Take Me Outside!

Maxwell appeared instantly inside the room where Ivy was being held prisoner, bypassing the vampire woman that was guarding the room outside.

Ivy was currently at the window, gazing at the beautiful flowers in the garden. She turned around after hearing that there's something...or someone was moving behind her. Her eyes widened upon seeing Maxwell's dark eyes looking at her intensely.

She cowered in fear.

"Moved into the bed!" he barked at her.

Ivy froze on the spot, unable to obey his direct order.

"I said...move into the bed!" Maxwell commanded.

"W-what are you g-going to do to me!?" Ivy's asked in a trembling voice. Fear covered her face.

Maxwell moved an inch forward, Ivy jumped into the bed. He lurched after her and pinned her body beneath him.

Ivy was trying to push him away but he's much stronger than her. Tears of terror sprang from her eyes. "Please...let me go!" she begged and starts sobbing.

"Don't fucking cry!" Maxwell shouted irritably.

Ivy forced her tears to stop falling. She looked the other way as Maxwell's pointed fangs emerged from his lips. He buried his fangs into her skin hungrily. She winced in pain and closed her eyes as the skin of her neck was being torn painfully and he was sucking her blood greedily.

His feeding took place for a few minutes.

Ivy was relieved after he withdraws his fangs from her neck.

She glared at him angrily and pushed him away from her body, but he remained where he is. He looked at her with a mixture of anger and adoration.

"W-what is wrong with you?" she asked him.

Maxwell got off from her body and sat on the edge of the bed. He sat there in complete silence looking at the wall as if he was in a trance.

Ivy was puzzled why he's acting strange today? He used to be gentle with her. It's the first time she saw him angry. He told her that once his father will be resurrected by her blood and the blood of other virgin women, she will become his bride. He will no longer imprison her inside the room, she can move freely outside.

It dawned on her that her chances of survival are high if she will obey all his orders and avoid provoking his wrath. She also felt relieved after knowing that the vampire brothers can't violate her body since they want a virgin sacrifice to resurrect their father who died a long time ago.

Her mind was preoccupied thinking of ways how to escape the room but until now the opportunity was nonexistent. To escape the room, she has to overpower Zonora, her vampire lady guard which is impossible to do. Every time the woman brings her food, she doesn't enter through the door, Zonora mostly appears in the middle of the room already holding the tray of food in her hands. This means...these vampires don't use doors.

She can't open the door using her strength and it bothered her so much, the thought of escaping has been consuming her thoughts all these times. If she can't open the f*cking door, she won't be able to escape!

Ivy sat on the bed and moved to the other end, making sure there's enough distance between them. She stared at his back for a moment, waiting for him to say something, it's clear that he was still lost in thoughts.

She slowly gets out of the bed and moved swiftly towards the door. She reached for the doorknob and tried opening the door, but it won't open! She managed to open it one time, but Zonora caught her before she can flee from the room, after that she can no longer open the door. They must have locked the door outside to make sure that she can't escape.

Maxwell looked at Ivy warily, the stubborn woman was desperately trying her best to open the damn door!

"Stop it, Ivy! You are just wasting your time. You can't open the door!" he said in a loud voice.

Ivy looked at him. "Can you please take me outside even for a few minutes?" she begged.

"Why do you insist on going outside? Is there something you want to see outside?" he asked.

She was afraid to voice out her question. She hasn't visited her family in the village for a long time and they were already worried about her. What she feared the most is Kate coming into the castle to investigate why she wasn't visiting their village. She doesn't want any of her family members to visit the castle on the hill knowing what lies ahead inside the castle.

If there's a way to warn her siblings not to come to this castle, she already did. Her heart was filled with sorrow after she heard from Zonora and Maxwell that everyone can enter the castle but no one can get out alive.

Zonora once told her that many terrifying creatures were lurking in the shadow of every corner of the castle. That once she successfully manages to escape from the room, she will be captured and eaten by the hungry creatures waiting secretly in every corner of the castle.

Her hope died the moment Maxwell told her that even them...the powerful vampires are also prisoners inside the castle. He told her that once his father will be resurrected from death, that's the only time they can get out alive from the castle.

When he mentioned of escape, she was torn between willing to donate her blood, but she also wanted to make sure that he was telling the truth and wasn't just deceiving her just to obtain her trust.

But her ultimate goal is to escape, why would she donate her blood willingly to resurrect a terrifying vampire that was famous for its notoriety throughout the ages? If Maxwell's father is resurrected and they will all come out of the castle, the more the human species will be swarmed with flesh-eating creatures. Donating her blood willingly was her last resort if she has no other means of escape.

It horrified her that her blood can become an instrument to resurrect the most notorious vampire of all ages, soon!

No! She can't allow that to happen! It's against her conscience.

But if they will use their power over her, there's nothing she can do about it.

She looked at him trying to understand why he was in a bad mood today.

Maxwell looked at her face keenly. "Do you want to see your sister?"

Ivy's eyes widened in horror while locking eyes with him, questions were flashing in her mind. Dread squeezed her heart tightly in her rib cage as suspicion began to form in her mind. "W-what do you mean?"

"Your sister, Kate, is inside the castle. She's looking for you, I guess..." he informed her calmly, his eyes gleaming.

Ivy gasped in shock and disbelief. "Nooooooooo!" she exclaimed in terror. She was shaking her head vigorously. How her nightmare became true all of a sudden? "No, this can't be happening!" she lamented.

"Yes...you heard it right! Your sister Kate is here inside the castle!" Maxwell repeated. He saw the fear leaping from her eyes. A while ago, he was silent the whole time thinking on how to solve his dilemma, he slowly realized that he can use Ivy to get Kate back.

What Esmeralda will know is that the two sisters we're just trying to be together, that was his plan. Will Esmeralda allow the two sisters to be together?

It's a risky plan that he's willing to explore.