If I have enough money to buy food...Is Donought more important than the people who were worried sick about her...

Although he tapped her legs, Xiao ai still continued to talk.

"Now that brother is back, what will you use against me you wicked big sister."

She glanced at her hubby and frowned at him telling him to stop taping her legs. Gu Bojing stood and snatched the phone from Xiao Ai after which he hangs up without telling Hannah a thing.

Chairwoman Mo tapped Hannah continuously. "Is that not your sisters voice? What did her husband say?"

Hannah first glanced at the phone in her hand and sighed. "I think we should go to their house." She moved forward to pick the car key but came back again. "Wait let me ask if he is at the office."

She phoned his Assitant and relayed the message to her mother.

"He isn't in the office. Let's go to their house..I think Xioa AI is back." She moved forward to pick her key again but went back to get her purse. She did not even know what to do at that time.