Bubu said teasing Daniel and Dhenisa who were always getting more intimate every day.

"Who's waiting for me?" Haruka asked who already looked refreshed after taking a warm bath.

"Haruka, sit next to me here. I was waiting for you, they think I can't be romantic with you. Tell them what I've been up to since we were in Ise." Said Bubu who really can't be as romantic as Daniel and Dhenisa.

Haruka smiled a little, sat beside Bubu and held Bubu's hand.

"You've tried so hard honey, to be a romantic husband is so romantic that you don't care about the stares of everyone who lives in Ise." Haruka said reminiscing about the time when Bubu carried him without caring about other people's gazes or opinions.

"What is Bubu doing, Haruka?" Dhenisa asked seriously.

"He often carried me in public." Haruka replied with a chuckle.

"Oh my God, so sweet Bubu. Can you really do that, Bubu?" Dhenisa asked with a look of disbelief.

Bubu's face turned red when he heard Dhenisa's words, who doubted his abilities.

"Come on, let's not talk about anything romantic anymore. We'd better eat now I'm hungry." Bubu said intending to get up from his seat, but Haruka's hand held it.

"Bubu, I want to have our lunch at Ise Seafood Restaurant. The full menu is there." Said Haruka who wanted to eat crab fish.

"Then what is the food here for? Who eats it?" Bubu asked while handing Justine to Dhenisa.

"I'll eat later, you calm down." Haruka said with a pleading look.

"It's Bubu, just follow a pregnant woman there must be something called cravings and who knows now Haruka has started experiencing it." Said Dhenisa smiling happily because Haruka was pregnant.

"Well, what do you want my wife to do instead of crying later." Bubu said while hugging Haruka affectionately who was looking at him.

"Thank you my dear husband." Haruka said kissing the lips of Bubu who was about to talk.

"Yeah... already got a gift first without me asking, my wife always knows what's in my heart." Bubu said tightening his hug.

"Come on Bubu, let's go now while the weather is very nice to enjoy seafood." Haruka said.

When Haruka mentioned the sea and seafood, Dhenisa suddenly thought of Prince Yasa. Since her meeting with Yasa, Dhenisa has never left her thoughts. It seems that the name is stored neatly in his brain and in his heart.

"Zee, let's go? Are you daydreaming again?" Daniel asked gently caressing Dhenisa's dreamy face.

"Ehh, okay Niel...let's go." Dhenisa said getting up from her seat.

By using Daniel's car, the four of them finally arrived at a restaurant that looked luxurious but beautiful. The nuances of the sea adorn the order in every corner of the room. Even the smell of the air is almost exactly the same as being in the ocean.

"Let's just sit in the corner over there near the fish pond." Said Bubu who was interested when he saw several small children fishing.

"Look Haruka, let's try to invite Bian, she's sure she likes playing with fish." Bubu said that he loved Bian even more because with Bian, Bubu's mood was always colored with Bian's laughter and humor.

"Right Bubu, but I'm sorry Bian... because Henry won't allow it." Haruka said who really understood Bubu's feelings for wanting a child.

"Dhenisa! Why are you there?" Bubu asked when he saw Dhenisa sitting on a chair by the pool with Justine on her lap.

Dhenisa smiled at Bubu. Either her heart is very comfortable sitting on the edge of the pond while watching the children fishing. Until she didn't realize there was a boy who was seven years old standing beside her holding her fishing rod.

"Auntie, want to go fishing with me?" Asked the boy while looking at Dhenisa's face with his blue eyes.

Before Dhenisa answered the boy's question, a voice came from behind her.

"Young master Yasa!" Call a man with the appearance of a bodyguard among the rich.

Dhenisa's heart was shocked, Dhenisa reflexively looked at the small child beside her who had invited her to fish.

"Are you the one who was called by that person with young master Yasa?" Dhenisa asked with a gentle gaze at the handsome little boy in front of her.

The little boy nodded slowly.

"Right... my name is Yasa, they are servants who take care of me." Said Yasa who looked very smart.

"Young master Yasa, come on we have to go back. The big master and the big madam must be angry if the young master is here." Said the servant Yasa with a frightened face.

"Tell Daddy and Mommy I'll be playing here for a bit." Yasa said in a cold tone.

"Okay young master." Said the waiter who finally left, only two people were standing tall guarding Yasa in a position not too far away.

"Auntie, teach me how to fish." Yasa asked Dhenisa who didn't know how to fish.

"How? I don't know how to fish either." Said Dhenisa answered honestly.

Yasa was silent, then looked at Dhenisa in such a way.