Cooperation Needed!

Ivy hangs her head in defeat. Aargh! It's too late for her to warn her sister, Kate is already inside this God-forsaken castle!

Why are these terrifying events happening to her and Kate?

Why oh why!

Dang! As expected...her sister did come after her...investigating why she hasn't visited the village yet. So typical of Kate. Now they were both prisoners of the castle, the worst can happen any time, Ella might also attempt to come to the castle to find them if nobody can tell her about the dangers lurking inside the castle.

She was having a pounding headache thinking about their hopeless situation. This castle is not fit for humans! She worries so much about Kate!

"Where is my sister, Kate? Where is she!? I wanted to see her!" she demanded in an agitated tone.

Maxwell looked at her face closely, studying her reaction. "Calm down. I just want you to know that Kate was taken away by an old woman..." his voice trailed off.

Ivy's brows furrowed. "What woman? Is the old woman a vampire just like you? Can you please take me to that woman so that I can see my sister! I want to talk to her!" she chattered in an excited voice.

"Relax...Ivy. The old woman who took Kate under her wing is not my friend, she is my enemy. She f*cking refused to hand me your sister!" Maxwell retorted.

Ivy's face turned sad, her hope fizzled out the moment she heard that the old woman was Maxwell's enemy. It would be hard to see her sister again under their difficult circumstances.

If only there is a way of knowing how is her sister doing right now? She's willing to sell her soul to anyone who can tell her if Kate is okay.

"Have you seen my sister? Is she alright?" Ivy asked.

"Yes, she is healthy and pretty like you. We already have her and keep her inside one of the secret rooms and I was planning to bring Kate to you one of these days so that you two can be reunited but that old woman abducted your sister by force under my nose, that is why she was no longer under my territory," Maxwell elaborated further.

"Huh? Kate is just a few meters away from this room?" she asked wide-eyed.

"Yes! Our old human slave pushed her into the monsters' pit out of a mistake, and she was trapped in the net, my armies of dark shadows rescued her before she will be eaten alive by the monster waiting for her fall," Maxwell added for maximum effect.

"Thank God!" Ivy murmured feeling grateful for his help in saving her sister.

"Who is this old woman? Why it looks like she was more powerful than you vampire brothers?" she asked curiously.

"Her name is Esmeralda, she is a bully! If her heart stops beating, all inhabitants in this castle will die. Centuries ago, the three elders of the Nephilim race made a pearl of life and death and have Esmeralda swallowed it. Once she dies, all of us who live inside the castle will also be burned alive..."

"B-but I'm human...I don't belong in this world," Ivy protested.

"It doesn't matter. Anyone who enters the castle already signed their death warrant. You can no longer get out alive... just like us!" Maxwell dumped a bucket of ice on her burgeoning hopes.

Ivy trembles in fear and hopelessness. "If that is the case, I would rather die beside my sister!" she cried openly, tears ran down her cheeks.

Maxwell went to Ivy's side and gently cupped her face in his palm. "Oh my sweet Ivy, please stop crying. I don't like to see you crying, it breaks my heart in pieces. Don't worry, I will find a way how to get your sister back. If I need your help...would you cooperate with me so that we can get your sister back?" he looked pleadingly into her tear stricken eyes.

"Yes!" Ivy answered without hesitation. After knowing the curse inside the castle and realizing that escaping is impossible, she already accepted the bitter truth that her life will end here inside the castle. But if there is a possibility of reuniting with her sister, she will cooperate with Maxwell so that her death would be not so bad at all.

She needs to focus on seeing her sister! Escaping is now an impossible dream in her mind, so she won't exert all her energy in thinking about it.

"Is there any chance I can talk to this old woman? Maybe she will listen to my plea. I will try to ask her if she will allow me and my sister to be together..." she asked feeling optimistic.

Maxwell pondered for a moment...Will Esmeralda allow the sisters to see and talk to each other? Hmm...there is a tiny possibility that the old hag will agree. But what the old hag will think if she knows that they already got Kate's older sister in their territory? She wouldn't dare demand to get her hands of the elder sister as well? Right?

Hmm, these kinds of possibilities need to be planned well.

He can't afford any small mistake. With the way Esmeralda conned them the last time she rescued Kate, that old hag can not be trusted! They will face the risk of losing Ivy as well in the process.

If Ivy and Kate fall in the hands of Esmeralda and the old hag won't release them, then resurrecting his father which is their last hope will fall in vain.

They will all perish inside the castle sooner or later.

Making Ivy the bait to take back Kate...needs thorough planning. As long Esmeralda doesn't know about their intention to resurrect his deceased father, she won't be suspecting anything!

The plan in his head no matter how brilliant and appealing...still leaves a bitter taste on his lips. But he doesn't want to torture himself with the disastrous ending yet. There still a higher chance of succeeding as long they have a better plan in place.

"Ivy...there's something you need to know..."

"What is it?"

"Bear it in your mind that you and your sisters have a higher chance of escaping this castle alive if you girls help us resurrect our father. Once my father is resurrected from death, I will give you and your sitter full freedom. If you don't cooperate with us, you and your sister and the rest of the inhabitants of this castle will die. This is a crucial matter...Do you understand me, Ivy?" he asked. He made sure that she will believe that his father is the only one who holds the key to their survival and escapes from the castle.

Ivy nodded her head. "Yes...I understand," she replied, willing to compromise while wiping the tears from her face.

"Can I get your 100% cooperation and loyalty, Ivy?" he asked again.

"Yes. As long I can see my sister again and we can get out of this castle alive, then I will support your cause!" she responded bravely.

"Good! Let's help each other and get your sister back, okay?" Maxwell's eyes burned into hers.

She nodded her head. "Just tell me about your plan...I'm willing to listen and do my part to help you get back my sister. I'm doing it for my sister!" she said brightly, her eyes flashing with confidence and renewed optimism.

Maxwell grinned. "Alright, I will return here after I made a thorough plan. If you have a better plan you can also suggest to me, okay dear?"

Ivy smiled a bit, feeling hopeful. Her heart was burning with desire to get out of the castle alive and prevent her younger sister Ella from entering the castle in the future.

Here, inside the castle, the only one she can trust is Maxwell and his vampire brothers.

Previously, she was hesitating to help resurrect the old vampire, but today is different after she discovered that her sister Kate was also trapped inside the castle, she's willing to take the risk and face anything.

She has now plenty of reasons to fight and survive!