Hidden Agenda

Maxwell waved at Esmeralda inside the carriage. "Hello, Esmeralda! Sorry for coming to your place unannounced. But my lady friend here wants to see her sister Kate. Since I'm a fellow with a good heart and I can't stand seeing a damsel in distress, I escorted Ivy here into your place to reunite with her sister..." he announced.

He opened the door and commanded Ivy to leave the carriage. "Go to your sister now," he said.

Ivy eagerly stepped out of the carriage and looked at her sister trapped by the branches of the tree. "Kate!" she called out her name.

The carriage slowly floated in the air.

"Sister!" Kate replied excitedly at Ivy, she was trying to break free from the branches of the tree that was holding her back.

Esmeralda saw the scene unfolding in her eyes, she was appraising Ivy, then she looked at Kate. Obviously, the two were siblings, thier physical features are so alike in so many ways. She looked at the tree and gave her command. "Released Kate!"