If it's not meant to be, I will make it meant to be...Gu Bojing tapped his lazy looking wife...

Dongai didnt know what to say again for a while, as he thought about what Lifen said.

When he heard the gist about Bolin and Lifen and how Bolin isisted it wanst Lifen, he didnt let it bother him and didnt give much thought to it at first. But now that Lifen said she wasnt in possession of her body, he remembered this morning.

When Xiao ai pounced on Lifen this morning, the normal Lifen he knew would have pushed her off and acted like she didnt miss her instead of romancing her on the bed.

"Do you know what is going on?" Dongai asked and Lifen kept quiet for a while.

Although Lifen knew what is going on, she did not talk and only kept quiet for a while before sitting and wiping her face. She swung herself forward and backwards, as she stared into the air.

"It should be good this way?" She told herself.


"Yusheng and I...I dont think we are meant to be."