What's Going On?

Maxwell appeared in the secret chamber. "Are you ready, my dear?" he asked the woman sitting on the bed wearing a floral red dress, looking beautiful as ever.

Ivy nodded her head, she was more than ready to go. "Yes! Take me out of here!"

Maxwell held out his hand to her. "Good, our carriage is waiting for us," he said and gave a mirthless laugh.

Ivy reached for his hand, he grabbed her hand possessively.

They disappeared from the secret chamber and resurfaced outside, in front of the carriage.

Maxwell looked at the woman beside him and smiled. "Isn't she the loveliest carriage ever, my dear?"

Ivy's eyes widened, her breath was caught on her throat, she was stunned at the fabulous sight in front of her. She was amazed by the golden carriage's spectacular beauty, it looks like a carriage fit for royalty, an extravagant accommodation fitted for the King and Queen. And she was more blown away that two giant birds are carrying the carriage! Just wow! Astounding!